The plot collapses: All the heroines are broken!

Chapter 70 Familiar Yet Unfamiliar

Not wanting to look untidy in front of the one whom she now wanted to chase after, Mei Qing, while bathing, cleaned every nook and corner of her body which was giving off a bad smell.

She hadn\'t seen Su Chen for a while, and finally she was going to meet him again….

This feeling was just like a sun shining after a dark stormy night, she couldn\'t put it in suitable words.

She wanted to look like the most dazzling rose in front of his eyes.

Wearing a black top with a matching skirt, a pair of silky-knee length socks with high heels. At last, with a little make-up, by 11 am she finally came out of her room.

In the living room, her father Mei Quan was laughing along with her uncles and aunts.

All the core members of the Mei family were present there.

Seeing Mei Qing coming downstairs in such an eye-catching look, her father couldn\'t help but laugh out even more aloud, "Haha, see my daughter came down hearing the happy news."

"Of course, she will be married soon. She is happy that\'s why she is wearing a good dress", said her third aunt.

Looking at their ecstatic expression as if they had eaten honey, a bad premonition arose in Mei Qing\'s heart.

Her father came closer to her and patted on her back.

"Two days later your birthday will come, at that time I will announce your engagement with Quan Fenrir."

Mei Qing was thunderstruck!

She had just realised her true feelings for Su Chen, How can she marry someone else?

She still hadn\'t chased back Su Chen!

She still hadn\'t been forgiven by him completely.

She finally realised why all the people gathered here were so happy… They seemed to have talked about her marriage with the Quan family without her knowing anything. 

Of course, she was no stranger to the name Quan Fenrir, one of the heirs of the local-top four families in Roorke city.

This guy was famous for being notorious. He had such a bad reputation that almost every businessman knew that as long as someone sent a big-beauty to his door to sleep, he would support them unconditionally.


-Using all the energy she could muster, Mei Qing refused adamantly.

"I am not going to marry that thug."

"If you guys think that by marrying me off to that Quan Fenrir you can climb Quan family thighs and once again try to expand Mei family\'s business then you are mistaken."

"I am not some bargaining chip!"

All the people present had ugly faces upon hearing her words.

But before Mei Qing could see their reaction, the very next second, a harsh slap greeted her cheeks.

Her eyes widened as she fell from the stairs.

The slap with such a big and heavy hand was quite impactful. When Mei Quan heard her refusal, he didn\'t hold back in the slightest.

A little blood came down from her forehead, Mei Qing\'s eyes widened.

Since her mother\'s demise in a car accident, except her father no one was really close to her heart among all the aunts and uncles that were present.

She knew her father didn\'t cherish her much as he always wanted a boy. She used to hear her father\'s constant scolding of her mother, he used to call her a bitch, a lowly woman who can\'t even produce a male heir? 

But she endured, that\'s why she shouldered all the pain, all the slanders and Su Chen\'s constant pestering for 3 years, so that she can make the Mei Group one of the top business groups. With Su Chen\'s backing, and her hard work, she believed that as long as she kept going on, one day she would be successful and at that time her father would look at her proudly and say- This is my daughter.

But he never even showed a smile, throughout years, for him..she was just like a money-making machine.

And, being hit by the same father, even that last straw of affection diminished.

All her aunts and uncles who are living happily in big houses and spending money\'s all because of her working overtime and Su Chen\'s help, all of them under the lead of her father shouted at once,

"Mei Qing, how dare you refuse! Only by hugging the Quan family can we have cash inflow, all our money is almost spent", said her first uncle.

"Mei Qing, my son wants to buy a Lambhorgani. Where will the money come from? You must marry Quan Fenrir. As long as you marry him, all our financial problems will be solved", spoke second aunt.

"Yes, with the capital Quan family has, helping us to once again become a top family in Roorke city is indeed possible, Mei Qing you must marry Quan Fenrir", spoke her fifth uncle.


Her father, Mei Quan shutted everyone\'s mouth with his domineering voice.

"Mei Qing, as a member of the Mei Family, when the family is in crisis, you show your back? Had it not been for your looks that Quan Fenrir had taken fancy to, we would have married another girl from our family to him."

"Who even wants a cold-arrogant president like you?"

"We raised you with our blood and sweat, and now it\'s your turn to be filial to us", Mei Quan spoke in an unquestionable tone, he didn\'t care about the injured Mei Qing who had fallen down the stairs.

Hearing everyone reprimanding her, Mei Qing\'s heart became cold. 

If earlier her love for her father disappeared, this time her belonging to the Mei Family itself disappeared.

With tears in her eyes, not caring about the streak of blood that fell down her cheek from her forehead, she growled,

"Pay you back?"

"I ask each and everyone of you present here, had I not done enough? When you guys instead of taking care of company\'s affairs used to go on vacations, used to spend nights in casinos or were always busy shopping and enjoying your blissful life, it was me who was working overtime and had dark circles under my eyes, the following day."

"But never any of you present asked about it, it was only Su Chen who used to ask why was I tired every day? Why do I not sleep properly? It was only because of his money and connections that we can have even our current wealth."

All the people present forgot that before Mei Qing met Su Chen, How down to earth each of them were, but too much money and power, all of a sudden, can change any person. How can they, having fickle personalities, be an exception?

Their eyes were full of disdain. How could a junior talk back to them like this? Their arrogance didn\'t allow them to accept what Mei Qing was saying.

All of them sneered inwardly and had the same mind that Su Chen was just a rich second generation. Even without his help they can reach the same heights again.

Her father, who shared the same view, scolded her once again, "Don\'t think about that bastard Su Chen, that trash rich generation was not a good person. He must have found a mistress that\'s why he dumped you. Don\'t worry that Quan Fenrir is more capable than Su Chen, who was just a waste."

"Now go back to your room! In two days we will have your birthday party. I will invite a lot of well-known people there. In front of them, I will announce your engagement to Quan Fenrir, I don\'t want to hear any excuses."

Hearing such harsh words, the girl who only aspired to become a son in her father\'s eyes was completely broken. 

Tears kept dripping down as she dared not lift her head to see all those faces who were once familiar yet seemed unfamiliar at this point.

She wanted to run away~

And that\'s what she did, slowly…she got up, then started running away.

Past her cold father, past all those uncles and aunts, past the gate of the house, past this vain Mei Family, her footsteps only kept increasing in pace. 

Without looking back, she ran away in the direction Su Chen\'s villa was. 

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