Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 83 083: Factory Of The Damned II

Cole followed close behind as Morgan bulldozed his way through the streams of spirits of the damned that kept on Popping up in their path. Cole supported Morgan by taking out the monsters that were hanging in the air or the ones that he couldn\'t reach.r

They came out of the area that had the massive barrels and entered another that had much smaller barrels spread out for as far as they eye could see. Cole identified the end of the building along with a factory rig that seemed to be responsible for breading and bottling up, whatever concoction Titus felt the need to break in such large quantities, because Cole would not lie…. This part of the factory absolutely reeked.r

Fortunately for them, there were less spirit of the damned here, or better yet there were none at all. Cole turned around and noticed that the spirits of the damned were sequestered tightly in the path they had taken to get to the next areas of the factory.r

But they refused to move from the area where the massive barrels were located. Normally this would mean there was a kind of mechanic or spell keeping them contained within that area, or Cole and Morgan had just walked right into the jurisdiction 9f something that was much more worse than they were…. But what were the odds of that.r


A massive hand smashed into Cole as his body was flung through the air, smashing into the smaller barrels as he was completely doused in sour and foul smelling liquids…. Unfortunately it actually tasted quite good. He used Gravity to push up and made a backflip relying on his inertia.r

And that was just in time for the black armored for individual with a massive halberd to jump into the air and stab his halberd through the air, heading straight for Divyat\'s own chest. [Shadow Dance] came to the rescue as he appeared from behind a pillar and Morgan fired at the man, this time relying on a cannon in this mouth that blasted a golden and red beam that smashed into the figure.r


It\'s terrible groans could be heard as it too was flung into the sky. Cole chased after it. Was that wise? Probably not, but Cole would not want to give it the advantage as it has already proven to be quite the for, he also had no idea what was the level of damage Morgan\'s cannon delivered, so he had to make sure the target was completely eliminated.r

Cole was not so lucky, the moment he got close to the figure a barrel of wine was smashed into his body, throwing him to the ground and leaving a bloody taste in his mouth. The target swung it\'s halberd, letting it scrape the ground in a sweeping motion that Cole defended with the stock of his rifle. His entire body was blasted backwards and multiple pairs of eldritch chains shot out of the ground and completely wrapped themselves around Morgan, bringing the Mechanoid to the ground and taking him out of the fight.r

The Figure sent more of the chains flying in Cole\'s direction, but he quickly used [Shadow Dance] to appears in the rafters above as he jumped down, landing on the shoulder of the figure and wrenching it\'s pitch black helmet to the side, revealing a completely skeletal head with ghostly green flames for eyes in it\'s sockets.r

Cole smashed his fist into the creatures jaw, and left a [Chaos Blast] there. He made to escape when one of the black chains that had bound Morgan found him. It burned on impact, and not just in the area where he had been bound, but his entire body, causing him to cry out in pain as his body spasmed.r

But the nightmare was not over as the chain lifted him up and smashed him down through a couple of barrels, he felt something broke, but he barely had time to catch his breath when he was dragged through the air and smashed into something else once again. And then…r


Chaos Blast went off, blasting the entire upper body of the figure to pieces. The chains that had been holding him bound vanished and Cole fell to the ground, right in the middle of broken barrels and spilled wine. He felt his energy begin to slowly drain as Demonic Constitution went into overdrive trying to heal him.r

He heard Morgan walk towards him, or at least he was until another figure appeared out of thin air and used a massive war hammer to smash the Mechanoid wolf away and into the factory rig, breaking pipes and beakers and canisters. There was a loud hiss as steam was released into the factory and an extremely injured Cole rose to his feet to see just who was here now.r

He had his suspicions, bit it seems he was right. What he had been facing had been a death knight, and yet here was one and fully mounted too. It was sitting atop a horse made from corpses, or more specifically hands, lots and lots of severed hands came to together to make the horse he was riding upon.r

There were parts of it\'s body that exposed bone, especially it\'s left ribcage that had a flickering green flame held within. The death knight had his hammer attacked to a pole and used the hammer to raise Cole\'s face up, just so that he could get a closer look before he could smash in his head.r

But Cole felt the tingle of energy the moment the hammer touched the underside of his jaw. Far be it for him to not take advantage of any opportunity given to him, so he acted, hanging on to whatever chance he had to come out on top for this fight.r

[Sin Eater] [Sin Reaper]r

Both skills at the same time did something absolutely insane as the horse and it\'s rider began to screech and scream, their cries resounding across the entire factory. Cole took a deep breath, feeling charged for energy as the green flames within the horse and within the skull of the death knight began to rush out and pour into his body in a beautiful deluge of flickering green lights and the hologram of a person\'s tortured face.r

[Sin Eater and Sin Reaper Has Been Used! +100 Energy, +50 to all Stats! Special Stat Generated! Soul! +20 to all stats!]r

[Sin Eater and Sin Reaper has Created the Soul stat skill Soul Eater and Soul Bank!]r

[The Mastery Skill: Energy Manipulation has been activated!]r

Cole took a deep breath shuddering breath, he could feel it, all of it. The streams of energy in his body as they danced through and around his finger tips. He raised his head just in time to see a pair of death knights rushing at him on their own horses, and he didn\'t think, he just reacted.r

[Chaos Blast]r

This time there was no delay before the destination, and instead of just one ball of chaos, it spoilt into two and smashed into the chest of both death knights, Cole\'s instincts and understanding over how to control his energy, turning into a deluge of knowledge and understanding that was showing itself in his current fight.r

He rushed forwards, firing off a shot with Black Sapphire that blasted through the skull of another death knight, sending it and it\'s mount toppling to the ground. Cole leaped into the air, energy propelling from his back as he shot forwards and slammed both knees into the face of another death knight while shooting at another.r

His momentum brought him and the death knight to the ground as they came to stop in front of an alter made from bones and the bodies of new born babies. Cole shot at the death knight in point blank range and stretched his hand out as Morgan came out of the darkness and ran another death knight and it\'s mount to the ground.r

[Soul Eater]r

Screams and wails spilt the air as streams of green energy wafted off the bodies of every death knight within a ten meter radius of Cole, and seeing as they were all rushing at him to take him out, that was quite a lot. They filled Cole with power as he gathered his energy once again, building it up before flinging it outwards in the biggest Chaos Blast he has ever managed.r


The explosion blasted both him and Morgan backwards, their bodies smashing through evil altar. The red light that had been a glowing pentagram underneath the altar. They tumbled as Cole\'s vision went dark, but held tightly in his hands was the box made from bones and rib cages that had been on the altar.r

As for the spirits of the damned, the death knights and their mounts, their bodies fell right where they stood as ate rapidly caught up to all of them and their bodies turned to dust. They left the Factory silent and hollow and reeking much more strongly…. Of death!r

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