Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 28 - Fighting the Dungeon Master

Chapter 28 - Fighting the Dungeon Master

Ren materialized his weapon onto his right hand. The tattoos that were placed on his right hand as proof of the contract started to glow, slowly materializing Ren\'s weapon on his hand.

The weapon at hand had a long black handle and at the end of the handle was the blade of the weapon shaped like the crescent moon. At the other end were thin wires that could not been seen with the n.a.k.e.d eye attached to them were six inches long red sword shaped needle like things. These sword shaped needles were controlled by Ren\'s mana and looked like they were floating in mid air because of how thin the wires that connected them were.

Ren\'s weapon was a scythe that was wholly black, and the sword shaped needles were as red as blood. The scythe that he held was as tall as him, making it look even more intimidating.

The King Drake who saw the scythe Ren was holding felt a fearful energy emitting from it. The energy of death that surrounded the scythe made the King Drake instinctually back away a bit.

"Hey you lizard don\'t back away! Show me the dignity and might of a King!" Ren taunted the King Drake as if he was the one in a superior position. Knowing that the puny human was insulting him, the King Drake used [Flame Breath] again.

"That move again?" While saying that Ren jumped upwards evading the breath attack. With that one jump he was now directly above the King Drake. Once he got in a good position above the King Drake he used his mana to control the sword shaped needles to attack the King Drake.

The sword like needles pierced the King Drake and started to drain blood from it. The King Drake having its thick scales and hide penetrated was the first damage it had received since its birth. This was the first time it had known pain. So it roared once more but this time it was a different roar of a higher pitch one showing its pain. The sword shaped needles were then forcefully removed from its body. The bleeding of the attack stopped immediately due to the King Drake\'s amazing regeneration.

"What are you a baby? Afraid of being pricked." When Ren said those lines he was already behind the King Drake who in its anger swung its tail trying to hit Ren, who easily evaded.

"So how was it Silika?" While evading the tail of the King Drake who was angrily roaring, Ren started to talk to Silika.

"As I thought Master I can try to drain the opponents blood, but it doesn\'t give me power. The only person whose blood that can give me more power is you my master. Even a higher quality enemy such as the King Drake can\'t bypass this restriction."

"Damn, I thought I could somehow use the blood of a King Drake to get around that irritating skill. No matter, it\'s not like I\'ll die even if I use that skill."

While Ren and Silika were having their casual conversation, the King Drake was aggressively attacking. It was now attacking with everything it had, using its claws, its tail, its teeth, and even using skills like [flame breath] and [toxic breath]. Yet Ren easily evaded all the attacks and [toxic breath] doesn\'t really affect Ren since his whole body is coated by his own mana, negating most ailment attacks.

Seeing that all its attacks were ineffective the King Drake opened its wings ready to take to a higher ground so that it could use its most powerful attack. Ren who saw the King Drake gathering mana into it\'s abdomen same as when it uses its breath attacks smiled viciously.

Since the mana it was gathering was the most mana it had gathered since the beginning of the fight. It was pretty obvious that it was about to use a very powerful skill. Even though Ren\'s current strength was below that of the King Drake he still challenged it head on.

The King Drake flew upwards, while Ren took a stance ready to receive the incoming attack. He wasn\'t going to evade this attack like he did before this, because of two reasons. One this skill looks like it would pretty much engulf the whole area. Second Ren was waiting for this to happen, he wanted to test the very limit of what he and Silika could do.

"Now that\'s better! Are you finally getting motivated!Then I will respond in kind. Silika this lizard is about to use its strongest attack, so how about we answer it with our own strongest attack." Ren looked at the King Drake while showing that vicious grin of his, the excitement of battle energizing his own soul.

"Very well Master." As Ren commanded the seven sword shaped needles of the scythe stabbed into Ren\'s right arm, taking blood from Ren.

As Silika took more blood from Ren, a black mana started to surround Ren. The black mana took shape and now look like a black cloak covering Ren\'s whole body, his face was even covered by the black mana forming what look like a hood.

The black scythe Ren was holding, its bladed area started to glow dark red. This was the true form of Ren\'s weapon Silika. The black cloak that covers him is the purest form of the mana of darkness, death energy.

Ren was now ready to take on the King Drake\'s attack. The King Drake who felt Ren\'s death energy grew fearful, and in it\'s fear it charged its breath with all the mana it could muster. When it was ready it used its strongest attack [elemental breath], a breath infused with the elements of fire, water, earth, and wind.

The [elemental breath] that the King Drake used was upon Ren. This move was powerful enough to wipe out the whole town of Grenton and then some more. This power was something the current Ren by himself can never resist, but instead of being afraid. Ren faced it with childlike glee.

Ren covered by the cloak of death energy jumped upwards, looking like he was going to be directly hit by the [elemental breath]. The King Drake who saw what the human did, was sure that the human he faced was crazy.

Ren was centimeters away from getting hit by the [elemental breath] but before it did so, he swung his scythe at the King Drake\'s [elemental breath]. The attack Ren made sliced the [elemental breath] at the center making it split in front of Ren.

Ren who was using everything he had for the first time, felt like it wasn\'t enough. The [elemental breath] was still crushing upon Ren mid air while he almost exhausted his whole mana supply. Even the foothold of air he created to be able to stand mid air was slowly disappearing.

"Now this is what I was hoping for! Silika take more of my blood!"

"But master if I take anymore, even you might not be able to survive."

"Who the hell are you talking to Silika!? Like I said before I\'m different from those weak fools! Take some more. Don\'t you dare sully this glorious battle with your hesitation."

Silika who felt Ren\'s resolve, and battle lust had no choice but to comply. Silika took more of Ren\'s blood. Ren who was getting paler, was now surrounded by red like death energy. His Cloak had changed from the color black to the color red.

With even more power flowing through the scythe, Ren was able to actually cut through the [elemental breath]. Once Ren was able to sliced through the [elemental breath] he used the element of wind to make another stepping stone using the surrounding air, creating a foothold for him to jump upwards.

The King Drake that wasn\'t expecting Ren to survive its attack wasn\'t able to put up any kind of defense. Ren sliced through the King Drake\'s wings and was able to cut them off. With no more wings the King Drake fell to the ground, which Ren followed downwards beheading the King Drake.

The last thing the King Drake saw before his death, was the vicious smile Ren had. Its final thoughts were \'who between the two of us was truly the monster?\'


Hilda who was going down the stairs was able to witness as Ren beheaded the King Drake. After witnessing that scene she simply stood at the corner in silence. She could only look at Ren whose red cloak turned from red to black.

While that was happening, Hilda heard something but she wasn\'t sure if she heard it right, but she thought she heard Ren whispering at his now fading opponent.

"Thanks for the battle."

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