Silent Crown

Chapter 612 May the God Bless the Kingdom and My King Bless Me

Chapter 612 May the God Bless the Kingdom and My King Bless Me


The Staff of Fate clashed with the Stone Sword.

From the very beginning, the fight had not been about strength or combat skills but some higher-level power. What were in conflict were the different natures of their power.

Having converged the matrix of the whole path to godly ascension, the stone sword was no long the mere key to the path to godly ascension, but the path itself. It was because of this change that Maxwell had been able to wound Arthur so badly and seal him for several hundred years when he betrayed Arthur.

Arthur didn\'t make the same mistake again. All the music theories were out of Maxwell\'s control and were deployed by Arthur himself.

In the term of its nature, the stone sword had turned to something more profound and powerful. It didn\'t only represent Arthur\'s Chapter of Golden Victory, but also could utilize the power of Leviathan. To some extent, it might be said that it was the carrier of Leviathan\'s power.

A coarse voicing was heard from the stone sword, singing a sad song. It was as if the dead Leviathan had come back in the form of a ghost, hovering in the sky and feeding the sword with its power, which made Arthur stronger and more violent, yet more non-human.

Compared with the stone sword, the staff of fate looked like an iron rod. It was so shabby!

It didn\'t bring Ye Qingxuan any ability or power, and it didn\'t have the frightful lethality of the lance of the dragon slayer. Forged with the broken pieces of the spear of destiny, it integrated all the music theories passed down in the Religious Court of Inquisitors for centuries and became almost the reincarnation of the miracles of the holy temple. The holy emblems on it was proof to that. Since it was created, it was listed in the profound music theory system of the holy caldron and accepted by the caldron as a symbol like the Gate of Heaven.

Since the holy caldron created the new system in the originator hundreds of years ago, the human race had been building on this system to become stronger. The three kings and the saints were the defenders of this system, of which the "Holy Bible" was an indispensable part.

Apart from sheepherding the souls of all living creatures, the legend created by the Holy Bible was enhanced and upgraded. With it as the main theme, countless "elements" were created, benefiting almost every single musician.

Except the black musicians, all musicians, after becoming a master, would choose a chapter and an element most suitable for him and integrate them into their symphony of predestination to upgrade to the scepter level.

Once they succeeded in that, they would become part of the system, through which they could reach the aether world and even directly use the power from the originator.

Besides that, there were holy tools created to carry the elements, such as the gate of the heaven, the holy horn, and the staff of fate, which was forged with the broken pieces of fate and integrated the core music theories of the Religious Court of Inquisitors and accepted by the Holy Caldron.

That\'s why Shi Dong was so happy when it was created.

Thanks to it, the Religious Court of Inquisitors was no long a subordinate of the Church, nor the church could dissolve it as they wish. As long as the staff of fate was in Ye Qingxuan\'s hands, the Religious Court of Inquisitors would be a holy organization and Ye Qingxuan\'s title – the hand of god – would be beyond reproach.

The reinforcement by the holy caldron on the staff of fate was directly from the Holy Bible – follow the will of god, crush all rebellions, like an iron staff smashing earth ware under the instruction of god.

The distinct feature of this staff, was the unique "stability". It clashed against the stone sword without any protection or preparation when it was just born, yet its music theories were so stable that they were not scratched or wavered.

It was almost indestructible. It seemed to be able to survive alone when everything else in the world was destroyed.

There was nothing more suitable than this staff for Ye Qingxuan, as he was very good at utilizing powers not his own to achieve his own goal. With this staff, he could allocate power hundreds of times mightier than his own on this staff without worrying the staff might broke.

This staff was a perfect lever! Even if he inflicted all the power of the national defense line upon it, the staff showed no sign of stress at all.

Being simply was being powerful.

With Ye Qingxuan\'s skill of borrowing powers from other sources, the staff would need no other ability at all. The only thing it needed to do, was to be a "lever", with Ye Qingxuan as its pivot point, to pry up Anglo and Leviathan.


The sound of the dark sun collapsing was even louder.

Arthur was angrier. Under his skin, the turbulent firebirds multiplied and revealed signs of inhumanity. Ye Qingxuan looked at him coldly with a mocking sneer.

The power of catastrophe surged in the stone sword and Arthur pressed forward. Stating at Ye Qingxuan with blood-shot eyes, he shouted, "how dare you stare at me?"

Ye Qingxuan didn\'t flinch. "I\'m wondering who you really are."

