Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 341 341: The Sapphire Temple VII

Jake in consideration to the rest of the Raens here was actually quite young. He was just fifteen years old, of course it was weird how a fifteen year old would be running around with veterans of multiple battles, but young as he was Jake had seen things most kids his age would never see in a life time. His experiences had toughened him up, after all…..he had been born into war.

He and the rest of his impromptu team had taken to the roofs. This ruin was still pretty much underground and the sea was not brightly lit as most would think. They had darkness to cloak them, so picking their way across the terrain was easier than one would expect.

Jake was excited though, broken and scarred he might be, but he was still a kid, and one that has been having a great deal of dun ever since this event started. It spoke volumes of how miserable he was, even in an interstellar age where earth has advanced a lot of their technologies. But still they could only go so far when it came to prosthetics, not to mention anyone good enough to function like a real arm was too expensive for a war orphan to afford.

And he needed two, not one, for both his legs. In here he could walk, run, jump and he could be just Like Cole Night. Ever since he saw the first streams for Cole\'s adventure, Jake has been hooked. Even while playing he could still watch it, learning from sword wielding gunslinger, and just pushing forwards to the very limits of what he could achieve in Titan Rising online.

And then it turns out that this was reality, that everything that happened to him here was reflected back in reality. He became obsessed with a way to heal his legs, and so far he was not able to come up with anything. He developed abilities and a much stronger body, but still no legs from below his knees.

And then like some avenging angel, Cole came out of nowhere and attacked their glade, defeating their leader,a man Jake felt is one of the most powerful Aspirants from earth. And then he became a Raen, and finally everything that he hoped for was coming to fruition.

Jake could not stay logged off for long, the regeneration of hisoh ., legs were excruciatingly painful and itchy. So apart from a bath and quick meals and to relieve himself, he spent all the time in here training, learning to move and developing skills that would be helpful to him once he regains full use of his legs. And all of this was possible because Cole Night decided to pay their Glade a visit.

"Jake will you take point? Hit and run tactics only. You\'re the fastest among us, don\'t engage for too long. We need to at least see the average combat capabilities of these goblins. They are still gold rank after all, so be careful." Jake nodded to his team mate as he took a deep breath then rushed forwards.

[Sin Stride]

His form seemed to blur as he rushed forwards, leaving a trail of wind and shadows in his wake. Every Raen that converted or changed to the race always developed a unique sin skill, outside of [Sin Eater] and [Sin Seeking Eyes]. rumors had it that Cole\'s was a skill that let him steal vitality and souls too. But it was just a rumor and had not been proven yet.

Jake\'s dream to one day be able to work again had given him the [Raen Stride] and it was more than just a movement skill, it was a technique, a dance. His team mates asked him to just utilize hit and run tactics…..Jake was going to do a whole lot more than that as he leaped off a building and landing feet first on the shoulder of a goblin, driving it is blue skinned face to the ground.

There was a loud bang as that happened, before a blade fifteen inches long and pitch black slid out of his sleeves and straight into the back of the goblin, just as he used [Sin Eater] a golden corona of energy rushed upwards from the downed goblin into Jake\'s body as he grinned and blasted forwards, leaving a dried husk behind as his wind and shadow trails spread out and he fell onto the goblins like a fox in a hen house.

The blade retraced back up into his sleeves as his fist took on glossy black like property. He smashed it straight into the nose of the next goblin. [Sin Strike] Jake punched the literal spirit/soul out of the goblin. It\'s body crumbling to the ground as he revealed that not only did he not just have the basic Raen race skills, he had not one, not two, but three other unique Sin skills, and this was just one of them.

"Seriously Jake….leave some for us too, you\'re not the only Raen at this party." his team mates said to him as they too fell on the goblins, leaving a trail of brutality and death that would most definitely make Cole proud….and how could he not be. As he watched them all he realized that truly…..he has made monsters.

Cole had been able to find a vantage point to watch everything that was going on, plus each and every single one of them were a part of the guild so he was at least able to keep in touch with the teams as they carried out their fights. Not to mention his perception covered the entirety of the five kilometer in every direction range.

But it wasn\'t just sense that Cole could sense them. He could see as they fought, he could feel it. With so many Raens around him, Cole felt stronger, so much more. Them he remembered that as Raen progenitor, both he and other Raens received a buff whenever he was close to them or they to him. And as the seconds went past, Cole could feel that buff getting….Stronger!

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