Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 297 297: Captain Nemo Of The Naughty Nurse

Cole was feeling particularly murderous right now, for the last two hours, it would be safe to say that he had been a guinea pig for a bunch of pirates. Whatever it is they were using to shock him, it was a weapon with high enough grade and power to make sure that Cole was brought down to his knees.

After he was first knocked out, Cole had woken up fifteen minutes later. It came as a shock to the pirates as quite a few of them expected that he was already dead. But he was not, and in response to him waking up, they knocked him out again, fast forward to another fifteen minutes and Cole was awake once again. This time they left one of their harpoons in his chest, surprised by it, Cole had not been able to react on time as he got a boot to the face and was promptly shocked to unconsciousness again.

The next time he would wake up, they would be ready for him, and the subsequent times after that. Cole has been awake for the last 10 minutes now. He was locked up in a cell, a honest to God prison cell. But he was not alone, this was a cell block or prison and a significant amount of the cells were filled with people, all of them a variety of different races. Cole had spent the last ten minutes after waking up baffled and equally amused by what he had experienced.

In the end no matter how strong he had gotten, there was something, or someone with the capabilities to bring him down. It annoyed immensely, but what he could he do about it.....well he could do something about it, he could massacre the whole lot of them and be done with this fiasco, yeah maybe that would be for the best. Or it would have, if his next door neighbor has not been banging on the cell doors trying to get his attention for the last 7 minutes.

"Damn it dude what do you want?" Cole asked, already tired of the banging. The man in question seemed human enough until you took into consideration that he had gills for ears, his eyes were rounder than most and there was a smattering of scales over his body.

He was gaunt, lean, weak and it was obvious he has seen better days than this one. It made Cole want to pay attention to the rest of the cells as he noticed that most if not all of the people within were in the same state. And there was a lot of them, even children and all of them of varying races.....looks like there\'s a story here.

"Sorry for the disturbance kid, my name is Nemo, captain Nemo. This is my ship, The Naughty Nurse, and it is a prison and a Cargo transport ship. I apologize for what you have gone through, it had been my job to transport those pirates from the Ruby sea, through the Sapphire Sea, heading for Calypso\'s Needle. A prison isle that they would have carried their sentences out on.

But one of my men, was apparently a mole embedded in my crew. They led a mutiny and released the pirates, then locked the rest of us in here. For the last 2 months they have been roaming the Sapphire Sea, robbing and pillaging. However not with much luck. The Sapphire Sea is home to Gold Rank beasts and travelers, and very few of them are in the Gold rank themselves. So it has been harder than usual for them, especially since they have blown through our rations and have now relegated themselves to cannibalism.

They have been picking us off, one by one and eating us. I\'m sorry for what you have found yourself in as it is my incompetence that has caused this thing for you. I reckon you must be powerful as they had put you in the cell designed to hold diamond rank prisoners..... I can get you out. In return please help us, once you escape from here, get help and come back and save us, there are kids here, if not for anything but for them."

Cole raised an eyebrow at that. It was a touching story....but how the hell was that his business. Getting him out, Cole could tell the cell he was in was designed to contain extremely power entities. But whoever made the cell did not account that they would be trapping someone with the knowledge of how to circumvent it. A single look at it, and with all the magic knowledge and his Arcane-Tech knowledge and even his [Technoman] passive skill, Cole already knew a way he could bust himself out, so he did just that by waving his hand to the side and having the cell doors spring open.

The captain news left shocked, his mouth gaping like a fish as Cole furrowed his eyebrows in contemplation. He has not really paid attention to the fact that he had access to abilities that would bring any sort of technology under his control. 8t would also give him instant understanding of their make, functions, and how to shut them down and take them over. And right now this bloody ship was a marvel of technological and arcane genius, and all it was is a prison?.....what a shame.

But if there ships like this being made on the fifth floor, then Cole was going to make sure he got himself one of these. Not that he needed it, seeing as none of their territory was close to a body of water, but the third floor had underground oceans. Cole was looking forward to exploring those one day, perhaps getting a good ship in preparation for that would be quite good. He shrugged and walked out of his cell, before walking to the front of the Captain\'s cell, then he asked.

"You\'ve got to make it worth my while old man, I don\'t owe you or anybody on this ship anything. What would you offer me in order to get you back control of your ship, and rid it of the pirate infestation that\'s plaguing it." Cole asked as he gave the Captain his most happiest smile.

"Anything! Ummm wait! I have a diamond rank equipment Prism! It\'s been in my family for generations. And I was planning to give it to my son when he came of age, I can give it to you if you can help us fight the pirates and return control of the ship to me. I would forever be in your depth and would hand the prism over to you." Cole Narrowed his eyes as he said.

"I have a few conditions. First of all there are things I need to hunt, you will take me to hunt them, second there\'s a person I need to find, you will take me to find them. Thirdly there\'s a place I need to go, you will either take me there or at the very least point me in the right direction. Also fourthly you will point me in the direction where I can get a kickass ship like this, money is not a problem for me. Then finally show me this prism you\'re talking about, cause I don\'t trust your words old man, you\'re captain to a ship filled with pirates."

The old man raised an eyebrow then nodded at Cole, as he pulled his shirt to the side and showed Cole his chest. There was a wound there a rather fresh one too that was badly stitched, and from within the cracks of the stitches Cole could see the prismatic Glow that accompanied a diamond rank prism. He smiled, looks like the old man had a lot more balls than Cole gave him credit for.

"Alright then Captain Nemo of the Naughty Nurse, I will go and return control and command to your ship back to you. Please remain here in your cells, while I go do so. And do not be alarmed when it starts, because it might last for a while." Cole said as he turned around and began to walk away, but the Captain quickly called out to him.

"Wait! When what starts? What do you mean?" Cole paused, turned around and looked at, him before saying two words.

"The screaming!"

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