"I am Arthur, king of kings! The eternal godly king of the earth!" Arthur roared, the path of godly ascension was continuously sucking the power of Leviathan, which made him stronger and more horrible. Ye Qingxuan was pushed back by his surging strength.

Ye Qingxuan shook his head with a sneer. "I guess now you are very angry, right?"

With the path of godly ascension in operation, Arthur\'s appearance changed.

The madly multiplying dragon blood modified the weak body, on which scales grew out of the skin and bones pierced out of his back and turned into a pair of huge dark wings.

"This is the eternal godly king of the human world?" Ye Qingxuan sneered, "you should really look at yourself in the mirror before you say that. Your love for the lady of the lake was only greed and lust. The love of Leviathan for you, I\'m afraid, was not without her own purpose. The dragon blood brings you power, but it also turns you into a monster like this. Right?"

Looking at the ugly face, Ye Qingxuan heaved a sigh. "You\'ve only found this out when it was too late. It only turned you into a monster as she was instead of the king you want to be! That\'s why you are so angry, so mad…"

"Shut up!" Arthur roared, angrier than ever before.

Yet in the booming noise, a coarse laugh was heard. The laugh was mix of mockery and helplessness.

"Give it up now, your majesty. Don\'t you understand now?" On the edge of the stone sword, Maxwell\'s face emerged with an expression of mixed feelings.

"The world has never been yours since the very beginning."

"You bastard!" Arthur\'s face twisted. "I created you! How dare you offend your king!" The firebirds tore Maxwell into pieces.

Yet the figure emerged again, even clearer. But the figure was cracked and torn and might collapse at any moment.

"I\'m pretty sure the courage to offend you was all mine." Maxwell said in a low voice, "thank you, your majesty. I was only a piece of iron, but you gave me a soul. It was a great honor for me. I may be not so good as a weapon, but I\'m proud of having this free will of mine. It was so great that I could live in this world as a human."

"How you dare!" Roared Arthur. The stone sword moaned, and blade breaking into pieces. Maxwell\'s phantom shivered and began to collapse, yet his eyes were even more determined.

Arthur gritted his teeth and softened a little. He snarled, "if you like it, after this, I\'ll allow you to live in the world as a man forever. As long as I was alive, you can share my throne."

Yet Maxwell was not tempted at all. He stretched out his hands, and numerous music theories extended out from the stone sword and pierced into Arthur\'s body and become integrated with of him.

"Forget it, your majesty. After so many years of miserable life, I\'m really tired of it." Hugging his creator, he murmured, "the new time should be handed to the new generation. Please get off this stage with me."


A huge crack appeared on the stone sword and the path to godly ascension moaned. Cracks covered the who path and the balance among the for layers were lost. The path might collapse at any minute.

Trembling in pain, Arthur roared and screamed.

"Maxwell!" Ye Qingxuan shouted, "what are you doing?"

"I need to finish what I didn\'t finish before." Maxwell raised his head and looked around at the shivering world sentimentally. "I should have done this before, but I didn\'t dare to. This world is so beautiful. Ye, I don\'t want to go.

But it suffered so much pain, and it was all because of my cowardice."

"Stop! Maxwell." Ye Qingxuan shouted, pressing the staff of fate madly forward to interrupt Maxwell. But he could not touch Maxwell at all.

"Don\'t you want to retire? I have kept the house in Asgard. Don\'t you want to go there to have a look? It is so beautiful, Maxwell, very beautiful."

Looking at the broken figure of the old man, he said, "I beg you, please have a look there! You would regret it if you don\'t go there."

"If the garden is empty, plant some roses there for me." Maxwell said his farewell, smiling gently, "I\'ve always wanted to see some flowers with Elizbeth.

Pity I won\'t have the chance. If I can leave a place full of flowers after I die, it would be great."


Maxwell\'s body broke into pieces. The cracked body disappeared, leaving only the farewell smile in Ye Qingxuan\'s mind.

Ye Qingxuan stood transfixed.

Arthur screamed and the path of godly ascension shivered and collapsed. The dark sun in the sky shook violently and crashed onto the earth.

"Don\'t you dare! Maxwell! You son of a bitch!" Arthur shouted, ignoring the huge wounds on his body. He opened his mouth and swallowed the broken pieces of the stone sword into his stomach. The power of the path of godly ascension was all devoured by him, captivated in the deformed body.

Arthur didn\'t die.

He was still alive!

Yet, before even Arthur could crack his hideous grin, Ye Qingxuan shouted, "Arthur, you son of a bitch!"

