Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 476 476: Auric Galaxy: Gravity Rings

Chapter 476 476: Auric Galaxy: Gravity Rings

First things first, Cole had to take care of some pending notifications. He had even missed some from before the whole drama with Azrael started, so he had to go over them again.

[Trans-Universal Soul Body and Your Real Body Have Merged To Become One. Extra lives would no longer be available as soul body and true body have become one]

[You Have Comprehend Auric Galaxy Technique by 35%]

[You Have Comprehended Auric Galaxy Technique Storm Calling by 5%]

Cole blinked a few times as he remembered when he had been using Gravity. There had been a ring of light around him, and his control over gravity had been extremely heightened then. So it wasn\'t exactly a skill, and every usage of the fundamentals behind [Auric Galaxy] was going to be just him brute forcing it, this was him giving the skill form and shape.

It was actually quite fun to ponder on this. Auric Galaxy is a lake. Water regardless of which planet or wherever you find it would always have gasses and a host of other bacteria or just the natural things that make it up. To make use of the water you either had to just drink from it with your hands and mouth or… use a bowl, cup, a water truck.

The water would in then be used for a variety of different things based on the container or function given to it. A watering can would be for a garden, a bucket for a bath, a cup for a drink, a pipe for transporting, a tank for storage.

A base skill with no function, the techniques gave it form and function from the cocktail that it was. This was very unlike before where skills could cover s broad scope as long as you could push them to the limits. Though it might seem much more weaker and underpowered, with the skills more focused the damage that they can cause was immense. And the things they can do now, is much more than they could achieve before.

So how does he go about doing this. He already knew how to make the gravity rings….or at least has an idea about how to do so. Cole sighed, this was just so hard having to figure this all out from scratch. Cole turned to Lyren.

"You\'re small, annoying but mighty! So go keep watch or something, make sure no one disturbs me." Cole said, causing the pup to blanch in annoyance as he extricated himself from Cole\'s body and floated away, leaving Cole in his simple clothes, also floating sue to the absence of gravity. But true enough to what Lyren had said, he was able to breathe.

But not in the traditional sense, his body was producing it\'s own oxygen and cycling it through his entire system. As for the carbon that he had to breathe out, there was nothing. His body was self sufficient and wanted nothing, even the harmful things in a person\'s body, would be have a much different function in Cole\'s body as they all would work to make him absolutely invisible.

Cole created a scattered clump of gravity around himself, there was no shape to them, and for some reason Cole was finding it a bit hard to switch his awareness in order to bring those clumps together, but it seemed there was a limit.

So instead he grabbed two clumps, round golden coronas of gravity that he back to bend and knead into shape. He moved both of them to the side and began to flatten them, yet he made them curved, like two halves of a crescent moon. Then he tried to bring them together only for it to skip out of his grasp and blast him backwards, his back smashing against the wall of the washer with a loud bang.

"Keep a look out he says! I said sure why not, but how the hell am I supposed to do my damn job with you banging on everything back there! Come on master I\'m working here!" Cole narrowed his eyes at the pup that was obviously marking his territory on a mound of clothes that looked freshly made, he cursed softly wondering whether he had not made a mistake in using Neral\'s memory core to make Lyren.

At the thought of Neral Cole\'s mode dampened incredibly. He had been doing an okay job recently not worrying too much about the death of Neral, or the fact that Razor was still in a coma. There was a lot of hurt in him, all he could to deal with it right now was channeling it into his training.

Cole tried again, this time he just worked on one clump of gravity the size of tennis ball. It was raw unrefined and without shape, he flattened it, and it exploded into his face. He ignored Lyren\'s quips and tried again, this time stretching, compressing and curving it all at the same time.

The good news was that after five seconds the ball of gravity did not explode in his face. The bad news however was that his progress was extremely slow. Something that would have taken the old him a second took ten whole seconds as Cole watched the progress with a focused look on his face, how had he used this technique before?

It seems the life and death situation has pushed him to doing his very best and adapting to his situation. Now that things had slowed down, he was a little bit slow. But Cole was persistent, pushing through with compression, curving and stretching. He did so until there was a ring of gravity in front of him.

It was about the size of hand bangle, but it was ring made of gravity. It pulsed in Cole\'s hand as he let go of the technique, breathing extremely hard from his success. And then there was a loud gong going over in his head as system prompt popped up.

[You Have Comprehend Auric Galaxy Technique by 100%]

[You Have Comprehended The Technique ]

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