Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 228 Professor

Chapter 228 Professor

Afeus and the young man called Kretos left the magic room and were now heading to meet Afeus\'s professor that could possibly know who Kretos was. While they were walking Kretos was looking around curious about everything he saw. In some sense, he was like a newborn baby curious about every single thing. Though that\'s what Afeus felt as he watched Kretos looking around with that curious gaze of his.

The truth was, what made Kretos curious wasn\'t the same curiosity Afeus imagined. Kretos was curious about the defenses of the school. While walking, Kretos noticed that this school wasn\'t built just willy-nilly, it had a purpose a very defensive purpose. For some reason the more he looked the more he could see the strengths and flaws in the defenses.

Not only that, as people were passing by Kretos was also able to assess how powerful that person was with just one look. This just reinforced the idea that he should\'ve been a Commander before he lost his memory.


After walking for quite some time, the two finally arrived at their destination. On the outside, it looked like a broken-down building that had been through a lot. Based on Kretos\'s observation, the building had been burnt, been frozen over, been bombarded by physical attacks, it basically has withstood great punishment. While Kretos was assessing the building, Afeus stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Upon knocking for a few times no one answered. \\"Professor, are you in there?\\" Afeus shouted outside the door. When no one responded again, Afeus opened the door. He and Kretos stepped inside and the moment they did, the two of them could smell a foul odor.

While walking in the room, Kretos could see a ton of books pilled up into mounds. Kretos was amazed at seeing that many books in one place, that wasn\'t a library. The room itself had no furniture or any other thing aside from books, maps, and a few talismans.

The room was rather big, and it took the two of them a while to find the source of the stench. In what looked like to be the middle of the room, there was a tall smelly middle-aged woman reading a book. Though her hair was untidy, and the outfit she was wearing doesn\'t look like it has been cleaned for weeks, you could still tell she was a beauty.

The woman didn\'t notice the two approaching as she was engrossed in her reading. \\"Professor? Hello, Professor Mia, do you hear me?\\" Afeus approached the professor and tried speaking louder but there was no response. Afeus was about to shake Mia to get her attention, but the moment he came close enough he could feel a dense amount of mana gathering. This was the same feeling as when someone was about to cast a spell.

Unable to react on time Afeus could only raise his arms to block whatever was coming. The moment the spell was about to hit him, Afeus saw Kretos suddenly appeared in front of him and easily blocked the incoming spell.

\\"Oh, overwhelming my defensive spell with a simple wave of your hand. That must mean the sheer amount of mana you posses is so great a spell of this level isn\'t enough to even make you flinch.\\"

Afeus could hear Professor Mia\'s voice but it wasn\'t coming from the person in front of him reading. The sound of the voice was coming from an entirely different location.

\\"How about you show yourself, or do you want me to use force?\\" Kretos spoke while emitting his usual dangerous aura.

\\"My, my, what an aggressive child we have here. Not that I don\'t like that kind of attitude, in fact, you\'re the type I prefer. Now, if only you were even a tiny bit handsome you would\'ve been perfect.\\" From behind one of the mounds of books another Professor Mia appeared.

This Professor Mia wasn\'t looking as dirty as the one continuing to read. The Professor Mia that was slowly walking towards them did not have messy hair, was not wearing an old stinky outfit. Instead, she was properly groomed and was wearing proper clothes befitting her status as a Professor. With her looking like that you could finally see how attractive she was.

Professor Mia then snapped her fingers making the Professor Mia who was reading disappear. The smell also disappeared, but the dirty room still remained dirty.

\\"So Afeus you finally were able to wake up this young man.\\" Professor Mia was now looking at Kretos with a curious gaze.

\\"Yes, due to various circumstances. Actually Prof-\\" Afeus was about to tell Professor Mia the main purpose of their visit, but then he saw her placing her index finger near her lips gesturing for silence.

\\"Before we continue our conversation since there\'s someone new here how about we introduce ourselves. I presume that you haven\'t introduced yourself to this young man yet. Am I correct Mr. Krain?\\"

\\"No, I haven\'t... I\'m sorry I forgot to introduce myself.\\" Afeus turned around and spoke to Kretos. \\"It doesn\'t really bother me,\\" Kretos responded while shrugging his shoulders.

\\"Even so, it\'s only proper manners to introduce myself. I\'m Afeus Krain, twenty-six years old, a student of Rulwarry, Institute Of The Arcane.\\" After Afeus introduced himself, Professor Mia stood in front of Kretos showing a coquettish smile.

\\"As for me, I\'m Mia Sallow, a Professor here in Rulwarry, Institute Of The Arcane. I teach history and Archeology. Most of the students call me the mistress of illusion. It\'s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Sir.\\"

Kretos simply looked at the smiling teacher and didn\'t bother to introduce himself. Well, to be fair he couldn\'t introduce himself even if he wanted to, seeing as he wasn\'t even sure if Kretos was his real name.

\\"Oh my, trying to be the mysterious type? So what is it you want from me, that you came here to visit?\\" Mia then made a sitting motion and a chair appeared out of thin air.

\\"Actually-\\" Afeus proceeded to explain Kretos\'s current predicament.

\\"Amnesia is it? So you have absolutely no recollection of anything?\\" Mia rested her head on her hand.

\\"That\'s what we wanted to ask you, Professor. Do you know a commander by the name of Kretos?\\" The moment Mia heard that name she stood up and approached Afeus.

\\"Where did you hear of that name?\\" Mia\'s reaction to the name surprised both Afeus and Kretos.

\\"We believe that might be his name,\\" Afeus pointed at Kretos. Mia looked at Kretos with a weird expression as she started mumbling to herself.

\\"Is it a coincidence? ... But he\'s human... It could be another Kretos...\\"

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