Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 233 233: Part 1: The Awkward Moments

Cole smiled ignoring the sweat that slid down his neck as Neral kept prancing around Tehilla, asking her all manner of questions about their universe and what was going on, and flattering her to the point Cole almost spat blood. The situation was awkward, Delarosa had apologized to Tehilla for her actions then promptly fell silent, staying behind Cole at all times as Tehilla led them to the bridge.

As for Neral and Tehilla, it was obvious she was quite taken with the Cyber Dog, enjoying his curious banter and ceaseless questions. It was like having a child, if said child was a robot dog that cursed like an Old sailor. They made it to the bridge and the moment they did so, a wave of power and anger washed over them all, with the source coming from Delarosa. Cole\'s eyebrows twitched in annoyance as he turned about to berate her, only to discover that this time what was coming from her was pure animosity and it was directed straight at someone else who was responsible for his safety….. Dragon.

Dragon took a couple of steps back as if he had seen a ghost, his entire body went rigid then he began to shake as he stumbled backwards, only for his second Lion to hold on to him and steady him as he whispered Delarosa\'s name. Cole\'s eyebrows shot up into his hair, as it became obvious to everyone here that these two knew each other, and none was more confused than Cole, but ultimately he guessed he now knew which floor Dragon had come from.

"How have you been…..ba- Rosa." Dragon asked, his voice coming out in a hitch as Cole along with everyone here did a double take as he had almost called her baby. Something was very wrong here, perhaps they did not just know each other, but had a rather close relationship with each other.

"I\'m not your baby sis and only my family call me Rosa, and last I checked, they\'re all dead including my coward, criminal elder brother who ran and left me behind to die and be consumed by a cursed demonic sword. I don\'t know who you are, and I don\'t care to do so, I am here In service and protection of my master and his family. If you get in my way, I will not hesitate to cute you down and leave your entrails for Neral to feast upon….. he has a particularly healthy appetite for kidneys." Delarosa said as she moved herself to a corner of the bridge and vanished into it\'s shadow, leaving the entire room with tension ask thick you could cut it with a knife.

"I really don\'t want to know….at least not yet what is the history or drama between the two of you. But right now we have a mission in front of us that we have to deal with, the sooner I get Cass and her son the sooner we can all return home…. Some of us at least." Cole said as he went and unceremoniously sat on the Captain\'s chair, ignoring the grizzled old man who was the actual captain.

"That\'s my seat sir?" the captain said through gritted teeth, the moment he did say that though, the entire atmosphere around the room changed. And it was not from Cole. Delarosa reappeared, just as Dragon took a stance that left his hand resting on the handgun by his hip, the rest of his team took on a threatening Mode too as Neral snapped his jaws and growled, the exhaust fans on his sides whirring and glowing as he snorted steam out of his nose. Cole only gave the man a bored look, but inside he was giddy.

He didn\'t know how, but he has cultivated such a level of loyalty from so many people that right now he was feeling downright invisible. But the excitement at having something like this was so much that it threatened to spill out, so all he did was stare at the Captain with a dull gaze.

The man began to sweat, his knees knocking against themselves as the rest of his crew tried to make themselves look as small as possible. None of them wanted to die, and Cole along with the people that now surrounded him, looked like they would not even sweat much less feel remorse if they needed to kill everyone of them. It was Tehilla who decided to refuse the situation.

"My Husband can sit wherever he fucking pleases. We own this frigate, or have you forgotten. You remained captain because you have experience running this frigate for 7 years, and being a captain for close to 35 years. But you forget your place sir, and a reminder of what that place is would not be in your favor as 8 doubt any shred of you would be left behind to even feed the Grand General. Apologize sir…. To my husband for attempting to embarrass him, and not knowing how high the mountains really are, compared to you underground grass root power and personality. Now get down on your knees and apologize."

The captain did no waste time, as he quickly apologized and made himself scarce, it he left with not just the stench of fear on him, but also anger. As one both he, Delarosa and Tehilla turned to look at him, their fangs bared as they hissed. Cole realized that it was only the three of them who were Raens here, and now he realized that they could smell emotions and react to it accordingly…..it freaked him out. But they will deal with the captain later, for now, there was a massive mining colony in front of him that had a subordinate of his and her son waiting for his rescue.

"Alright guys, I want to know what the current status is, what we need to do, how we need to do it, and how many people we have to kill in order to accomplish it. And as quickly as possible too, we have other things we need to take care of people so, what say you?.....let go hunt an arrogant young master and strangle him with his own intestines.

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