Silent Crown

Chapter 424 I Changed My Decision

Chapter 424 I Changed My Decision

There was a short break. In the heavily guarded room, Ye Qingxuan sat across from Maxwell, neither speaking. After a long time of looking, Ye Qingxuan asked, "Michel…why did he do that?"

"Perhaps he woke up from his dream," Maxwell said. "He should have understood decades ago when the Inquisition disbanded that the dream was over. He put in everything to extend the dream. Recruiting Colt was a risk. He had wanted to give the Ministry a steroid shot but now it has turned into poison. The Ministry has completely become a joke and will never rise again. He has no other way."

"Actually, he didn\'t have to do that…"

"For an idealistic person, the scariest thing is realizing the distance between reality and the ideal. This is more painful than falling into hell, isn\'t it?" Maxwell glanced at him. "I believe you understand this feeling."

Ye Qingxuan remained silent.

"I know you\'re not willing to accept it but you must respect his sacrifice. You should think about the people you care for. You don\'t wish what happened to Miller to happen again, right?

"People live to care for things and are willing to do dirty things for what they care about. If he did not stand out today, then his family would fall apart… His parents and brother, everyone he cares for would lose everything. Stop giving people reasons to attack you, Ye Qingxuan. You don\'t fear dying but think of your teacher, think of Bai Xi."

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long while. Then he asked, "Got a cigarette?"

Maxwell tossed a pack into his arms. With his handcuffs on, Ye Qingxuan awkwardly tore open the package and bent down before Maxwell\'s lighter to light the tobacco. He sucked in the painful smoke and sighed after a while.

"Maxwell, the adult world is so complicated."

"Yes." Maxwell nodded. "Complicated and dirty. That\'s why adults all become so jaded."

"What did Anglo promise Michel?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"Many things," Maxwell said. "It includes a new colony in the Dark World, three thousand literate youths, many resources, and fifty musicians every year… Fortunately, I have most of these. I gave him my fief."

Stunned, Ye Qingxuan smiled wryly. "I owe you."

"You don\'t owe me anything but you should feel regret because these things should have been yours." Maxwell glanced at him. "Just think of it as buying your life. Remember to work hard in the future and earn my retirement fund back." He rose and patted Ye Qingxuan\'s shoulder. "Rest well. When you get out, I\'ll treat you and the others to the best restaurant in the Sacred City to celebrate for you."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and watched him leave. After a long while, he lowered his eyes. He remembered the darkness that had flashed past Borja\'s eyes and could not help but sigh.



The office was silent. Faint light fell past the curtain to Borja\'s face. He was livid and he stared at the holy emblem on the wall without speaking. After a long time, a hoarse voice came from the dark corner.

"One-sided words shouldn\'t be believed easily."

"Everyone knows those are one-sided words but who can say that?" Borja shook his head. "Mr. Ludovic, if this continues, I can only rule Ye Qingxuan as innocent. After all, isn\'t it easy for the Ecclesiastical Order to kill him? Why must it be here?"

"Ignorance!" Ludovic sneered. "If we truly wish for him to die, we do not have to wait until the court. The prison cell, the toilet, even the bath… It is very easy to kill someone but his death will only aggravate the problem. The only solution is for him to die from the court\'s ruling. Only then is it meaningful and can prove that the Sacred City\'s laws cannot be ignored.

"Do you not understand, Borja? Otherwise, the Sacred City\'s laws and dignity would become a joke. Where would you be at that time? You do not wish to inherit an empty Amnesty Ministry, correct?"

Borja remained silent. His gaze wavered.

"Borja, think of Michel\'s result." Ludovic\'s words did not stop. "The Inquisition was once so powerful but in the hands of the ignorant countries, what has it become? To revive the Ministry of Information, he could only die a humiliating death in the courtroom.

"That freak deserves to go to Hell. He could not forget about his dream of another Crusade. When he was alive, he was like the living dead and is troublesome even in death. Do you wish to be like that?"

"I am thinking…" Borja lowered his head and suddenly asked, "What if this is what His Majesty wishes? If…"

"But the problem is, this would not be what His Majesty wishes." Ludovic\'s voice was raspy like eerie wind from a cellar. "Since he was wounded in the battle with Hecatoncheir thirty years ago, he should have understood that his position as the Pope had started to lose meaning.

