Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 34 - Why?

Chapter 34 - Why?

"Take over Grenton\'s underworld? What do you mean?! Shouldn\'t we destroy such an evil organization?!" Valdel who heard Ren\'s suggestion almost couldn\'t believe what his best friend suggested. Even though at times Ren could be very brutal in how he does things, but it was always with a purpose, and it always followed Ren\'s own sense of justice.

That was one of the reasons Valdel would follow Ren without question. Yet now he was suggesting to take over such an evil organization, certainly there was no justice in that.

"I will take over the underworld wether you want me too or not Val. Also there is no such thing as something fully evil, like there is no such thing as something being purely good."

When Valdel heard what Ren said, he strengthened his resolve and for the first time in their whole lives Valdel actually sent killing intent Ren\'s way. Valdel already knew he was no match for Ren, and he wont be able to beat him if he half ass*d it. So Valdel needed to fight like he was trying to kill Ren.

Sensing the killing intent being sent his way Ren smiled. He already anticipated this, since taking over Grenton\'s underworld was against Valdel\'s justice.

Lara who was still looking as stoic as ever, was panicking inside.

\'What the hell are you doing Val! Are you really going to fight Ren?! If you do that what should I do? I don\'t want to fight Val, but if he attacks Ren... Damn it! What should I do?!\'

The wolf girl that was behind Valdel was also able to sense the thick killing intent that Valdel was emitting. She wasn\'t sure as to why the two were fighting. Still she wanted to help Valdel but she had no weapon at hand, and based on their level of strength she might only get in the way.

"Val are you actually sending killing intent my way?" Even in the face of such a thick killing intent coupled with the strength of mana that could make a normal person faint, Ren wasn\'t bothered in the slightest.

"Ren I know as of now I\'m not your match. Also as your best friend I would never like to fight you like this, but you\'re leaving me no choice in the matter. As your best friend when you stray from the path, then I should be there to bring you back to the right path. Taking over Grenton\'s underworld isn\'t right. Please reconsider Ren, I really don\'t want to do this."

Valdel\'s voice that was full of resolve at the beginning, started to change as he continued talking in the end he sounded like his voice was cracking.

"Val, why did you decide that Grenton\'s underworld was evil? How did you come to the conclusion that they are an evil organization?"

"Isn\'t that obvious? They make slaves out of the free people. They have assassins that would kill people for money. They burn villages to make even more slaves. They sell illegal products, and do many more atrocities."

"So that\'s what you think? Tell me Val what will happen if we do destroy Grenton\'s underworld?"

"If we destroy Grenton\'s underworld wont the people be happier? Wont the slaves go free? and wont the lesser evils disappear as well?"

Ren almost couldn\'t stop himself from laughing at Valdel\'s naiveté. Still he was already aware that Valdel was like this, like all the heroes before him, so pure and righteous. Unaware of the truth, and only seeking justice. The people who become heroes all had this similar trait of a mix between ideals and justice.

"I want to explain to you why Grenton\'s underworld, heck I want to explain why all similar organizations are a needed evil, but I don\'t have the time or the patience at the moment. So let me tell you the end result of what truly happens when we destroy Grenton\'s underworld. Once we destroy Grenton\'s underworld something else will replace it, and the operations will continue anew. Before you say we destroy the new one as well. You got to understand Val, no matter how many times we destroy it after a few months or at most a few years, a new organization will take its place. Unless you stay in Grenton for eternity destroying Grenton\'s underworld isn\'t a solution."

When Valdel heard what Ren had to say his spirit sunk, and the killing intent he was emitting vanished. He thought about what Ren said and understood it, but he just couldn\'t accept it.

"So that\'s why I propose to take it over instead. If I was the one running the operations, I would be able to limit the tragedies that happen. I can\'t say that I can stop all the tragedies, but I can minimize them."

Valdel had finally calm down and sighed. "I\'m sorry Ren, I shouldn\'t have doubted you. I knew you had a plan, but all the blood kept going to my head, and hearing about such things is a first for me... I couldn\'t think straight because of my anger, I\'m sorry. Do what you wish to me Ren, kick me, punch me burn me, anything you wish, I just hope you will forgive me."

"What the hell is happening to you Val? It\'s creeping me out. You don\'t need ask for forgiveness, or any other such nonsense. You and I have been best friends since we were little, so I already knew you would react that way. I would be surprised if you didn\'t get angry."

"Ren..." Valdel didn\'t know what to say. Unlike him who doubted his own best friend, Ren believed in him, and continued to act like nothing would happen. He was ashamed to be called Ren\'s best friend.

The two girls just kept on staring at the two guys who they thought would fight, but all they did in the end was talk.

"So Val what do you say? How about we take over Grenton\'s underworld?"

"Sure, let\'s do it Ren." Valdel smiled at his easy going best friend.

"How about you Lara do you have any objections?" Lara who heard Ren\'s question shook her head.

"Also we need to drop the wolf girl at the inn before we begin." The wolf girl was surprised to hear her being mentioned.

"Let\'s do that. Are you alright with that arrangement, umm... Oh I\'m sorry I forgot to introduce ourselves. I\'m Valdel, that one over there is my best friend Ren, and the girl is also my friend, Lara. So how should we address you?"

"... I\'m called Kuro."

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