Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 25 025: Back To The Beginning

Cole had a little more energy to spare so he could keep his [Invisibility] for longer than normal now. He was a little bummed out that he had not gotten the chance to use his new skills, or better yet it wasn\'t that he did not have the chance, he was just so damn preoccupied with fighting he forgot about them. As it stands he would need to either find a dungeon so that he could train to use them extensively.

Or perhaps a dungeon wasn\'t required. Cole hid himself in a ditch at the side of the road that led up to the coliseum. The ditch itself seemed to be a drain that led right up to the coliseum, it kept him out of sight from the patrolling Nijat ship especially seeing as he would activate his invisibility when the ship was directly overhead, and then deactivate it so that his energy could recover when it had passed.

It was a slow crawl, but eventually Cole got to the entrance of the coliseum. But even that was a mess as hundreds of corpses littered the area. While some of them were the Nijat aliens themselves, most of them were people, and if they had not gone on to respawn then these were the NPCs, the extras for the story.

Cole was really hoping that none of them were the targets he had come here for. But even at that he was a little worried about the current state of things as even if he does find them, without getting his ass whooped by the aliens, how was he going to get them out. If perhaps he had access to resources and time to plan this entire operation out, perhaps he would not be in this mess.

But he has been winging it so far and at this point there was no other option than to move forward. He quickly rushed into the entrance coming up into a wide reception area that was in such a horrible state, with about a few dozen Nijat aliens on patrol…. Cole had not had his Invisibility activated when he got in, so they notice him almost immediately.

But that was a mistake he was able to quickly rectify, he was currently on the clock and he didn\'t think he had the time to tangle with any of this aliens. Instead he made his way past them as they all panicked and rushed to find him. He had a few close calls, almost brushing past some of the aliens, but getting past them and into the tunnel that led straight to the coliseum.

The tunnel was almost 10 kilometers long, heck it might even be more than that as Cole could not see the end from where he was. The Coliseum was one of the largest structures he has ever seen, it was large enough to hold 5 million people, and even if the AIiens laying dead here were spawned after the attack, chances were they too were amongst the players during the announcement for the event.

There was a rumbling sound coming down the tunnel, as Quickly Cole laid himself on the ground fully invisible as a team of armored Nijat aliens flying on what he could only assume where miniature flying saucers….or a flying disk or whatever the fuck it was.

He let them pass and deactivated his Invisibility before rushing forwards, hoping to get through the tunnel in time. As it stood he only had less than a day before the entire floor was destroyed and still he was nowhere close to finding a way off the floor. Ten minutes later he heard the same rumbling sound and he utilized his Invisibility once again. This time only three of the aliens flew by, probably all on patrol or something.

Cole wondered if there was a pattern to their movements, it would take him way too long to creep through this place, and while Titan Rising Online boasted a very expensive world with unlimited freedom, it was still a game, and some things followed a set parameters. He had scarcely Hough about that, when a single Nijat Alien made it\'s way down the tunnel, without a partner or colleague in sight. But Cole was not brash, he knew he had to take the wait and see approach whilst creeping forwards in the dark and invisible.

He deactivated his invisibility ad the aliens traveled past him and rushed forwards, keeping his ears peeled for sounds, until he heard the sound of the Nijat aliens flying disks again. He placed his body against the wall and made himself smaller, activating invisibility as the first composition of Nijat aliens flew past, this time coming from behind.

And then the next composition and the finally the single Nijat Alien was last. There was a 5 minute interval between each patrols, and Cole finally felt ready to take this challenge which was obviously a bloody puzzle on. He waited for the third time as he counted…. This time letting all but the last patrol pass him by on their back out the tunnel. And then when the last one drew closer…. Cole pounced.

He took a running start and then jumped off a couple of small stairs that had appeared on the way, they led to a side servers entrance. But the door was piled with debris and half collapsed concrete. Either way Cole only used it to get a little bit of Leverage into the air. He knew he only had five minutes to work this out, and he had no idea what he would be facing at the end of this tunnel so it would be better to end this quickly.

He tackled the Nijat alien off its flying disk, the vehicle moving forwards for another 5 meters before coming to a stop without it\'s rider. As for said rider, it was already dead before it hits the ground as Cole\'s Vibro blade had gone into the side of his head and out in the moment he had tackled the alien and brought it down. He quickly rushed and got onto the disk and then paused…..he had no idea what to do next.

He looked down at the disk to notice that it had what seemed to be a touch screen for controls, but he\'d rather much call it pedals. The pedals were green up front and where a half circle that seemed to move like a motion sensor depending on how he moved his legs. There was a single back pedal that was red and seemed to serve as a brake. It seemed simple enough, but it would be better to take it slow….so Cole lightly placed both his foot on the green pedals on the disk.


"Oh shiiiiiiiit!"

Cole called out loud as the Disk at up space at almost 20 to 25 miles an hour. It wasn\'t as super fast as you\'d expect it to be, but it was moving with such speed that Cole was almost knocked off the disk. It barely gave him enough time to react as the end of the tunnel was in sight a lot sooner than he expected, and waiting for him at the end was a small Nijat fire team, serving as guards for the barricade they had placed between the tunnel and the coliseum fields.

By this point this should have been where Cole would have slowed down his disks and find a way to escape from them, as it stood the Nijat aliens were not reacting to him as fast as they should. This was probably because they never imagined that a human…or rather in this case a demon would be able hijack one of their disks and use it come straight at them….but so far Cole has proven he was not one for common sense.


What the fuck that meant, Cole had no idea, perhaps it was Nijat for \'watch the fuck out!\' but it was already too late…. The spawn of Satan had already arrived at his destination. Cole jumped up, utilizing a well performed back flip as the disk went over the barricade to smash into what looked like a lawn mower for the Coliseum. It was placed behind the Nijat aliens and they probably might have been using it for transportation, now however it exploded as the disk crumpled into it, and either one of the had their power cells ruptured.


The explosion pushed Cole a little bit backwards through the air, but a little use of [Gravity] brought him safely to the ground as Nijat aliens ran last him without a care in the world…. Or perhaps with a lot more care the he thought seeing as they were all on fire, but in the bright green of energy cells. Cole put most of them out of their misery as he picked his way over the barricade and was shown the coliseum where all of this nightmare started….Cole was right back to the very beginning….and this time he wasn\'t running…. He has come hunting.

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