Silent Crown

Chapter 518 Courage

Chapter 518 Courage

The low and deep sound of the harpsichord echoed in the air. Hearing this, the third son of the king began to feel more depressed.

He backed away a few hundred steps, and finally felt the music theory inside his body begin to function properly again.

In fact, the music theory itself had gravitational force. The steadier and more powerful a theory was, the stronger the gravitational force became. Sometimes, a person could be drawn in and killed simply by the force itself.

Many people believe that the third son of the king would become a saint in ten years. However, he could not even stand the power of Bach, and was sweating like a beast. He was extremely shocked and terrified.

Earlier, when Bach began to play the harpsichord, he immediately lost control of all the music theories inside his body. If he hadn\'t managed to collect himself, he would have been killed by his own music theories.

After he backed away a few hundred steps, he was finally relieved.

Around Bach, everything with physical form had been replaced by the tumbling aether.

The scepter had not revealed itself, but it had already turned the immediate surroundings into a world full of aether. With the sound of harpsichord echoing in the air, the music theory gradually changed and replaced all the principles and rules of the Physical World.

Bizarre scenes began to appear in the huge snow plain, and at the same time, thunder crashed among the clouds.

The clouds were glowing and some burning stars penetrated the clouds. The stars were flying across the sky!

Each star was giving out frightening aether waves, and there were hundreds of stars. As they drew closer, he saw that the stars were actually holy spirits!

There were one hundred and seventy holy spirits in this world, and they all gathered here today!

Each of them was a powerful man or musician in his life, and each of them had developed their own interpretation of music theories and had pursued the truth of music theory.

The burning stars were moving with the melody of Bach\'s music, and all the holy spirit\'s\' power fused together. Water and fire, heaven and earth, war and peace, and anger and mildness—countless elements that contradicted each other coexisted as Bach\'s music played.

"King of Blue, you are indeed something," the third son of the king murmured. Throughout history, each musician who had been granted the title "King of Blue" or "Bach" was extremely powerful.

There were hundreds of thousands of musicians in this world, and since each of them had their own way of interpreting music theories, there were also hundreds of thousands of different ways to interpret music theories.

Bach had managed to grasp the core of all the different methods of interpreting music theories, and make them his own. Because of this, he was not confused by the constant changing of music theory, and managed to combine all the contradictory elements into a whole.

One whose mind was trapped by insignificant or trivial things could never reach Bach\'s level, and neither could someone who paid too much attention to themselves.

Bach had managed to make the whole world his tool! Thus, he could freely play the music theory of Bach and take control of the huge system that was supported by the holy ax.

Bach had turned the whole system of music theory into his own music movement! The magnificent and holy sound of harpsichord echoed in the air, and all the burning stars were trembling along with the sound, creating enormous power.

"I will always obey you and do anything for you, your majesty." The head of the holy spirits, who was wearing a silver crown above his head and holding an ancient sword in his hands, genuflected in front of Bach. "For the sake of the Sacred City."

The ancient sword began to make sound. Throughout history, every Pope had used it before. It stood for the glory and solemnity of the Sacred City.

The Gate of Heaven!

"For the sake of this world," Bach murmured. He held the broken pieces of the Gate of Heaven and fate and said, "The killings that happened in the past, are happening now, and will happen in the future are all for the sake of justice."

"Please bless us." Bang! There was a cracking sound and a ray of extremely bright light.

The crowd backed away and covered their eyes with their hands; they were too scared to look. The broken pieces of the Gate of Heaven and fate were colliding with each other and making deafening noises.

The blade of the Gate of Heaven fell into pieces. Gone was the long sword that represented the solemnity and glory of the Sacred City; instead, there came a ray of extremely bright light.

Countless holy spirits began to play the solemn and holy "passion music"! Bach adjusted the music system and it began to operate, with the help of hundreds of scepters, he played a music movement that stood for the grief of God!

Blue fire danced around his body. At that moment, he came out of his physical body and turned into a new existence. The blue fire that was dancing above his head formed into a real thorn crown.

"Amen!" Bach gazed the sky and murmured. He continued to play the music and pushed it to its climax. At the same time, the whole seemed to have been buried in pure darkness, since Bach had changed all the light in the world into a burning spear!

Both the Physical World and the Aether World were trembling! The power of the tumbling sea of aether spread in all directions, and in the next minute, it filled the whole human world, then broke the limit and poured into the Dark World.

"The glory, the scepter, and the holy kingdom are all yours." Bach stared at the burning spear in his hands and said, "Forever!"

The next moment, the burning spear flew away. Everything in the world became still and was shrouded by the light of it. In the static world, only the burning spear was moving fast to the south, to the center of the world where the Sacred City was located, to the crack of the abyss.

In the blink of an eye, the burning spear flew across the sea of aether and penetrated the abyss!

Ludovic\'s face was twisted by inhuman temperaments, and pure darkness was pouring out of the abyss. It struggled to leave, wanting to close the crack and go back to the state of "nothingness," because only in this way could it prevent itself from being hit by the burning spear.

The music theory created by the oldest three kings was burning inside the spear and giving out infinite light and heat. When it fell into the abyss, it would clear out everything that was in its way and destroy the enemies of God!

Seeing this, Hyakume could no longer calm down and jumped out of the abyss. A ball of darkness rose up from the abyss; in the next moment, the darkness covered the sky and condensed into a pure dark cloud.

The crystals inside the cloud sparkled. The enchantment of the Sacred City was totally destroyed by the gravity of the cloud.

In the Sacred City, those musicians who were not under protection exploded.

Hyakume revealed his identity and played an extremely terrifying temperament.

Stimulated by the gun of fate, Hyakume did everything he could do to transfer his energy to the Physical World to enhance himself.

Meanwhile, he suddenly heard a mildly strange sound. The strange sound mixed with his music theory, and though it was mild, it almost destroyed his music theory.

As his music theory was affected, so was his body. For the first time, Hyakume lost control of his own temperament.

The strange sound came from… after realizing this, Ludovic shouted!

"This is \'fear.\'" Ye Lanzhou smiled. "This is not my doing, and the reason it happened was because you were afraid."

Hearing this, Hyakume became furious.

"Be patient." Ye Lanzhou laughed and stretched out his hands to Ludovic. "We all have to go through tough times, and there is still much pleasure you have not experienced."

"Smile," Ye Lanzhou said. "Smile for your life."

Hearing this, Ludovic\'s face was twisted but he smiled as well.

"Fear is part of humanity. Being afraid of fire, ferocious beasts, and death… and then we realized we could also be courageous," Ye Lanzhou said. "Are you feeling very confident with yourself after hearing what I have said? Don\'t be afraid, the entire human race is just motes of dust, and the so-called \'Sacred City\' is just a shabby place, and even the gun of fate was trivial."

In the sky, the cloud suddenly shrunk to its half size, and it seemed that it was going to disperse. In the abyss, Hyakume scorned this world.

The humble human being...

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