Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 58 058: Conflict

"This here is an unregistered mount, so we are procuring it for use for one of our deputies, it\'s needed to keep the law in this town. Who are you \'civilian\'?" one of the deputies asked, a mocking smile on his face as he literally and figuratively looked down on Cole from his perch above a horse that was half machine and half flesh.

Cole considered him for a moment, trying to see if making a move would be worth it. He turned to look at Morgan, the Mechanoid Direwolf looked as if it couldn\'t be bothered as he had not made a single move throughout their entire attempt to drag him away…. Cole didn\'t think those glowing chains were working either.

"Morgan come here." Cole called, and much to his amusement and the shock of everyone else, Morgan got up from the ground, standing up to his full two meter tall height from paw to ear. He was massive in terms of normal people, for Cole, he was absolutely massive.

The Direwolf came over and make on the ground for Cole to get on his back. There was a conflict to be had here, but Cole would rather handle this after he had dealt with the cradle Facility first, he did not want them to be an \'accident\' that would take his life now…. If that happens as of his items would be lost except bound gear.

And while all his gear and money were bound, the same could not be said for the Prisms in his inventory, and the items he had received from the loot box after he had cleared the first floor of the dungeon. There was a story to it, but he wanted to be out of the town first before addressing it.

"hyah!" Cole called out, and Morgan took off, eating up the distance between the general store and the cradle Facility, completely ignoring all of the screams and tells from the so called officers of the law trying to rob him in broad daylight.

The facility was not too far, and Cole jumped off Morgan, and landed on the ground with a lot more ease then he would have expected. These new clothes were really something else.

"Morgan if they try to take you away again before I get back, cripple them." The Direwolf let out a gift, releasing a bout of steam from his nose as a sign that he had heard Cole.

Cole walked into the facility, ignoring all of the players as he quickly found an empty cradle and then walked in. he made all of the necessary save that he needed to do, and then left the cradle, hurrying up as he wanted to perhaps get out of town before he had to face a couple of corrupt deputies.

Which begs the question of how he knew they were deputies, but Cole studied psychology and political science. He was basically an athlete with a brain. He knew all too well how to deal with people, or at the very least how to get a read for them and act according to the situation. Love had blinded him to Sarah\'s fuck ups.

Or perhaps it wasn\'t that he was blind, his heart was besotted that he ignored all the signs until he was left a broken mess and shattered completely. Cole shook his head and shuddered, even though it was still pretty fresh, he had no idea why the thought of his ex-fiancée crossed his mind, he really hoped he never See\'s her again.

"You! How dare you run from the law! How dare you show such disrespect to an officiant of the god damn law!" Cole raised his eyebrows at the person talking, it was the aspirant that was probably number 5 or 6 on his kill list after the fucks that took his brothers from him.

Lucky enough this particular bad blood was just within the game… or not, this was reality after all, they all just perceived it in an entirely different way. But the fact that he had run into him again meant they some karma between them.

"An \'officiant of the God damn law\' you literally just quoted The Harder They Fall. I don\'t know whether to cringe at your cheesiness, or buy you a drink for your amazing taste in movies. It\'s rare to see someone who appreciates the classic.

But then again you\'re fucking with me, and I know you know what happens to people who fuck with me. The last time you tried with your aspirant friends I decimated them all, and I wasn\'t even half as strong as I am now. You think those badges are going to save you? Any of you! Get the fuck out of my way boys! Or I will paint the street red with your blood and leave led in your skulls!" Cole shouted at them, drawing attention to what was happening as he placed both hands on his revolvers.

"That\'s that Raen Demon guy!" someone called out, one of the many aspirants standing around and in front of the cradle facility.

"Wait! That\'s Cole Night? The dude who got into the second floor first? What\'s he still doing in the starter town? And who are those guys threatening him?" someone else asked.

"Have you been living under a rock, didn\'t your hear the news? His two elder brothers were murdered, and then he was attacked, they tried to kill him." Another voice answered, an that was all it took to get the ball rolling.

"Attacked? That\'s an understatement. They sent an entire raid team after him, and he took them out. Heck he even ended up protecting the people who were sent to save him. It was like watching Captain America fight or something, it was crazy as fuck!"

"Yeah! I heard that the skills in the game are now manifesting in real life, of course I think it\'s bullshit since I didn\'t get shit! But I heard about the Cole Night saga, still don\'t believe that shit about him having powers, but I saw the videos on the internet…. He\'s a monster that\'s for sure."

While most of the analogies the people watching used went over the heads of the locals, they still got the basic gist. This short goblin size being was not to be fucked with, and since it was their newest deputy that dragged them all into this situation, they had no qualms leaving him as the scape goat.

There were too many eye witnesses around for them to be able to do what they want. Within the confines of San Louisa they had as much power as they wanted, but in the end they were still lawmen, and there was only so much bullshit they could get away with, and especially not against a player that seems to have some measure of power.

"Well it seems it was just a case of mistaken identity good sir, I\'ll make sure to have the deputy responsible for it disciplined sir, and quite properly too I might add. You seem like a good bounty Hunter, why don\'t you come right by the station and take your pick of the bounties available, we\'d be sure to treat you right." Cole raised an eyebrow at that as he got on Morgan\'s back.

"Is that so? Well why don\'t you lead the way, I happen to be leaving town heading down west for another Bounty, there\'s nothing wrong with picking up another or maybe two. After you deputy…..?" Cole lashed waiting for the deputy with the half Mechanoid half horse.

"Dawson Mr. Cole it\'s deputy Dawson." Cole nodded his head and then gave the brightest smile that he could, of course they couldn\'t see it, his mouth and nose were coveted.

"Lead the way Deputy Dawson."

Cole gave the aspirant a small smile, still there was no use with his mouth closed. But sill looking in the guy\'s direction was enough to let him know that he now fully and unequivocally had Cole\'s full attention, and not in a good way.

They all turned to leave, heading in the direction of the station as Cole kept lace with them by bringing up the rear. As he left with the soldiers he was still pretty much a boy debated topic as all of the players/aspirants around discussed him.

For those of them who had connections to the locals, they had to explain just what sort of person he is. It al just boiled down to Cole being a particularly fearsome Bounty Hunter. According to some who had seen him fight, he could take on an entire army by himself, others embellished it enough to say he had the capabilities to bring down a government, a country, a continent, a world.

Then the ones lucky enough to have identification skills, or who have the foresight to go through the rankings once again to search for him, could see that he name was no longer just Cole Night, it read as Cole \'World Breaker\' Night, and his rank had changed. For the overall aspirant ranking, Cole \'World Breaker\' Night was now rank 13th and just under four hours ago he was ranked 14,836. It seems he really is a World Breaker.

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