Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 242 Side Chapter: The ORIGIN

Chapter 242 Side Chapter: The ORIGIN

In the emptiness before time, before the flow moved forward, backward, upward, or downward, or anywhere at all, before the very first concept was born, there was nothing and in that nothingness, a being of unknown power was born. The unknown power was the first sentient life in all of reality. It existed before the beginning and it will exist beyond the end.

This being was the ORIGIN, of course this was a name that was later made for it. Its real name cannot be pronounced nor could it even be thought about. It had no shape or form, it was a part of the nothingness at the same time it went beyond it.

The ORIGIN was the only being that had a sense of self. In its boredom the concept of time was created. In its contemplation reality came into existence. With its dreams the universes had burst forth. Like him his dreams had no beginning and no end.

As the only being with a sense of self, the ORIGIN became lonely. In that loneliness it created beings that could keep him company. It created a being that shared a part of its core self. This being was made to disperse the ORIGIN\'s loneliness.

The being created was created as a seemingly perfect being able to attend to the ORIGIN\'s every need. Seeing that its new creation was successful the ORIGIN created more of the perfect being. These beings would be known as the God race.

The Gods were created to be a perfect existence that would do no wrong. But in that perfection laid their flaws. Since they were perfect that was it, that was their end. They couldn\'t grow, and that meant they could never match the ORIGIN, so in the end, they weren\'t true companions.

The God race turned out to be failures, they were nothing more than children or servants of the ORIGIN. They couldn\'t be his companion as they could never reach its status. Still, the God race were its children and from them, the ORIGIN gained love.

From that love, light and darkness were born. The ORIGIN felt that even though the God race were failures, they were still able to remove its loneliness but only for a time.

So from there, the ORIGIN created new beings, these beings were full of imperfections, but their ability to grow was infinite. These beings started out as insignificant beings that were also born from nothingness. But unlike the ORIGIN they didn\'t spawn as beings beyond perfection, they started from the bottom and slowly rose up from there. From the initial being they evolved into different life forms. The better-evolved ones would later be identified as humans.

The human race was the younger siblings of the God race. Like most siblings they vied for the attention of their parent. To the Gods, the humans were no threat, but as the flow of time moved onward the Gods noticed something. The humans were constantly changing, they were curious little beings that started to create things. Thought their creations were nothing like the creations of their parent the ORIGIN, the humans still had the ability to create.

Even the Gods, the ORIGIN\'s first creation had no ability to create. That was an exclusive skill of the ORIGIN or so the Gods thought. Being a race that was at their peak state and capabilities, if they didn\'t have the ability to create before, they would never have the ability to create forever.

The Gods then asked the ORIGIN to give them the gift of creation. Of course, the ORIGIN complied and gave the Gods the power to create. When they got the power, the Gods were once again far ahead of the humans. But same as before as time continued to flow the humans continued to improve. On the other hand, the Gods remained the same.

The Gods seeing that the humans might eventually surpass them, felt threatened. If they reached the same realm as the ORIGIN, won\'t they the first children become obsolete. No beyond that fear and Jealousy, the Gods were being consumed by a myriad of emotions. As they had remained the same since the beginning they were unable to cope with these new feelings that were birthed from within them.

It was a rather curious case, which even the ORIGIN could not fully comprehend. The ORIGIN was the creator of everything in existence save for itself. But despite its omnipotence it couldn\'t understand how his perfect beings were gaining new things despite it not giving it to them.

The Gods who were overwhelmed by these new emotions started attacking their younger sibling the humans. Of course, humanity fought back with everything they had. The Gods and humans of that time were both immortal beings, so despite them attacking each other, no one could actually win.

Seeing that the progress the humans were making was slowing down because of this sibling rivalry the ORIGIN intervened.


When the ORIGIN intervened, the Gods in their fury attacked their master, their creator, their parent. Yet no matter what they did the ORIGIN was too powerful and they could never hope to win. Unlike the human race the ORIGIN had the power to erase them from existence. Still, they continued to persist. Though in the end the result was the same.

But unknown to anyone this fight came at a cost that even the ORIGIN couldn\'t foresee. Seeing as the ORIGIN had shared a part of himself to the God race, their fury and their jealousy had infected him. It wasn\'t too much, but the ORIGIN no longer remained the impartial Judge.

The ORIGIN still loved humans, but he acquired the fear of the God race and felt threatened by their growth. The ORIGIN who was infected by the God race\'s feelings had forgotten its original purpose in making the humans and decided to suppress them.

Every time human civilization would reach a certain point he would reset it. The humans who used to be immortal turned mortal beings and would now enter the cycle of death and rebirth. Though their advancement became slower, the humans still continued to move onward.

Through the cycle of death and rebirth, a human had broken free from the ORIGIN\'s control. He was the hero of the human race, one loved by battle, he who could battle fate itself. This was the original incarnation of Edge, Ren, and the others. The original now free from the shackles of the ORIGIN was the only being that could match its strength.

Unfortunately, even with the original\'s strength he was unable to win against the ORIGIN. Despite his failure, the original vowed to fight for the humans, so that they too may break free as well from the shackles of the ORIGIN.

He tried to stop the ORIGIN from resetting human civilization from every universe, sometimes he would win but most times he would lose. In the end no matter how hard he struggled he couldn\'t save them from their fates. Yet that didn\'t stop the original from continuing his never-ending battle.

Though it was a hopeless situation, and there were no signs that he could win. The original kept on going with a vicious grin on his face. Yet despite his power, the original was still mortal, and would eventually die. Once death embraces him he would once again enter the cycle of death and rebirth, and from there be shackled to the ORIGIN. Knowing of this problem, he created his own reincarnation cycle separate from the other humans.

His powerful soul as the conduit, the original was able to continue to reincarnate without the ORIGIN\'s influence. Thus their battle continued on and within those battles the ORIGIN never felt lonely again.

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