Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 138 138: Nest War III: Boom! Boom!


It was carnage unlike anything Cole had ever seen or ever thought himself capable. It was as if all of the Chaos blasts that had been placed all over the battlefield as mines had a sort of resonant effect, Cole wasn\'t sure what word to use to describe exactly what he just experienced, perhaps the best thing to say about it would be to call it a chain reaction of epic proportions. The explosion itself was bad enough that the very person who had facilitated it i.e. Cole himself was blown backwards, his skin blistered raw from the extreme wave of chaotic energy that was released from the explosion.

Cole smashed into the front of his own army\'s formation, but he was not the only one that was left to face the full brunt of the attack as a good five feet of fighters in the front line were all blasted backwards with severe injuries. It was this bad for them, but for the darklings it was a whole other ball game as pieces of flesh, torso and limbs were seen flying every which way. For those of them that were directly over the blast zone, their bodies were literally shredded into nothingness. Cole had not been sure the blasts would have been enough to stop them, but instead everything had come together to create one massive explosion that it had almost cost them, him, their lives…. Cole really needed to spend extensive time understanding his skills and other abilities, he had to know just how far he could himself and what his limits were.

Cole got up with his ears ringing, he looked back dazed watching as the rear line comprising mostly of the healers, support aspirants and ranged attackers rushed towards those of them that were down, there were already beams of healing skills flying into the air, a variety of them with different activation methods. Cole even saw some healing skill that needed the person being healed to be missed first or another that required them to be sexually stimulated as evidenced by the woman who had her hand deep in an Orc\'s pants, stroking vigorously while her other hand glowed on his chest, for some reason at that moment Cole felt a feeling of extreme cold rage as he glared at the orc, and he was happy to note that he was not the only male in the vicinity that felt that way.

He grunted as he turned and tried to get back to his feet. He stumbled only for four people to all attempt to help him get back up to his feet. Unfortunately for them Cole caught his balance quickly and stepped forwards only for the four of them to have their heads smash against each other. He winced and looked at them apologetically. He was the leader so everyone wanted to ingratiate themselves to him. He couldn\'t understand that, it was wisdom through and through to kiss the bosses ass. Never the less this was not the time and he would be happy to accept all ass kissing after the raid was done, even though he did think it was stupid an annoying.

Cole sighed and shook his head, he was a conundrum through and through. He said he couldn\'t understand women, hell he couldn\'t even understand himself. Cole took in a deep breath as he hissed, showing fangs as his body let loose and involuntary shudder. Cole was shocked by his reaction as he realized hissing and shuddering the way he just did was not something that was synonymous with his character. Then he sniffed and hissed again, the smell in the air reeked of energy and power in a way that Cole had never felt before. It was even weird that he could actually attribute scents to energy and power, it was as if after the explosion the chaos in the air seemed to awakened some sort of primal instincts from deep within his body.

That was it! Cole finally realized why his primal side, which honestly he had no idea he had, had been activated. There really was chaos in the air, and While Cole was not so sure what was going to happen with it\'s presence on the battlefield, but what he did know was that he was itching to get his hand stuck deep in the body of a darkling. And so he gave into that urge. A wild snarl escaped from his mouth as Cole leaped to the ground and began running on all fours like some wolverine or sabretooth tiger. Even in the haze that he was currently in he was still able to see the sheer amount of destruction that had been caused by the way he used his [Chaos Blast] skill.

There was a massive crater filled to the brim with dust and neatly gathered and chopped up wood. To make it even more significant the crater was as long as the barrier of the Glade to the boundary of the forest, a good five hundred meters from each other, which meant that the circumference was absolutely insane. Cole had not even realized that he had been blasted backwards a great deal more than he had originally though. Basically from what he could see, most of the skill\'s damage had been directed to the Ground itself, which means if the attacks had somehow all been able to have taken place a little bit higher up in the air or it had been possible to create a [Chaos Blast] of that yield, then perhaps Cole would have wiped all of them out, and by all of them he meant everybody, the aspirants and the Darklings combined.

He was currently running on the side not the crater, and just like he had imagined there were still some stragglers left alive. Cole growled and increased his stride, the weight of Black Malakai slapping against his back. He leapt in a manner that was no different than an animal, he tackled the Ursaling that was in his way, his momentum smashing them into each other as they rolled across the ground and into the waiting ash of the darklings that had been caught in the Blast radius. They came to a stop as Cole quickly straddled the Ursaling only to received a massive paw across the chest. He had seen the attack coming but had not been able to react in time due to the speed of it.

He was blasted back, his body bouncing of the earth, but rather than react to the pain Cole had let the momentum from the hit let him rebound from the ground and she back towards the bear with a clenched fist and a mouth full of fangs that hade somehow replaced his normal teeth. He smashed his fist into the nose of the Ursaling, negative energy spilling out of it as he blasted apart the head of the darkling. He did not dwell on the kill as he leaned back and a chitterling flew in front of him. Cole grabbed it by the tail and raised it up, hanging upside down and immediately used [Sin Eater] draining the creature of every single last one of it\'s energy, standing up slowly as it turned to dust in his hand and was blown by the wind. He shrugged and scoffed he instinctually pushed the skill out through his body.

[Sin Eater] was now operating at a capacity it had never reached before, and not for lack of trying, but because Cole just did not know the limits and extent of all his abilities. He had been coasting so far and Titan Rising Online was not like other games, that much had already been understood. None of the skill\'s functioned linearly, they were flexible in their application and a single skill could probably be used in a hundred different ways as long as your energy, control and the parameters of the skill itself allowed it to be used. This was why even when skill were the same, no two players were the same, and the same could be said for all of the aspirants that were a part of glade Solitude, everyone was unique, no one here had fallen into the constraints that was expected of old school RPGs. Tanks could also be DPS or heck even worse mages, the limits were just your imagination and how far you were willing to go to experiment.

And with that it was as if a switch had been turned on in Cole\'s head. His own energy suddenly blasted out of his legs as claws slid out of his fingers and toes. He flew into the air were he let loose another blast of energy, he shot up 4 meters into the air and the. Inclined himself into a spiral then blasted energy from his feet again. It shot him forwards as his body flew past a couple of branches way past the edge of the crater. He released his hands as he flew past a branch, his claws scrapped against it as they arrested him moment and slowed his fall as he fell into the midst of an army of darklings who were watching and waiting in the shadows for the aspirants to draw closer.

[Chaos Blast]

Answered the call as Cole wrapped the skill against his fist instead of making a ball as he usually did. He pulled his hand back for more power and punched down into the ground as he landed on his knees with one still up in what was most definitely a superhero landing, the now very demon like Cole smiled as the skill released a blast of energy with him at its epicenter…. The sound of chaos came next


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