Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 218: Ji Ye Versus the North King

Chapter 218: Ji Ye Versus the North King

However, while those people who were born in a pirate settlement were rather powerful in the battle, they weren’t really wise about the strategy they chose.

With Ji Ye’s capabilities, he could definitely kill more Yuan soldiers than they did if he chose to enter the water, but Ji Ye didn’t do that. Why?

Because the hunter would always shoot the bird that stood out.

It never occurred to them that the more distinguished the pirate ship was, the more determined the Yuan people would be to get rid of them!


The dirty river suddenly exploded, and dozens of shadows broke out and jumped on the warship that belonged to the pirate settlement!


Those intruders were led by a fair-skinned woman who was wearing revealing black leather armor and a white gem that dangled down to her chest!

When she fell on the deck that was covered by a layer of iron, the woman waved her arms softly and knocked several soldiers to the ground. Their faces were all bleeding, and they couldn’t get back to their feet.

“Not good!”

The woman boarded the ship somewhere not far away from the braided player who was holding a rocket launcher.

Seeing that, he raised his weapon in panic and fired at the woman without caring that his allies might be hurt.


But the rocket that had already been launched out was quickly grabbed by the woman with both hands while it was still flying.

“Haha, go to hell!”

Seeing that, the braided and panicked player laughed hard in delight. He already pictured how that idiot, which wasn’t aware of modern weapons, would be blown up into pieces by the rocket.

“The girl from this world has a sexy body figure. It’s a shame that she’ll be blown into pieces... What?”

However, the braided player’s delight turned into a surprise in the next moment.

It was because after the rocket was clutched, it fumed and fell to the deck as if it had been destroyed.

The woman who was wearing the white gem, on the other hand, approached him in the blink of an eye and slapped his chest, as if he were a fly, while staring at him coldly.


After that, the braided player’s rocket launcher fell to the deck, and intense consternation beamed out of his eyes. His body completely collapsed. Except for his head, as well as his face that was showing utmost fright, his arms, legs, and chest were melting.

It was because the muscles and bones under the braided player’s skin had been reduced to a pulp of meat by the woman’s True Qi that infiltrated his body after her slap!

“Is that the Bone Corroding Soft Palm?”

An Quan’s eyes bulged as he thought of the martial art from a certain movie.

“She’s the North King of Yuan, and the only female one!”

The Song officer, who had been commanding on Ruan Xiaoer’s behalf, changed his expression.

Of the four kings of Yuan, the East King, as the emperor’s brother, ranked first; the South King, as the strongest one, ranked second; the West King, who died not long before, ranked third.

This North King ranked last.

However, even the North King who ranked last was also Extraordinary Rank-7, and she possessed special treasures that contained Transcendent power!

More importantly, given that the battle participants of the pirate settlement already showed their strength, why was the North King so bold as to board on their ship directly?

Even though she was a Rank-7 expert, there were a dozen battle participants on the ship, and half of them were Commanders. Why was she so confident?


It was only because the North King didn’t board the pirate ship alone but was followed by a few Extraordinary Rank-6 subordinates as well as a bunch of battle participants!

Also, there were as many battle participants as those who attacked Ji Ye before!

They were even stronger on average. After all, they were qualified to follow the king to take action, whereas those who attacked Ji Ye could only wander at the edge of the battlefield to take advantage of the situation.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

The North King of Yuan looked not bad. She couldn’t be compared to Nie Xiaoqian or Little Dragon Maiden, but she was nevertheless a beautiful woman.

Her True Qi was the opposite of the South King’s “toughness”. It was extremely subtle and vicious. All the Song soldiers and even heroes who were slapped by her soft hands seemed fine on the surface, but their bones and muscles were all shattered, and they collapsed on the ground while bleeding hard.

“What a vicious True Qi!”

Even Reverend Yideng was more or less solemn as he watched the scene.

“Sir, General Wang asked us to reinforce him asap!”

At this moment, a messenger reported the commander’s order to reinforce the pirate ship.

“Master Ji!”

The Song officer, however, didn’t give an order immediately. Instead, he looked over at Ji Ye, asking for his opinion.

It seemed that Ruan Xiaoer had controlled the warship pretty well.

“Let’s go there!”

Ji Ye naturally nodded.

