Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 243 243: Part 1: The Return II

Honestly, Cole had no idea what he wanted to use a bomb for either, it just seemed like the right thing to say at that point. But ultimately they needed an explanation and he had to give it. He shrugged though and raised his head to the sky as if he was deep in thought and being melancholic, he really needed to come up with something…. Anything really, in the end he just decided to wing it.

"I\'ve since found out that we have to deal with other Glades, somehow a simple resource gathering and territory building scenario had turned into a territory war. I need to step up my game, while I don\'t have full and total control of my Glade, it doesn\'t mean I can\'t have control over the surrounding territories, expanding into a kingdom that would answer to no one else but me. Never the less, I need something that the rest of this world would not have access to unless they have completed their missions and moved on to the fourth floor like I have.

Bombs are the biggest deterrence against resistance, I\'m working on an extremely short timeline so I need to make sure I deal with all of this shit as soon as possible. I don\'t want to have people banging on my doorstep everyday and telling me to give them shit for free, I really don\'t want to do that, I\'m not that magnanimous. Either way I want to turn what I have here into a pillar of technology and advancement that would help both my territory here and my world, and more importantly I need to at least have a bit of familiarity for you guys." Cole said, only to get a reply in turn.

"And you think bombs is the only way to accomplish that?" a young man, not far in age from Cole, in fact it seems like he might be a little older. Either way he had the same features as Irma, minus the scars on her face of course. But he was cut and had a spear behind him, along with a gun so massive it could be nothing more than a high caliber sniper rifle. There was an air of danger around him, but more than that Cole could see that there was also an air of danger attached to him…..this was interesting.

"I mean do you have a better idea?" Cole asked as he turned to stare at the man, who in turn returned the shrug and annoyingly enough in much the same manner that Cole had given it. Cole felt annoyed at that, but then again what could he do about that. He was an anarchist not a psychopath or a tyrant…..maybe anarchist was too much, but never the less he was someone who thrived on conflict so perhaps that was an apt description.

"Honestly I think that works fine, you\'re the boss here, there\'s not really much I can say or do about whatever it is you decide. But if you need to blow things up, I\'m the right guy for the job you know, forget the super rifle, I\'m a crack shot with it but, I really love my boom booms." Cole\'s mouth was hung open in shock as he asked.

"Your boom booms?" it was Irma who gave Cole an answer to his extremely baffled question.

"Castor is a demolitions expert and an expert marksman too. He really loves to blow shit up, and add in the Phonenixborn bloodline then you have a rather lethal combination. His brother Pollux on the other hand is architect and an engineer none of the best in sanctuary for that matter. They\'re just two very opposite sides of the same coin, but together, there\'s not a building, safe, fortress in existence that they can\'t get into, and even more so that they can\'t protect." Cole raised an eyebrow, these guys had ne similar to the twins from Greek mythology but perhaps that\'s where the similarities ended.

"They\'re both also very good marksmen, in fact what they learnt how to shoot with and are most proficient in are how\'s, but considering arrows are not faster than bullets, they just had to learn how to use guns." Cole took what he said back, they\'re just like the myths, archers. Cole had a healthy respect for marksmen, he was one himself and if there was also someone who liked to make things go boom, then by all means he and these guys would be the best of friends.

"Well it is nice to meet all of you. I\'m sorry for the current state of things we\'re just starting out as it is, but with all of you here I\'m sure we can make something that we can all be proud of. I know many of you has had to say goodbye to the only home you\'ve ever known, and definitely not by choice, but this is a chance for survival and growth. Your patriarch knew this and that was why he chose to keep your fate in my hands.

Let me be honest, half the time I don\'t know what I\'m doing, I\'ve gotten this strong solely by doing one thing and one thing only…. Trying to survive everything the system had thrown at me. This time though, I\'m trying to do something a little different than the norm, I\'m trying to build. Because so far all I have left is a trail of destruction, one so terrible that you would shiver in shock and fright if I tell you about it. So perhaps this time if I try to build, I can be good at it too.

But I know myself, that is why I need all of you. I need you all to help me build and also help me protect whatever it is we build. We know the system is merciless, we know it would turn everything over and twist it until its totally unrecognizable. So help me, and I promise I will protect you and guide you come what may, no matter the weather, no matter the season. On my honor as your leader."

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