Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 21 - The night before the test

Chapter 21 - The night before the test

When Ren saw Valdel, he noticed that he was now accompanied by two women. One was a calm beautiful woman, and the other looked like a bratty teenager, still she looked pretty cute. He also had two new weapons. A large sword was seen on his back it was a Zweihänder and on his waist was a knife of sorts. Ren couldn\'t discern what kind of knife it was it looked almost like it was a simple sacrificial dagger.

"Hey don\'t you remember you can only pick one weapon. Why did you get two?" The calm beautiful woman who was most probably one of the spirits residing in one of those weapons smiled at Valdel. While the bratty teenager glared at Ren while hiding behind Valdel.

"I know but I found another note urging me to pick this weapon. The owner of the note told me that even if I have another weapon I must bring this one out as well."

Ren snorted it was obvious that the owner of the shop, wanted to get rid of that particular weapon.

\'Well just like they say another man\'s thrash is another man\'s treasure.\'

"Alright then since we already picked our weapons, how about we leave. I had enough of this place." Ren said this while sighing.

"What\'s wrong Ren? Did you not get a weapon?" Valdel was very worried for his best friend as he looked at him. This was the first time Ren looked so disappointed, his was even sighing which he basically never does, aside from the times when he scolds Valdel.

"No I did get a weapon, see this tattoo on my right. This is the mark of the contract. How about you show yourself to my friend here." When Ren said those words a woman covered in a black veil and black cloak appeared out of thin air. She was holding the weapon she resided in.

"This is the spirit of my weapon and what she\'s holding is the weapon I choose to wield."

"Nice to meet you my master\'s friend." Even though no one could see pass her veil Valdel imagined that she was smiling at him.

"Wow how did you do that? How come she can disappear and reappear at will? Also why does Ren get a tattoo and I don\'t? Can\'t you do this too Zwei, Nika?" Valdel questioned the spirits of the Zweihänder and the knife.

\'He actually gave them names... Damn I\'m sure she\'s going to ask for me to give her a name too.\'

"I\'m sorry master I\'m still too young as a sword spirit to be able to do that. I imagine Nika has a similar problem" The beautiful sword spirit Zwei answered with a smile. Nika the spirit of the knife nodded her head in agreement.

"Really? Well I guess it\'s alright." Valdel answered back with a smile as well. While Valdel and his spirits were talking, Ren\'s weapon\'s spirit was nagging at him as well.

"Master why don\'t you give me a name? Your friend did it why wont you?" Ren scratched his head as he was now unmotivated after that disappointing sequence of events, with him not being able to fight this powerful spirit.

"Ok fine... From now on you shall be Silika. Are you okay with that?"

"Thank you master. I will treasure this name of mine even long after your bones turn to dust."

"Whatever let\'s just get out of here." Ren\'s weapon returned into the tattoo.

"That\'s really convenient. Hey if we go out will other people see you. Cause bringing you guys to the academy in your human forms is going to be hard."

"No problem master we can just go back into our weapons." The moment Zwei said this both she and Nika returned to their weapons.


Lara who was outside of the weapons shop simply stood in one spot looking at an empty lot. On the ground surrounding her were unconscious men and some some conscious men groaning in pain. These men were men that tried to hit on her, tried to drag her away or simply touched her inappropriately.

The moment they did so, Lara retaliated with extreme force. The people who were watching on the sidelines found it amusing and gathered around. Now they were waiting for the next brave man to approach her. The town\'s people found the whole thing quite funny which is why no one called the guards to clear up the mess.

While they were waiting for the next fool to approach her, two men suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They then proceeded to talk to the girl, the town\'s people were already betting on how long the two men could last against the girl. But in the next moment the girl and the two men suddenly disappeared from their sights.


The three friends headed for a nearby inn, and rented two rooms. One room for Valdel and another for Ren and Lara. The moment the two entered their room, Ren suddenly kissed Lara deeply. All the frustration he had awhile ago as he didn\'t get to battle Silika was released in this one moment.

Lara who was initially surprised didn\'t resist at all and accepted Ren fully as he caressed her body. Ren and Lara\'s tongues wrestled in each others mouth, while doing this Ren forcefully rips Lara\'s clothes. Exposing her beautiful young body.


Valdel who was in the room beside Ren and Lara\'s could hear Lara m.o.a.ning in ecstasy. Valdel found it extremely distracting so he moved the bed to the other side of the room. The moment he couldn\'t hear Lara\'s sensual m.o.a.ning anymore, the two spirits of his weapons appeared.

"That guy is a beast, I tell you! A beast! No wonder he was so scary!" The one who spoke was the bratty looking spirit Nika.

"Well Master\'s friend, Ren has to release his urges every now and then... I suppose." Zwei answered with a little blush on her face. Some of the spirits inside the weapons were once humans who had used that particular weapon and became legends. While the others were born that way. Zwei was the former while Nika was the latter. That\'s why Zwei had a more human reaction than Nika.

"So Umm master are you feeling sex.u.a.lly frustrated as well?" Zwei asked Valdel without looking at him.

"No! No I\'m not! Let\'s not talk about this. I need to meditate so... Umm let\'s talk later." Valdel who answered in a panic, went into a meditative position. He cast away any impure thoughts he was having. He simply concentrated in feeling the mana around him.

Zwei and Nika who saw their master quickly go into a void like state feeling the mana elementals in the area, decided to return into their weapons. Zwei looking a bit disappointed as she went back into the Zweihänder.

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