"All these years, he has been pretending to be strongly ruling over the countries and natural catastrophes. However, his injury has already worsened at an unstoppable pace. There is no way for him to give a clear opinion."

Borja was completely shocked.

"Otherwise, why would he pretend to be inscrutable?" Ludovic sneered. "He knows better than anyone that he is about to die. If he revealed his weakness, all dignity and prestige would be gone. He would be nothing."

Borja inhaled sharply. "If this is the case, the Sacred City…"

"The Bible says, \'I am the Lord thy God, thou shall not have any gods before me.\' But the most laughable thing about the Sacred City is that all glory and power and placed on one man. Borja, our ancestors have gone through so many hardships to create this but it is only enjoyed by one man. Are you truly content for him to take all this to the so-called Heaven?

"Stop your naivety, Borja. Do you really believe that his Majesty gave you all this? No, we did! We have been maintaining the world all these years, maintaining the stability between the countries. Do not bow before a body waiting to rot on the holy throne. It is time to take back what is ours!"

In the silence, Borja swallowed dryly. After a long time, he managed, "This…does my father know?"

"The day he joined us, he understood everything." Ludovic walked out of the shadows and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Borja, the Ecclesiastical Order was born for this. You will become one of us."

"I understand." Borja nodded. His expression changing, he finally made his decision. "I will take care of it."


Ten minutes later, the adjournment ended. However, Borja was five minutes late. He arrived belatedly for the first time to show his power but there was a vague bad premonition. When he hurried to his seat, his expression had become solemn and stern.

"The trial begins now." Borja pounded the gavel.

Everyone stared at him in the silence. The trial began now but how would it begin again? No one knew what to say. Even Bastian looked confused.

Aldrich asked, "Your Honor, must this meaningless trial continue?"

"The case is not yet clear and there is no conclusion. The trial has not ended." Borja was expressionless. "Continue according to procedure. This is not your first day in court. Must I teach you what to do?"

Aldrich frowned. "Your Honor, I believe the case is already completely clear. We can already make a conclusion!" He demanded, "Are you overlooking Father Bishop\'s testimony?"

It was silent enough to hear a pin drop. Under everyone\'s eyes, Borja finally said, "The witness\'s testimony still awaits verification. We cannot come to a conclusion based on one man\'s testimony." He paused and said indifferently, "Because the witness is involved in the case, he cannot be seen as a pure witness. At the same time, he has not been registered as a tainted witness. Therefore, before his testimony can be verified, his testimony will not be used by the court."

Aldrich\'s face darkened.

Register as a tainted witness? What a joke. If he had taken a stack of forms through the seven ministries half a month ago to register a tainted witness, he would have given his best card to the Ecclesiastical Order and Michel\'s testimony would rot in his stomach.

His testimony still needed to be verified? How would it be verified? Through what process would it be verified? How long would it take? Who would still remember this weeks later?

The court was obviously pushing Michel\'s death to the side. When it cooled down, it would be swept into the paperwork. After the short period, Michel\'s final sacrifice would dissipate soundlessly. It would become a story to laugh at, only remembered by a few people.

Aldrich clenched his fist. He glared at Borja, veins bulging in his arm. The worst case scenario had come true! If Borja wished to keep his image of justice, the holy throne had now completely become biased toward the prosecutor\'s side under the Ecclesiastical Order\'s influence. Whatever evidence Aldrich prepared now would be useful.

After the referee of a game was bribed, the winner and loser would be determined already. And this was not a game where both sides could work hard. This was the court where the judge made all the decisions.

Aldrich had no way of requesting to change the judge either. If the Sacred Court made the decision, appeals would be of no use.

Appeal? Appeal to whom? The Sacred Court was the highest point of the world of law. It was second only to the Pope but would the Pope help Ye Qingxuan? It was impossible…

"Objection!" Aldrich roared. "Michel\'s test—"

"Objection invalid," Borja interrupted coldly. "Mr. Aldrich, I have already warned you three times to not yell in the courtroom. Come, someone take him away."

Expressionless guards walked forward and dragged him away.

"Ridiculous!" Aldrich struggled and yelled. "Where is the law? Where is the discipline? Borja, you will be nailed to the wall of shame! For eternity!"

The door slammed shut. Silence.

Borja pounded his gavel. "The trial will continue. Suspect Ye Qingxuan, if you require defense, the court will find a new attorney for you."

