Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 103 103: Glade Solitude I

[Welcome to the 3rd floor of Pangea, a lush a beautiful world untouched by the hands of any sufficiently technologically advanced civilization. A single super continent covered in its entirety by an Endless forest. But beware for horror stalk the branches and roots of its demesne. Beware…. Time until floor collapse: 3 months and 23:48:00 hours In Real Time! Time Dilation is now in Effect at 1 real world hours being Equal to 6 in game hours]

[Event Quest III! With No Further Threat In Sight, It Is Time To Look To Yourself And Improve On Your Power For That Which Is To Come. Become the first to reach level 50! And Cross into The Silver Rank before Level 55/ Condition: The Quest Must Be Completed Before the 5th Floor/Rewards: Varies Depending On route taken to achieve Quest, but with value no lower than Diamond Rank I]

[3rd Floor Main Quest 1: Pangea is an explored land of vast resources! Gather those resources and build up your glade into a settlement in 1 week! Wood (0/1000) Stone (0/1000) Magic Cores (0/50) Bronze Ranked Prisms (0/10)/ Conditions: This is a general quest for every individual assigned to a glade! Rewards: 10 Random Bronze Rank Blueprints]

[3rd Floor Side Quest I: There are five Darkling Nests around your glade, eliminate all threats to your budding settlement in one real world week and prepare for expansion. / Condition: This is a general quest for every individual assigned to a glade! / Rewards: 1 to 5 Iron rank Blueprints Depending On How many nests are destroyed.]

[As the first individual to appear in this glade Please name it….]

Cole let out a very annoyed groan…. This was what he desperately would have loved to avoid and now here he was stuck in a floor that really without co-operation with people he would not be able to move or advance. He looked at the glade and growled slowly, it was not that Cole hated people, he was or rather he used to be a very social person…. But too many wrong things have happened in his life recently and he really didn\'t want to have to deal with the drama of trusting people as he was right now.

But never the less this notification about naming the glade was all over his vision and it wouldn\'t let him get through to focus on his remaining notifications. But since he had to name the place he thought long and hard… for 3 seconds and named the glade.

[The Glade has been named Solitude! Solitude\'s management systems can be access from its six pillars! Become the Mayor to restrict and influence the Glade\'s growth! The Mayor decides the direction which all aspirants in the glade would travel in and grow.]

Another red flag, there was absolutely no way in hell he would let somebody control his life in anyway, especially when it had to do with Titan Rising Online… this might still be a game to some people, but this was his life now, his reality at stake, everybody else would take a back seat, he would not be the one being driven about.

He ignored everything else and went back to his notifications, he had leveled up quite a bit from all of the fighting and killing…. Plus he did still have to go through the rewards gained from the second floor, with the most important being one that he had not really paid attention to. But it will have its time.

[+365k exp gained from Combat against bandits!]

[Sin Eater and Sin Reaper Used! +300 To Energy, +66 to Intelligence +81 to Perception, +26 to Charisma, +50 to Negative Energy,]

[You have reached Level 36! +210 to energy, +210 to all stats! +90 skill points]

There was influx of power as almost all of his stats made it to the Iron Rank V, and that mean he could choose new auxiliary augments to them. But beyond that was the awareness he got the very moment soul entered Iron rank I. the stats had grown really fast, and now that it was this strong, it brought forth an awareness that perhaps Cole had been feeling before, but had been unable to make sense of.

And it was due to that he could now see the literal gaggle of souls that have been hanging around him, or better yet it wasn\'t to say they were hanging, he could actually see that they were somewhat contained within a sphere that was hanging around is body. He could see through it though, and the faces of people whose souls he had taken could be seen.

The space pirate from the restaurant, the spirits of the damned in Titus Boris\'s winery, and Izanagi, all of them looking back at him. And perhaps Cole would have said he had no idea what to do with these souls, but he had knowledge in his head now, Knowledge of dark and powerful rituals that require the souls of the dead or living as fuel… and here he is with a container of it….. Cole felt off.

He was willing to welcome every avenue of power that is available to him, but fucking around with people\'s souls was not really something he saw himself doing. But with the knowledge swimming through his head, there was too much of a temptation to not pay attention to it. However as Cole was about to look through the available lists of mastery, sub stats and knowledge available for his stats, he heard a whoosh behind him.

He tuned around to see a pillar of light from the sky…. It was only there for a few seconds, but by the time the light faded away, the grass was left pristine and untouched and it is place was a person. Then Cole took one very annoyed look at the person and cursed out loud.

"Fuck my life!" then he pulled put his sword as his demon tail flicked left and right in agitation. He advanced upon the person that was on the ground, but not too long after there was another flash of light, and this one deposited Farida right next to him, as his eyes seemed to bore a hole through the body of the human male looking back at him with a guarded expression.

"Hello Cole…. Is this the third floor?" Farida asked as she drew closer to him, but he snorted as he turned to her and said.

"No it\'s the 25th floor, congratulations! You won the event!" then he turned back to the man only to see him running the other way, trying his best to put as much distance between himself and Cole as he could, but there was no way in hell Cole was going to allow that.

[Spectral Rover]

Cole crossed the distance between them in an instant and immediately used [Vertigo] making sure to stay close enough to the man as he tumbled over the grass and onto his face. He tried getting up, but there was almost no chance of that as he fell to the ground over and over again until the Duration of the skill ran out.

He looked positively green in the face, Cole knew that if he shook him a little, perhaps he would be spewing all over the place. But never the less he wanted the fool to feel a little bit of pain before he took his fucking head off.

"Fuck! What did you do to me you fucking N!!!!!"

Black Malakai flashed through the air, a stupid grin on Cole\'s face as the tongue of the same aspirant who had led the deputies to attack in order to take Morgan away from him fell to the ground. Cole knew what he was about to say, and perhaps it was okay since said idiot shared the same skin color as he did… and yes the stigma behind the N word and other races using it was no longer as heavy as it was a couple hundred years ago… but still it did make for a good alibi to attack somebody… perhaps he was about to say Nincompoop! But Cole knew he was no damn Nincompoop!

"You and I have some unfinished business, of course this business would have been exceedingly much better if I remembered you name… I\'m pretty sure I saw it when I killed you and stupid ass fellow deputies in the second floor, but for the life of me your damn name eludes me. But that oversight is acceptable, there is nothing particular impactful about you except for the fact that you are a very annoying looking piece of shit! How is it that we keep crossing paths?"

But of course the guy could not respond, he had lost his tongue. Then Cole shrugged and raised his blade about to slash down when a prompt showed up.

[Kills between fellow Gladers is forbidden! Every kill against allies will resort in a -1 life and -24 real world hours penalty ban on the aspirants.]

It was as this point that Cole realized that perhaps he would hate this floor more than the second or the first!

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