Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 103 - Give me your techniques

Chapter 103 - Give me your techniques

\'It\'s been a while since an incarnation was able to access this path. So I better have as much fun as I can.\' Leo thought this way, since all the incarnations of this soul were held here after death. Of course their physical bodies were long gone, but their consciousness remained. This was both a blessing and a curse.

"So what kind of technique do you want to learn? Who do you want to face first? Don\'t worry even though the current you is weak, in this place you can turn back into Demon Lord kretos. Basically in here everyone can return back to their peak state. Also the weapons you once used can be replicated in this space." Leo said this while smiling viciously at Ren. Of course Leo could already guess what Ren would say and do.

Though Leo said that they were different, it was still true that deep down their very essence was the same. As he expected the moment Ren heard what Leo said he quickly understood how to return to his peak state in this space. Ren suddenly grew larger and taller, his face changed into a handsome man with two large horns that grew at the side of his head.

Ren, no Demon Lord Kretos finally felt the power he once lost come back to him. Even though he knew that this was only possible inside his soul, he was still intoxicated by his former power. The reason he felt this way, was because of the difference between his peak state and his current fifteen year old human self was huge. Still in the end he was able to control himself.

Now that he was back in his peak form, Kretos felt more confident as he looked at the smile Leo was giving, he too was showing the same excited smile on his face. Kretos then manifested his weapon of old in his right hand. A large broadsword appeared in his right hand, this was Kretos\' beloved sword that was made from the bones of the young dragon he killed before, as well as the essence of Vampire Lord. Once his weapon was summoned he pointed it at Leo.

"So Leo, how about you give me all your techniques."

Hearing what Kretos said got Leo extremely excited, as he too summoned his beloved weapons. The weapons he summoned were Chaos and Serenity, twin blades one that was a dark as the abyss, while the other was blue like the calming oceans.

When Kretos saw those blades he was surprised, weren\'t those the swords that approached him in that weapon shop. It was the same weapon, but the strength it exuded was different. When Leo saw the surprise look in Kretos\' face he knew what the other was thinking.

"The Chaos and Serenity you saw in the weapon shop was a weakened version, since this weapon returns to its weakest state after completing its mission to bring the beginnings end. The Chaos and Serenity you see me holding was when they were at the peak of their power. Now that you know this, do you still wish to challenge me."

Kretos could feel that the twin swords were extraordinary, coupled with Leo who felt equally powerful, made for an intimidating combo. Still this didn\'t really frighten Kretos to back out from the challenge, instead he got even more excited.

"Of course I do!... Still what happens if one of us accidentally kills the other?"

"Don\'t worry about that, you do know that\'s not your real body right? This is inside your soul, if you die here nothing will happen, you\'ll just come back after a few seconds."

Hearing that made Kretos even more excited. That would mean he and Leo can go all out without reservation.

"Very well, how about we begin the challenge now!"

"Such an impatient junior. Well then come at me anytime you want." Seeing how relax Leo was agitated Kretos a bit. Even though Leo already explained that Demon Lord Kretos was ranked in the ten thousands while Leo was ranked in the top ten based on strength, Kretos wanted to see with his own eyes the difference in power.

"Fine then, I\'ll show you my strongest attack!" Kretos raised his hands up pointing towards the nonexistent sky and started expel mana from his body. A huge ball of mana floated above Kretos\' head, it grew bigger and bigger. Once the ball of mana reached the size of a small country, which was roughly 300 km², Kretos started to compress it. The huge ball of mana started to shrink until it was able to fit Kretos\' hand.

This was Kretos strongest magic, that could wipe out a whole continent in one shot. The whole process to use this spell took a few minutes, and all throughout this process Kretos was vulnerable. Yet even though he was open for attacks Leo didn\'t do anything as he simply stood there waiting for Kretos to finish. This was the arrogance of the strong, the same arrogance Kretos usually displayed against his own opponents.

"Are you done, my junior? Are you ready to attack?" Hearing what Leo said, made Kretos smile a bit. Even their way of provocation was the same.

"Yes I\'m ready. I hope you receive this properly." Without waiting for Leo to answer, Kretos threw the ball of mana towards Leo. Once it was released the ball of mana that was palm sized started to slowly grow larger. The surrounding area that it touched would usually disintegrate, but in this empty space there was nothing to disintegrate.

Leo watched the approaching ball of mana heading towards him with a vicious smile on his face. At that moment Kretos saw Leo surround himself with something. It was something similar to mana, but Kretos was sure it was a different power. It also looked like sword intent but it wasn\'t that as well. Leo was using a power that Kretos couldn\'t understand.

The ball of mana was now about to hit Leo, but even now it doesn\'t look like he was planning to dodge, instead he raised his right arm to block the ball of mana. Kretos was surprised to see Leo do that. This was the first time an opponent ever did that with his strongest attack. Most people would try and dodge, even thought that was futile. Some of them would try and teleport. While the stronger ones like the young dragon he fought would try to counterattack by using its own strongest spell. But Leo did none of those, instead he simply received the attack with his bare flesh.

The moment the ball of mana had contact with Leo\'s hands it stopped. Kretos couldn\'t believe his eyes, this attack was even able to damage a true dragon, even though it was young it was still a dragon. Yet here in front of him was a person that didn\'t look like he was having a hard time grabbing the ball of mana.

Once Leo grasped the ball of man, he clenched his fist and destroyed it. Kretos almost had his eyes popped out as he couldn\'t believe what he just saw. Leo seeing Kretos\' reaction smiled.

"So is that you\'re best attack? If so, this won\'t be much of a fight will it. I guess I need to give you a handicap. I\'ll match my mana and spiritualization to your level. I\'ll even use a different weapon. Also don\'t be bothered about preserving mana, since in here your mana will refill immediately after use." After explaining things to Kretos, Leo changed his weapon into two normal short swords. His imposing presence also dialed down a bit.

Kretos who heard what Leo said wasn\'t really insulted since he knew that he was truly no match for Leo. Kretos just felt a little bit bad for Leo that he wasn\'t a worthy opponent enough for the other party to go all out. Kretos was also much more interested in the term spiritualization. Was that the power that was surrounding Leo as he blocked the ball of mana? Kretos shook his head, and smiled.

\'This is no time to be thinking about such things. For now I just need to enjoy the battle right in front of me.\'

Kretos casting away all his idle thoughts as he focused on the battle charged forth. Leo seeing that Kretos didn\'t back down even in front of the overwhelming power difference made him feel elated.

\'As expected no matter the incarnation, no matter how weak, in the end we are fools hungry for battle.\'

The two that shared the same soul clashed their swords, with gleeful smiles on their faces.

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