Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 186 186: The Trial Of Irma Phoenixborn II

The doors opened up into what seemed to be the core of massive machine. There was a central pillar the size of the Eifel tower that stretched right to the ceiling. Massive tunes pulsing with green energy, lit up the surround8jgs as a variety of engineers and residents moved about taking care of one thing or the other. It was a whole other world underground as Far as Cole could tell, by this point he honestly developed a whole new sense of appreciation for the base itself… it was massive, way beyond his previously understood scope.

He followed the Grand General for a little while as they headed for the Eastern wall, once there they came up to another elevator, but unlike the previous one, this was heavily guarded. Eight guards covered head to toe in combat suits with no parts of their bodies showing and holding on to massive rifles that Cole could only describe as irrational. But energy ran down though their middle, making him realize these were either a sort of plasma rifle, or an energy projectile of the [Driver] class, of course it was smaller then the normal drivers in his universe, either way bottom line was that they packed a punch.

"I have brought the Aspirant known as The World Breaker for an Audience with the council and the Chancellor." The Grand General said, as Cole tried his hardest not to add Dipshit behind his name every time he thought about the canine. Honestly the Dog needed a new catchphrase, also just how long has he been gone that the Dog seems to have a measure of understanding or at least familiarity with the base and the way things are ran here…. It was weird really, Cole did not think he has been gone that long, the time dilation ratio was two days to a single day, so at the very least he should have been gone four days…. Well that was still enough time for some things to happen and change.

"Do you have an appointment?" one of the guards asked, making the General sputter out in indignation and annoyance.

"Really, is that the question you want to ask me, you saw me leave here not more than an hour ago you Dipshit! Are you sure politics is the game you want to be fucking playing with me right now, I\'m on a mission for the Chancellor himself!" in the end the only response the Dog got was the same question.

"Do you have an appointment?" The grand General looked about ready to bust a gasket or something…. Or perhaps he already did Cole couldn\'t tell. But what he could tell though is the fact that the dog was close to his breaking point, huffing and puffing to the point that yellow tinged saliva was dripping from his clenched jaws. Did these guys not realize that the bloody Grand General was a fucking Baneling aka and mother fucking super powered Zombie dog…. And they\'re trying to push it to the limit?

And that\'s when it hit Cole, they were trying to push it to the limit. From what he has seen so far, from all of the zombie movies, media, games or what not he has come across. The creatures were easily triggered by a variety of things depending on how the writers tend to go. The Banelings retain a sort of consciousness, but they seem to relay on sounds, sight and Cole had seen this before, emotions. Getting this dog angry will drive it mad and on a killing spree, enough reasons for them to put it down. Cole shook his head as he stepped forwards and grabbed The Grand General by his hackles, where a set of metallic ridges with blinking lights at their ends were located.

"Don\'t give them what they want Neral. It\'s obvious they just want to out you down like the wild and rabid animal that they think you are, why don\'t you let me Handle this." Cole said as he patter the side of the Cyber Dog, however all the General now Neral as Cole decided it\'s freaking name was ridiculous and he would not be calling the damn cyber dog that. He yelped and jumped, putting himself between the guards and Cole.

"No thank you! I will be calm and I will sort this out. If I let you move then the odds that we will all be dead before the hour runs out will increase to a factor of over 10,000 percent! I\'m claustrophobic enough as it is, so don\'t hurry us under the earth because some guards pissed you off." Cole raised an eyebrow, that was a little bit of an embellishment, he was not that dangerous….. was he?

"Yes I have an appointment, if you would just check with the Chancellor or his aides you will see that he is expecting us. Now please grow some sense before you kill us ALL!" the last part was a scream, and for a Dog Neral had some really loud pipes on him. Loud enough that Cole had to since and raise his hands to his ears, but beyond that the entire cavern was silent as attention was drawn to The Grand General and the guards. The armored guards exchanged glances, though Cole did not understand how they would do that when every part of them was covered up. Never the less they stepped aside and let them through to get onto the elevator.

"See, I told you that I would handle it." The Cyber Dog replied smugly, on the other hand Cole just rolled his eyes at the ridiculousness of it all.

When the elevator opened up it wasn\'t to the front like they had entered, but the back as Cole and the General walked into a hallway. The guards here were also completely suited up, however theirs was deep matte black, while the ones down were grey. Neral and damn it that bloody name must stick, he sauntered forwards as if he owned the place. But he did not hesitate to make small talk as he did so, particularly about the fact that he did not like that Cole shortened his name. All Cole had to say was.

"The name The Grand General is complete shit and a relic from when you were nothing more than amusement for children. You\'re a warrior in an apocalyptic world on the verge of insanity, a change is needed. You can still be The General, but Neral is what I will be calling you from now on.

And alternatively if you really must have a title you Can be The Grand General Neral, or Neral the Cyber Dog. Either one you choose, I will not be calling you the Grand General Dipshit from now on." The dog sputtered and actually barked in indignation then fell into a tirade about how insulted he felt and how he would not stand for such debasement bla bla bla.

The doors at the end of the hallway opened up into an auditorium of some sort. A raise dais with five seats or rather four seats surrounding a fourth could be seen. A man that looked like he was the male version of Irma, down to the scars too. Of course he had a lot more, a whole lot more, and the red in his hair was of a darker shade than his daughter\'s after she had resurrected herself in a fiery blaze. The man\'s eyes narrowed down the very moment that Cole stepped into the chamber, but all Cole did was give him a Cursory glance as he cased the entire room.

The four other members of the council were split evenly between two men and two women. Cole did not care what they looked like really, if it comes down to it they would just be faceless faces in the long list of bodies he has left behind on his climb to power. And with that Cole felt a need to take a step back and reflect, he has been killing…. A lot. These were ended dreams and ambitions, family members that he had taken away from those that loved them….did he not feel anything? He shook his head quickly, now was not the time for a moral debate, he would go down this path of thinking when he was not in danger of having one of his lives taken away from him.

"Are you the one that they call World Breaker?" One of the council members asked him, a woman.

Cole did not answer her immediately as he made sure to pay full attention to the room, and for this first time ever decided to rely fully on all of his advantages most especially his stats. He closed his eyes and cocked his head to the side, almost immediately he could hear a multitude of heartbeats. But not five sets, there was over twenty heart beats in this room alone, three of them were behind Irma\'s father. Cole sniffed deeply, as he gained complete and total awareness of his entire surroundings. Space fell under his control as the sounds of their breathing exposed them all, and Irma, she had a hand clasped around her mouth as her heartbeat and those of her father were the loudest he could hear, Cole sighed.

"Of all the times to have a coup…. You all decided to do it when I\'m here, and even worse try to get me involved in it, when the best thing you should have done was just let me pass through. I don\'t give a shit about Irma and or her ugly faced father, but I guess that Spear of life and green should be the motivation for this bullshit. And you, the woman with the ugly clothes, did your spine not tingle in fear the moment the name World Breaker left your stupid mouth? It did not? Wow, you\'re even more stupid than I thought. Neral?" Cole called the Grand General, an annoyed tone to his voice.

"umm …y-yes?" he responded, his body absolutely shaking.

"You don\'t have anything to do with this do you?" Cole asked, chuckling as he did so.

"n-no sir, absolutely not!"

"Well then that\'s good. Go stand by the door and make sure that no one leaves, and yes Lady…..they call me World Breaker…..let me show you why."

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