Maxwell was livid. He had not expected for Borja to ignore justice so blatantly and force Aldrich away. Ye Qingxuan remained silent. When he looked up at Borja, his eyes had changed. They were cold.

Maxwell put a hand to his forehead. He really had a headache now. Even worse things would probably happen.

The trial continued.

Bastian wiped away his sweat. He regained confidence and determination. "Your Honor, we would like to offer new evidence. During the Auschwitz War, Ye Qingxuan—"

He was cut off by a voice behind him. It was Ye Qingxuan. "Your Honor." He looked up and sighed. "There is no need for all the effort. Let\'s all conserve our energy."

"Suspect, please watch your language." Borja furrowed his brows. "It is not time for you to speak."

"Are you worried I\'ll reenact what happened at the city gates?" Ye Qingxuan asked back. He chuckled. "Don\'t worry. This is the courtroom and I am the suspect. The judge is the highest authority. There\'s nothing to be worried about. Look, I\'m still chained up nicely." He raised a hand and shook the handcuffs. The chains grated with sharp jangles. In the silence, the sounds were jarring.

Staring into Borja\'s eyes, he said, "Actually, I had already been prepared to confess. I had accepted that I will hang from the gallows. However, the prerequisite is that it will be due to a just trial. Not a joke like now!"

A low murmur rose and Borja pounded the gavel.

"Ye Qingxuan, please watch your language. This is your last warning!"

But Ye Qingxuan did not stop. "I am very sad. There is none of the justice or truth I want here. I should have understood this the moment you made Miller come. But I did not realize until Michel died that this place does not have what I want. So, I\'ve changed my decision."

"Ye Qingxuan!" Borja roared. "Do you not know what awe and respect are?!"

"I\'m sorry, Your Honor. I came to the north all the way from the south to the Sacred City. I did not come here for the disgusting things that only look glorious." Staring at him, Ye Qingxuan enunciated, "Continue the trial, Your Honor. You can bring all of my friends here and make them accuse me. But I hope you understand that I will never surrender. For every bit of pain they feel, I will give it back thousand-fold!"

"Presumptuous!" Borja screamed. "Ye Qingxuan, this is the Sacred Court! How dare you spout blasphemy? The suspect is disturbing the court order! Someone come and give him the silent treatment!"

The gavel fell. A guard rushed over and pushed Ye Qingxuan down. A hand hit his throat, causing his vision to go black. He could barely breathe. Then heavy chains wrapped around his neck; he could barely stand up straight. The chains tightened until he only had the space to breathe. Ye Qingxuan coughed violently but his voice was locked up. He could only breathe in silence.

"Mr. Borja, isn\'t this too cruel?!" Maxwell rose and uttered, "No offense, but your actions make me doubt your neutral stance."

"If you are unhappy with my stance, you can report to the Amnesty Ministry," Borja said coldly. "But in the Sacred Court, the judge\'s position in undeniable. This is another warning to the representatives of Anglo. You have broken enough rules today!"

The furious blade was forced back down. Livid, Maxwell sat down silently.

Mr. Hu placed a hand onto his shoulder. "Calm down." He sighed. "There may be another chance."

Maxwell looked down and did not reply.

Bastian looked coldly at Ye Qingxuan\'s pathetic state. His eyes filled with mockery. He opened his mouth to speak but then there was a commotion outside the door.

Amid heavy footsteps, a man in a black robe and an odd lacquered crown broke in. His face was milky white and hairless like a little girl but his eyes were pure black. He pushed the guards away and strode in. He said in his high-pitched voice, "Look at you all! How dare you stop me, the eunuch?"

Under everyone\'s shocked gazes, dozens of guards dressed in black and armed with swords entered behind him. They just broke into the Sacred Court like that. The sudden change stunned everyone.

That man looked around. However, there were too many people and he could not see clearly. He called, "Where is the duke? Which one is Duke Ye?"

No one replied in the silence. Confused, the man\'s eyes fell onto the jury and brightened.

"Mr. Hu, I\'ve been looking for you! I came here at noon and searched for you!"

"I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry. Something happened." Mr. Hu\'s expression grew awkward. He cleared his throat and walked over. "Eunuch Zhao, why did you bring so many people here? This is the Sacred City. The Majesty did not allow you to come make a mess."

"Mr. Hu, you must help me!" Eunuch Zhao grabbed his sleeves, almost shedding tears.

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