Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 281 281: Part 1: Territory Defense II

He might be able to fly now, but that was just the level of mastery brought on by the synergy between his stat and his skills. But never the less one of his stats was perception, which meant that ultimately should Cole really push for it, he would be able to notice things that others can not. In fact you could say that Cole was a 100% sure he would be able to find the enemies that had hidden themselves, but even at that he was still not going to be taking unnecessary risks by letting people into his territory, he was not running a charity.

It was not that his territory was closed off, at least it was for now. But anyone could be a part of Raen Valley, they just had to be capable and be willing to be loyal, no more and no less. But right now they were all in the middle of a crisis it wouldn\'t do for him to not be careful. Cole moved his gaze over the gathered people, relying for the first time on the extra edge and awareness his [Sin Seeking Eyes] gave him. The skill itself had always been working in the background, it was a passive skill after all.

But if there was one thing that has been learnt it was that Within the bounds of your stats, and understanding of the skill itself, a skill can be infinitely flexible to match a variety of situations. And one such situation was this, all of a sudden the way Could see or perceive the world had changed. He could see colors that he could attribute to smell; emotions. But beyond that there was a distinct difference amongst the people here, the aspirants had a sort of golden halo covering them, sort of like a protective shell that had multiple layers to it….[Extra Lives].

The denizens had a simple blue shell over them, it was vibrant and seemed to be filled with even more life than those of the aspirants. Cole suspected it was because they had access to their own system and not a base version like they aspirants had access to. More than that they seemed to be more in tune with the environment than the aspirants. The aspirants looked like decorations to Cole, adornments over a tree, while the denizens were the tree itself. As fort he darklings….. they were a vibrant purple black, filled with life of their own and seemingly having the ability to leech of the energy from people that they were in contact with, Cole even watched as a child like darkling, looking no different from a Denizen held the hand of an aspirant and was slowly draining energy from her, so much so that one of the golden shells around her was dimming and would soon be broken.

Chaos energy spun to life in his hand as Cole utilized a [Chaos Blast]. The moment the skill appeared the world seemed to dim, it was a lot more powerful now due to the fact that it was now being powered by a Good Rank stat. The black and red lightning that only showed up when Cole was really pushing the limits of the skill, was now a permanent feature of it as Cole willed the basketball sized orb of chaos to spilt into twelve pieces that he proceeded to shape into knives. The my began to spin and shot forwards into crowds, whipping and swerving around people, displacing the wind as they moved.

Each and every single one of the [Chaos Daggers] struck true. Seeing the power behind his utilization of the skill, Cole could not wait till he gets to level 100 to see just what sort of havoc he would be able to create with his skills then. People let out shocked clamors, many of them driven by rage as their comrades were killed, but a darkling turned to dust immediately it was killed, and these were no exceptions. Cole turned to Thunder-Jack who nodded back at him, a shocked look on his face as he pulled out his weapons and readied himself to stand guard in front of the territory.

Cole could not figure out which of the denizens amongst them were not native to either his Glade or the eastern Glade that they had absorbed of both territory and inhabitants. Cole suspected perhaps the northern Glade might have already sent spies here to deal to watch things and figure out their weaknesses. He cursed softly, he had never thought for a second that there would be any threat coming at him from the third floor, but this has taught him a lesson in not jumping to conclusions and being complacent…..there was a threat in every corner.

He shot into the air, he noticed some denizens acting weirdly, but he would let that stew for now. He had to find the rest of the darklings quickly and above that he got the feeling that he would get all his answers once he gets to the Glade itself. They had gone through a lot of trouble to push the people in his direction, thinking perhaps that it would keep him busy long enough for them to take control of the Glade and split…..wow Cole was shocked. As he flew over the now much larger Glade solitude, he surprised himself by how quickly his deductions were.

Cole was thinking a lot faster than before, and it was almost as if his entire mind has been enhanced to extreme levels. His intelligence stat was now at the Gold Rank, Cole was sure his deductions were correct, just from having people sent to his doorstep he had been able to get insight into the enemies plans. He shuddered, this was the power of the Gold Rank, and get there were still higher ranks than this with way more power, heck the Gold rank was even considered a starting point. It was as crazy as it was humbling and baffling. It just seemed to him like he would have to keep fighting for all of his life to be able to reach a stage where he would not have to bow his head or suffer at the whims of the powerful, the end seems so far.

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