Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 81 - Let’s do a quest

Chapter 81 - Let\'s do a quest

The moment Lara found Ren, they immediately went into a room, and had a bit of fun with each other. It has been a few days since Lara last saw Ren, so her enthusiasm as they were doing it, was tripled.

Once they were done with their playing around, Ren asked Lara if she has done everything on the list he given her. Lara happily reported all her achievements, and how she has done everything on the list without any problems.

Ren who was listening to Lara\'s report was quite interested in the way she handled the fallen nobles. Ren remembered that he told Lara to ask Kithra for help for this one, yet though Lara didn\'t explicitly say it, Ren could guess that the first and last attempts to persuade the fallen noble family wasn\'t done with Kithra. Knowing Lara she most probably did that, since she wasn\'t comfortable asking Kithra for help.

Ren was also confused as to why Lara needed to kill all the children of the fallen nobles that refused to cooperate. It would have been enough to simply kill the head of the family and leave them be. In truth he didn\'t really care about the fallen nobles, except for the Regalcrags. All the others were just extras. He just wanted the others to know that they shouldn\'t mess with him and his group.

What he told Lara back then, was to take the roots, not destroy them. She either misheard him, or didn\'t understand what that truly meant. Well either way it still works for him. To Ren the lives and deaths of these people weren\'t much. He just didn\'t like the idea of killing without a reason. Well either way, those fallen nobles weren\'t exactly good people so it didn\'t really bother him much. As for Lara he just doesn\'t need to tell her the truth, since if she found out she might get a bit broken. For such a little thing, Ren decided to take it for himself.

"What happened to Gregory?"

"I sent him to kill the marquis near our village, but he hasn\'t come back from that mission. It has been around a week since I last saw him."

"Hmm, it takes around six days to get to the village with a horse, unlike us who can pretty much run all the way here in just three days. So it might be that Gregory has just arrived in the marquis\' territory."

Lara nodded at Ren\'s deduction. She then continued her report about exterminating the nobles that wanted to steal Valdel\'s sword. With Kithra\'s ingenuity they were able to make it look like the nobles fought each other out of greed.

Once Ren was done listening to Lara\'s report, he stood up and was about to leave. Lara seeing this, stood up as well and hung onto Ren\'s arm. Ren, actually found her behaviour quite cute, so he wasn\'t bothered, by Lara being a bit clingy every now and then.


Ren with Lara started looking around the smithies that where in Grenton. Ren wanted to turn the Dragon claws he found into swords. It was true that his main weapon the scythe was incredible, but it had a lot of drawbacks as well. To fully unleash its power Ren needed to offer up blood, even in it\'s idle state Ren needed to offer a huge amount of mana for the scythe to materialize.

Silika who heard of Ren\'s plan to make swords, for some reason actually agreed to it. She even sounded happy when he said that he wanted to create something like twin blades.


Ren after going around all the smithies in town, found out that no blacksmith was capable enough to handle the Dragon\'s claws. They weren\'t even able to understand where to start with it. The material Ren showed them was too much out of the norm, and they had no clue on how to smelt the object radiating a great amount of mana.

It was then that all the blacksmiths suggested the same thing. The only beings in this land that could make a sword out of something like a Dragon\'s claw were the dwarves. Ren who heard the race called dwarves in the conversation was intrigued. This was the second time he heard of this race. It would seem that their blacksmithing skills were nothing short but legendary. This made Ren really excited, he needed to gain more info regarding dwarves.

He wanted to learn where they live, so that he could journey there, and take one of them as his personal blacksmith. While Ren was thinking on how to go about locating these dwarves, he heard someone yell.

"Ren you bastard, you\'re finally back."

"Oh, Hilda you\'re as beautiful as ever." Hilda who suddenly appeared, attacked Ren in which he dodged perfectly as he complimented her with a smile. Hilda unable to hit Ren got furious and continued attacking, Lara on the other hand simply watched, as Hilda made a fool of herself.

"Why are you trying to hit me, Hilda?" Ren asked as he continued dodging Hilda\'s punches. The two of them hadn\'t noticed that they had already drawn a crowd due to their antics.

"You suddenly left to go on this solo adventure, and haven\'t been back for six days! At first, I thought, you were just going out to clear your mind after the battle with Alfred. But no, that\'s not what you did, you actually went missing for six days! We just created our party and did only one quest. I didn\'t quit my job, and became an adventurer again, to do quests by myself."

Hilda\'s ice cold persona, had changed drastically. This surprised Ren, but also made him think that Hilda, was cuter than before. He liked Hilda\'s icy cold pride, but she also liked this childish passionate Hilda as well.

Ren then caught both of Hilda\'s arms, and pulled her near him making it look like they were hugging. Lara who saw this was about to move, but saw Ren shake his head. Lara gritted her teeth as she stopped herself.

Hilda who was now confused and red as an apple could do nothing since no matter how much she struggled she couldn\'t break free, since Ren was stronger than her. Ren who had placed his mouth near Hilda\'s ear, spoke.

"I know I worried you, and I\'m sorry about that. How about this, let\'s go and do a quest right now. What do you say?"

"Who the hell was worried about you?!Didn\'t you hear what I just said?! I just want you to do your job as the party leader." Ren finally let go of Hilda, and smiled as he patted the red faced girl, which no one knew if she was red faced because of embarrassment, or anger. Lara was also looking at the two\'s interactions and didn\'t really like it. In her head every second Hilda was hugged by Ren, was replaced with her sticking an arrow into her eyeballs.

"Well whatever you say. Come on let\'s do that quests you seem to love so much." Ren walked ahead of Hilda and was followed by Lara. The three of them headed towards the adventurers guild.

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