Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 119 119: The Absence Of Leadership

Cole looked her for longer than a second before he sighed. He looked up to the sky then shook his head, he was a lot of things but being a hypocrite was not one of them. He nodded his head at her, letting her know that he agreed within everything she had said as he took a step back. Then he turned to look around, knowing and noticing that he had all attentions on him.

"I\'m not going to hold your hands, and for the record this is not a democracy, unless I ask you for advice you all will do what I say down to a fault and that includes getting this shit of a glade up to a settlement stage. But ultimately I will stay out of your way as long as I can tell you to jump to the moon and instead you will jump to the sun. Don\'t trifle with me, don\'t fuck with me, don\'t mess with me! All the same thing but said in different ways just to let you guys know I will ducky you all up if you cross a line. Let\'s just work together to go past this floor.

Once we\'re in the next floor we can all piss off and never see our fucking selves again. I\'m sure we can all be happy with that development no? So do what I say, when I say it, and don\'t complain cause I won\'t eve put you in a situation you can\'t handle, and Ultimately I pretty much do everything myself but with that said All of you should prefer for a raid, we\'re killing that fucking dragon and getting rid of the first nest, there\'s nasty shit in there. Farida come with me." Cole said as he turned, the. He paused turned around again and looked at the three eyed elf that had attacked him.

"You too, come with me. And if you argue or refuse I\'ll grab your turned and drop in the middle of the first faster than you can say sorry." Cole threatened and with the fierce look on her face it was obvious she would rather do anything than conform, but she followed regardless.

Cole led the both of them to one of the pillars within the Glade, he sat down with his back against it, ignoring the prompt that came up in regards to the glades stat page. He crossed his legs and looked up at the women looming over him, he had to be honest, they had showed a lot more trust worthiness and acumen than every other person that he has met so far, the fact that they were girls didn\'t mean shit to him.

"How long have I been gone Farida, it seems to me as if the population in the Glade has increased by a factor of ten, or perhaps a hundred since 8 was last here." He asked as he tired to understand what was going on with the Glade since he was unable to come back due to Xerxes99 and Thunderbolt-Jack abandoning him to his fate after he saved them.

"I\'ve not been able to keep a proper census as people tend to pop up every minute or hour. But I would estimate us to be around two hundred or so aspirants within the glade. This is a development that had come up within the last 14 hours as you have been gone for roughly a day and some hours, give or take a day and a half." Farida responded as Cassandra watched them both, not at all willing to get invested into the conversation but still listening regardless.

"You have not been able to organize them yet?" Cole asked as he looked last them to see the crowd of people still gathered and watching the three of them. Farida shook her head and let out a breath of exasperation as a frustrated look came over her face. It seemed to Cole as if she has been having a hard time so far, and the Glare that she gave Cassandra seemed to indicate the woman was a part of it.

"I don\'t understand how the system selects who gets into which glade, but it seems to stem from their connection to people. Doesn\'t matter 8f they are enemies or friends, either way each person here has a connection in one way or the other with the other people arriving. And it is something that seems to have spilled from you as the base point seeing as the people who came first were people you knew then it was people we knew and people they knew.

Either way there is no distinction between enemies and friends, mostly enemies as most of them here pretty much wants to tear each other head off. The biggest trouble makers and by far the largest is the group that Xerxes99 is a part of. They are a guild that spilled over from the main game into the event, and while not all of them had gotten the spots, enough of them are in this Glade to have given me a significant amount of trouble since their arrival.

Nobody wants to listen or use the guidelines you had set down before your disappearance, even when they saw who was the mayor and both Xerxes99 and Thunderbolt-Jack had confirmed that indeed you had said this and felt that the best way for us to advance was to have everyone pitch in. Ultimately neither of them had told anyone that they had left you behind to die, all they said was that you had wandered off and they had gotten separated from you during an attack.

And since you did not respawn back here, which pretty much proves that the entire glade works as it\'s own Cradle Facility, we all thought that perhaps truly you had wandered of. Never the less the position of mayor had been up for debate, it could only be decided on by a system of unanimous voting, or at least have 85% of the total aspirants around agree to it. Which means two things!"

"You have to be either really popular and get along with everyone around or, be the biggest dog in the yard and beat everyone to submission in other to remain the leader." Cassandra finished for Farida, prompting a glare from the woman.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. There has been no agreement and because of that everything seems to have pretty much slowed to a stand still. I was able to gather a few aspirants that were willing to work, but even they got fired when they saw that some others refused to pitch in, so it has been akin to moving a boulder up a hill. It\'s been chaotic." Farida finished as she sighed again, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she sat down on the grass in front of Cole.

Cole raised an eyebrow at that, but he pretty much understood how frustrated she was. So he raised his head to Cassandra and said.

"I don\'t care which guild you are a part of, this is My fucking Glade and you will serve however the fuck I say and ask you too. You would do well to relay this message to the rest of your poseys. I\'ll kill them all to their very last life if they fuck with me and what I am trying to achieve here, if we\'re done quickly we\'d be our of each other\'s hair soon enough. But with that said you two should go back and tell the aspirants that anybody and anyone who feels they can make a better leader should come up here and fight me…. If they win…. I\'ll follow them and hurry up please, it\'s time to lay down the law."

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