Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 63 063: Cows Vs Demon

The next morning met Cole well. He had logged after changing his class and then he had a shower, looked through the forums for more information that he might have missed, checked his bank account to see he was now a millionaire and still had money trickling in by the second.

He gave his mother a late night call, just to check up on her, and had to go see his brother\'s kids because they have been having nightmares recently and couldn\'t sleep. He spent two hours with them watching return of Brother Bear, before they fell asleep over his body after convincing him to levitate the remote with his [Gravity] mastery skill.

With how much of a good mood he was in, he really didn\'t appreciate it when he woke up bound hand and foot by the farmers who\'s room he had slept inside. And apart from being bound he was hung upside down, and his weapons were missing.


He seemed to have been tied up in one of their barns as he turned around to lock cases with the cow noisily chewing it\'s curd whilst looking at him. Cole observed the cow for a minute, just as the Bovine did the same, with a rather bored look on its face, assuming such a thing was possible.

"Hello there…. Any chance I can convince you to let me down?" Cole asked, and gave the cow his brightest smile, of course he wasn\'t expecting the cow to respond, which was why he was so shocked when it did.

"Not a chance, you\'re supposed to be my dinner. And whatever you are, I haven\'t had a taste of your race before, so no bucko. You will be going down my throat and filling my belly with your meat so that my udder can be full with milk."

Cole blinked his eyes, confused for a moment before everything the cow had said to him finally settled in he shook his head, somehow amused by everything. It was a testament to his good mood that he wasn\'t already swearing or making a move to relieve the damn bovine of it\'s head. The time spent with his nephew and niece had done wonders for his recent state of mind and mood.

"So for all intents and purposes you are a fucking carnivorous herbivore….. that\'s just ridiculous, but still why eat people, you could just eat beef?" Cole said, only for the cow to give him what was the Cow\'s equivalent of the stink eye and the arched eyebrow.

"You sick fuck! I\'m a carnivore not a cannibal! Would you eat a man if I asked you too? How can you be so uncultured! Enough talking, prepare to die!" the Cow said as it opened it\'s mouth wide and prepared to take a bit out of Cole\'s body.

As the cow opened her mouth he was able to see that Instead of the normal row of teethes, she had multiple rows of fangs, and looked like something out of a horror movie when she opened her mouth, than some farm animal. But Cole was not going to just sit still and get eaten by no other thing than a cow.

His reputation would be ruined, and he would never be able to leave done the embarrassment. But even with his weapons absent, Cole knew he could still attack, as he willed a ball of purple, red and blue energy into existence. It flew forwards and straight into the mouth and down the gullet of the cow.

The bovine swallowed it with a loud gulp, snapping her mouth shock in surprise as she took a couple of steps back. She looked up at Cole, opened her mouth to speak and then….


​ The insides of the cow blasted out, going every which way and splattering Cole with a heavy serving of blood and guts. He spat out, severely annoyed by how much of it had gone into his mouth. He was sure he would never be able to look at beef the same way again. He strained himself and looked at the knot that was used to keep him tied up.

It was pretty tight, and he was about to curse out in annoyance when he noticed his finger nails, or perhaps the better term for them would be claws. He slashed through the ropes and crashed down into the still steaming intestines of the dead cow, Cole couldn\'t help it.

"Fuck!" he cursed out loud as he looked around and discovered a table to the side where his weapons had been placed. He went over and picked them up, but he was scarcely done with putting them on when he heard a huff behind him. He turned to see two other cows sniffing the remains of the cow he had blown up, while a bull scared at him with very red intense eyes.

"Umm I\'m just going to leave." Cole said as he motioned towards the closed barn door.

"So you think you can kill my sister and then just walk out of here as if nothing happened! What do you take us for?" the hull asked as it blew out a snort, hot air literally blasting out of his nostrils.

"Yeah don\'t let him go Morris…. He killed Bessie!"

"Yeah! *chomp!* kill him *Chomp!* for our sister! *gulp!*"

Cole was disgusted, one of the cows that was talking was eating the remind of the one that had tried to kill him. He guessed the whole not being a cannibal thing was just limited to the recently deceased Bessie. On the other hand, more and more of the cows kept coming out, all of them looking at him with extreme murder in their eyes.

"How many of you are there anyway?" Cole couldn\'t help but ask as he lost count and was completely surrounded on all sides by the cows.

"How many?.... well there\'s a whole farm of us, and you are cordially invited for dinner." The bull said, his teeth peeling open as Cole raised an eyebrow and prepared for a fight.

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