He had to go there. If he didn’t, how could he claim the spoils that the Yuan people and the pirates dropped while the two parties were vehemently fighting each other?

But on the other hand, he couldn’t join the battle too fast...

Therefore, by the time the Twin Dragon Mount fort’s warship finally “broke through” the obstacles left by the Water Demons and Water Soldiers of Yuan, there were only fifty men left on the pirate ship.

“To battle!”

Apart from the soldiers who were holding weapons, Zhou Botong, Yang Guo, Qiu Qianren, and other projected heroes jumped from the Twin Dragon Mount fort’s warship to the other one and joined the battle.


Even Reverend Yideng took action promptly and killed a Yuan battle participant with One-finger Death Touch.

As a matter of fact, the Buddhism in Dali belonged to Tibetan Buddhism, and Reverend Yideng was not really a Buddhist who was so merciful that he wouldn’t kill anyone under any circumstances.

“What? Why are there so many Extraordinary Rank-7 experts in this place?”

Although the pirate settlement was losing to the North King and her companions, they weren’t weak, and they had two hundred soldiers.

Therefore, the Yuan people suffered a heavy loss although they were winning. They were almost all injured, so it was only natural that they were suppressed by the Extraordinary Rank-7 experts.

The only thing that was suspenseful was probably the battle between the two parties’ leaders, namely Ji Ye versus the only female of the kings!


Their hands that were unleashing True Qi collided.

The air exploded amidst the noises of heavy drumming. The pieces of wood on the two sides of the warship splashed like cannonballs.

After that, both of them stepped back.

“The South King?”

When she stepped back, she broke the iron carpet on the modified deck and looked at Ji Ye with a different expression.

During their confrontation just now, Ji Ye had used the tough True Qi that belonged to the South King of Yuan. He had fused it through the Yin and Yang Sutra.

The reason was rather simple. Since this North King had a lower rank than the South King, her vicious True Qi was theoretically no match for the tough True Qi of the South King!

That was exactly what happened. Ji Ye fought an even match with the female King of Yuan without using any Dragon Aura.

The vicious True Qi that attempted to infiltrate his body was dissolved by Ji Ye’s protective Dragon Aura and True Qi.


Turning solemn, the female king moved forward again and dashed at Ji Ye in a blurry shadow, hoping to make the best use of her agility and speed instead of going for a head-on clash!


However, Ji Ye simply pushed her hands away without any tricks, which caused her to change her expression again.

Along with the oppressing dragon roar, the daunting white dragon-shaped aura burst out. The punch that was boosted by the dual tough auras enshrouded all the space around Ji Ye and made it impossible for her to dodge.


Under the white Dragon Aura, the ship that was covered by iron skin cracked in this round of clash, and the deck, which wasn’t thick in the first place, was partly lifted off.

However, it was fortunate that the pirate settlement had modified this warship into an ironclad one, or their previous clash would be enough to tear the warship to the ground.

Although she was female, the North King of Yuan was definitely not weak, or she couldn’t have almost annihilated the heroes on the pirate settlement’s side so quickly.

However, no matter how powerful the vicious True Qi was, it did not have any advantages at all against the magnificent Dragon Aura Fists.

On the other hand, as a female, she had natural disadvantages in terms of physical strength. Faced with Ji Ye, whose physical strength was almost unparalleled in his level, her carefully-knitted leather armor was shattered by Ji Ye’s daunting True Qi, and she was flung back into the cabin!

“Let’s go!”

Seeing that, the North King jumped back with the force of the fling while blood smeared on her lips. She was ready to dive into the water to escape!

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Ji Ye’s vibe changed, and invisible waves were extended into the river under his feet through the Sea Stone in his hand.


From the place where the female king was attempting to dive, a tremendous amount of water rose into a Flood Dragon more than ten meters long towards her, forcing her to retreat to the center of the warship!


However, when the Flood Dragon that was controlled by the hidden Jade Dragon Sword bit at the female king, Ji Ye frowned.

It was because the more than ten tons of water that formed the Flood Dragon stopped moving when it was ten feet from the female king, as if it were frozen.

As a result, the Jade Dragon Sword that was hiding in the water couldn’t kill the target either!

It could be seen that the female king was holding the white gem that was hanging on her neck as the invisible waves that the gem spread out froze the water that weighed more than ten tons!

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