Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 121 - Reinforcements

Chapter 121 - Reinforcements

Lara was now fighting against a wave of Dullahans beside her were Iselv, Kithra, and the remaining subordinates. During the first charge of the Dullahans Lara was able to take down two that approached her, by jumping upward and doing a scissor kick empowered with mana. She was able to easily kill her enemies with these kinds of moves because all of Lara\'s moves had a large amount of mana being released as she strikes.

Iselv with his Warhammer was able to smash the horses of the Dullahans and pounded the riders to the ground.

Kithra with a combination of agile movements and small continuous barrages of beginner level spells was able to take down one or two Dullahans at the first charge. Some of the remaining subordinates were able to fend for themselves after the first charge, but most of them died there and then.

The hundred or so men have now become ten counting Lara, Iselv and Kithra, were all stricken by immense fear. The remaining seven subordinates could no longer take it and started fleeing the battlefield. Even though they were scared sh*tless of Lara, they weren\'t stupid enough to stay.

The chances of escaping Lara\'s grasp were much higher than surviving against this undead army. Using everything they had the remaining men started escaping. Lara who noticed there escape didn\'t bother with them since she already said that they may leave anytime.

Some of the Dullahans followed the escaping men, their fates after this was unknown.


Lara with only Iselv and Kithra left were surrounded by undead. They were also being bombarded by different kinds of spells. Lara and Kithra were alright as they were nimble enough to evade the attacks, Iselv, on the other hand, simply took the attacks head-on. His body empowered by his bloodline ability was able to withstand the spells hitting him.

Still, even with his abnormal physique and durability, Iselv was sustaining too much damage in such a short amount of time. When Lara saw this she spoke, "Kithra take Iselv and leave." Lara knew that there was no more hope in stopping the undead march, and she couldn\'t allow Iselv to die since he was a very important piece that Ren needed.

Hearing what Lara said made Iselv laugh. "Are you asking us to die little lady?" Iselv asked as he was smashing another undead mage.

"What are you talking about, I\'m asking you to leave," Lara answered in a cold tone as she crushed another undead in her hands.

"Are you feigning ignorance, or do you genuinely not understand what will happen to us if we leave you here?" Kithra asked as she blocked an incoming spell.

"What do you mean?"

"She really doesn\'t know... Look here little lady, if we leave you here and something happens to you, how do you think Ren will react?"

"He would simply say that this is as far as I could go. Then he will proceed to annihilate the enemies." Lara answered seriously still not understanding what they were getting at. Though, now that she thought about it, she felt extremely dejected imagining letting Ren down.

"That includes us! He will kill us as well if we left you to die!" Iselv shouted as he smashed the ground with his Warhammer shaking it.

Lara hearing what Iselv said finally understood what was happening. \'So they weren\'t staying behind out of loyalty, but out of pure fear.\'

"Fine then, you can stay." After saying that Lara didn\'t continue to talk and went back in concentrating on destroying the enemy before her. Iselv and Kithra did the same and no longer talked. The three of them facing thousands of enemies stood in the middle with no fear of death.


Two hours of fighting continuously and getting hit relentlessly, Iselv was finally slowing down as his wounds grew more and more. Kithra was also nearing her limits, as most of her mana was nearly gone.

On the other hand, Lara remained the same, her breathing her movement remained ever calm, her face was as stoic as ever. Still, deep inside she was already nearing her limit as well, while they were fighting she was also subtly protecting Kithra and Iselv. Normally she would never have done that, but these two people, especially Iselv was a truly important piece for Ren\'s ambitions, so as his woman she needed to do her best to support her man.

As despair was slowly creeping in, Lara felt a familiar fluctuation of mana. This was not the person she was hoping to see, but he was good enough. As the spells from the surrounding undead mages intensified, a man wielding a Zweihander joined the battle.

With the large sword at hand, he slashed at the incoming spells absorbing them. He then countered using a sword wave. Even though slashing weapons like a sword was not as effective against undead, with his raw power alone that defect wasn\'t really worth anything.

Then from the encirclement of the undead, two ladies one wielding a halberd shining blazing red and the other wielding what looked to be the blade of a guillotine were having a competition on who kills more undead. These two beautiful maidens with weapons at hand were plowing through the horde of undead.

"How are you holding up?" Valdel who had joined the battle stood beside Lara and asked.

"A little bit tired, but now that you\'re here protect my body as I rest." Without any hesitation, Lara suddenly slept in the middle of the battlefield. It didn\'t even take her a second before she was able to enter the world of dreams. As Rachel and Natasha were healing Iselv and Kithra they were surprised to see what Lara did.

Valdel could only smile wryly as he picked up the sleeping Lara. The only reason Lara acted like this was because of her trust that Valdel could protect her. Aside from Ren, Lara only trusted Lisa and Valdel, and sometimes Hilda. Knowing how strong Valdel was, she knew that he could easily protect her body as she rested.

"We\'re going to retreat, once I open up a path all of you start running. Rachel, Natasha if you can please take the rear guard."

Hearing Valdel\'s order made Rachel and Natasha smile.

"Aside from my God, you are the only one who has ever ordered me to do anything. Very well, seeing as you\'re my future Hero I\'ll do as you say." Rachel happily responded.

"Very well, I will do as you say, my Hero," Natasha responded with a wry smile. When Rachel heard Natasha\'s response, she knew that the flat-chested female was actually challenging her. Since she said \'future Hero\' while Natasha said \'my Hero\' which means it\'s a done deal.

Before Rachel could respond in anger, Valdel shouted at them. "Everyone get ready! I\'m opening a path now." Valdel passed Lara\'s body to Iselv as he held the Zweihander tightly with both hands.

\'Zwei help me in this.\' Valdel said telepathically to Zwei.

\'As you wish my master,\' Zwei answered.

Valdel with the assistance of Zwei started to gather a massive amount of mana into the sword. The sword started to glow pure white. He then slashed Horizontally creating a massive sword wave that sliced through the trees, the undead and everything in its way.

A huge path was created inside the encirclement, this sword technique almost drained all of Valdel\'s mana, he only left enough for him to be able to escape. The people who were with Valdel, were stunned. Even the holy maidens that have seen a lot of powerful individuals only knew only a few people that could replicate that move and those people were old masters.

On the other hand, Valdel was still young and had more potential for growth. Knowing this made the two holy maidens want Valdel even more.

"What are you guys doing run!" Hearing Valdel\'s shout the others were jolted awake as they started running for their lives.

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