Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 54 054: Undercurrents

Damian had no idea that the company had a lot more leeway with what they could with Cole Night\'s footage from the game, apparently a meeting with him was not necessary and they were able to get to work in preparing it and launching it.

The trailer he had made had caught the attention of the higher ups, and not just the higher ups at vector Entertainment, he was talking the big wigs up above even those he answered to at Vector… sorry Sienna Vector Entertainment.

This was the reason why right now he was off world and on a quick shuttle to Jupiter where the capital of Sienna Corp was located. Somehow overnight Cole night had transformed from simple player to one of the big wigs of Sienna Corp, and that was just from completing a quest.

It was beyond amazing, Damian had been responsible for directing each episode, this was the big break he needed and even though they were still in production, he had watched all of Cole Night\'s play through the first floor. The guys was something else entirely, and now that he was now a shareholder, Cole had a dedicated team that handled everything that had to do with him.

Either way the journey to Jupiter would take some twenty to twenty eight days, and all that time spent in space would be boring. But luckily enough for him, he could coordinate remotely with the rest the production crew now dedicated to telling Cole Night\'s story.

But there was more, so much are footage of Cole Night fighting someone else that was recognized as one of the 5 million players in real life had surfaced, and Ramona had to admit that was some super soldier next level X-Men shit. That footage alone had sky rocketed Cole\'s popularity and increased the streams for his channel by 4 billion over night…. That was a lot of money.

The fact that he was taken off world let him know that shit had gotten way out of hand, and Cole night was no longer just some simple player in a game. Apart from the fact that he was rumored to be part of a crime family, excluding so of his last transgressions aside, his style of play was on the level of godlike.

He had and has been escaping most of, if not everything the game had thrown at him by the skin of his teeth and he had made it look effortless. Almost as if he had planned everything that happened from start to finish…. He was like Jack Sparrow with that unnatural luck of his, the only thing he needs is the hat and the personality of an always high pirate and he would nail the role.

The comment section for his stream however was always exploding. There were argument and deductions, with quite a few Cole Night experts there to break down his abilities and his combat capabilities. They were just as much naysayers as there were supporters, and the publicity, good or bad had thrown him into the limelight.

Even other upcoming stars who had made impacts of their own were completely overshadowed by the sheet guts and balls he had shown in his adventure so far, and there was so much more to come, so much more…. Damian just knew it.

The Matriarch had been the assistant to young master and then soon enough the CEO and then not too long after that she became his wife. It seemed like a life time ago, so far and so long that she had forgotten a lot of things.

But the Matriarch had long memories, she knew there was time when she had been a budding lawyer, she had joined an international firm. Her father\'s attempt to toughen her up. And then she got connected with the half breed son of a off shoot branch of the Yakuza family.

She was taken by him, she saw so much potential in what he could become, especially when you consider how ambitious he was. She became the assistant of his lawyer, from theirs it wasn\'t too hard to become his assistant, and then his wife. It didn\'t matter to her that there was someone else already in his heart, he would make space for her too.

But he couldn\'t do so, so she settled for his legacy instead. Because one thing the Matriarch has always known and focused on was the future. Which was why she more than anyone else was broken by the deaths of her grandbabies, those three boys and their sister meant more to her then the one son she was able to give her husband.

They were proof of her hard work and pain, proof that the years she spent unloved and untouched by a man was not for nothing. And now two of them were dead…. Cole was right in saying that there would be no peace. Her son was to beholden to his father, but her grandchildren they were the ones that cared about her.

They were the ones that visited on the holidays, went to church with her on Sundays and then the temple on other days. Cole drifted apart, closer to his grandfather than he was to her, yet he was everything she wanted. Nevertheless she let him go and focused on his brothers, they would bring her fulfillment. They will become the Giants of a generation that she has been struggling to bring into this world.

Then they were gone, her boys were gone. It was ironic how the death of his brothers was what brought Cole back to her. And this time he was more than ready to take directions, ready to become much more than she ever envisioned. A giant of a generation, a warlord, a villain, a hero, a tyrant….. a King. All of it and so much more.

And this was the reason why when Sienna Corp came calling, she had dusted off her old Law license and marched out of her part of the house for the first time in almost two years.

Her presence on the estate grounds was enough to cause pause every where she went. She was old, but she still looked good. Her Kages danced in the shadows, and in their disguises and alter ego as they watched and protected her. Power was intoxicating…. And she almost forgot how good it felt to flex it, this time however she was wielding it for family.

She stepped into the main building keeping her back straight as she was honored and greeted by the guards and workers. The main guards of the family fell into step behind her, as she turned to the corner and came face to face with Tehilla.

"Grandmother, I heard you had left your quarters…. Is it time?" the Matriarch smiled…. The sweet girl had a severe problem upstairs, but she was efficient and dangerous and talented.

All of these the Matriarch would be happy to use, but what mattered most to her was her womb…. For she too will be like her and usher in the next generation, and how glorious of a generation it would be.

"It is my dear, sorry for making you wait so long. Now come with me, from now one you will be my acting assistant, we both will handle all of Cole Kun\'s affairs. This should give him enough peace of mind to keep playing that game of his and gaining more power."

She marched on, and Tehilla fell in stride behind her, matching the speed of her wheelchair to be just high enough to remain 4 feet behind the briskly walking old lady. Which was saying something as she did not move like someone of her age would be expected to.

They made it to the study where a couple of guards were gathered, two different factions on both sides. She didn\'t slow down and walked through the doors, much to the chagrin of the guards that accompanied the Sienna Corp delegation that had come to see Cole.

"Alright everyone, everything that has been said, agreed upon or are in discussion is completely null and void, without the presence of my client and his legal representative, your meeting does not have much of use here. However you shouldn\'t worry, I am here now." The Matriarch said as she went and took a seat besides the Patriarch, much to his surprise.

"Who is this?" one of the delegates asked, as the matriarch smiled and took her husband\'s cup of tea into her own hands. Blowing on it softly before drinking.

"Forgive me for not introducing myself, my name is Hinata Arashikage. However my family and everyone else calls me the Matriarch. I am the legal counsel and representative of Mr. Cole Alexander Night, everything about his businesses, work and his newly acquired shares go through me…. Ahh! I also happen to be his Grandmother! Now that\'s all out of the way….. how can I help you."

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