Furious, Ye Qingxuan pressed forward and held high the staff of fate. A pure white moon raised in the sky.

The stone of the sage, seal of moonlight and catastrophe resonant. All three in one strike.

Jiu Xiao Huan Pei drew the power of the national defense line and infilled the hot power into the fate of staff. Then, smashed it on Arthur.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

With all the power of the whole Anglo, the staff of fate smashed onto Arthur\'s face. The face was smashed so hard that it turned into a meat pie. Before Arthur could defend himself, his right hand was also hit and the bones shattered.

Ignoring the firebirds, Ye Qingxuan stepped onto Arthur\'s body and hit him with the staff of fate again and again. The black blood fell on his furious face.

"How dare you! How dare you!" Stepping on Arthur\'s face which was healing quickly, Ye Qingxuan was as crazy as a monster. "Why don\'t you just die?

Why? Why should you live in this world! How dare you hurt Maxwell! Why don\'t you die! Why don\'t you find a dark corner and rot quietly! You son of a bitch! Sh*t! Crap! Garbage! Criminal! Parasite!"

Arthur screamed horribly. His bones cracked. He wanted to say something, yet he couldn\'t even move under the crazy attack of Ye Qingxuan and was stepped by him like a pile of garbage.

The usually calm and arrogant young man was completely crazy. He was as fierce as an evil monster, torn off his mask of kindness by anger. He spat out his poison without mercy and sabotaged Arthur\'s dignity.

"Die! Go to hell!" Stamping on Arthur\'s face again and again, he shouted, "Why?! Why?! Why?!"

Arthur screamed. Yet he grabbed the staff, risking his fingers. Raising his head, he gnarled, "You will pay for this, Ye Qingxuan! I swear it!"

then, turbulent burst out from his body and pushed Ye Qingxuan away. His body was suddenly covered with blue flames. He roared and his body turned into ashes inch by inch. Finally, he turned into a hot beam of light and flied to the dark sun.

In the dark son, cracks spread all over. Then, something moved in the sun.

Arthur gave up the power he had not yet absorbed and stopped waiting for the path of godly ascension to complete naturally. He abandoned the body and wanted to ascend on the world as a catastrophe.


The sun smashed on the ground. In the aether world, a violent sun raised slowly into the sky. A new catastrophe was born.

The path of godly ascension came to its end. In the collapsing sun, a black deformed dragon raised its head and roared.

The seven seas were trembling.

The dragon spread its wings and covered the whole Avalon under its shadow.

Terrible firebirds soared and wiped out half of the upper city in a split second.

Born earlier than it naturally should, the catastrophe still had power beyond imagination!

"Hahaha…Maxwell, can you see? Do you see me?" Arthur rejoiced. "You son of a bitch. You cannot stop me. Nobody can! I am the real king of kings!"

"Is it so?" Ye Qingxuan said coldly. Looking at Arthur, he said, "is this what you can do? Is this what you want to say? It was a joke, on yourself."

Dark firebirds soared forward and pressed upon Ye Qingxuan. The staff of fate moaned and Ye Qingxuan\'s hands were again shattered, revealing his bones.

Reborn as a catastrophe, Arthur became so powerful. He almost defeated Ye Qingxuan with only one strike.

Arthur looked at Ye Qingxuan and sneered. "See who is a joke, now?"

Horrible pressure was inflicted upon Ye Qingxuan. He could not raise his head; his bone was whining in pain. The firebirds of Arthur were to crush him into ashes.

"I told you, you will pay for what you have done. I told you!" Arthur said, "I will jail you in the broken pieces of the stone sword. And you will regret for the rest of your life that you offended the holy king of the world."

The pressure surged again.

Ye Qingxuan shook, and blood oozed out of his mouth. He fought against the pressure with the staff of fate, and said, "no, Arthur. Quite the contrary. I will defeat you. I will save this country. I will make this world better. You are not worthy to rule this world!"

At that moment, the Symphony of Predestination abandoned by Arthur – the Symphony of Golden Victory - was played loudly in the Heaven on Earth.

As the path of godly ascension collapsed, the Heaven on Earth absorbed all the power remained of it.

The music theories of the Genesis radiated to all directions and filled every corner of the Heaven on Earth. Then, great changes happened.

This city used to be a phantom in the mirror. Yet now, with the power of the Leviathan, it ascended into the aether world and turned into shining stars.

It became a real city.

On the throne, Mary fell into sleep, her eyes closed.

In her bosom, numerous music theories weaved together, and the golden sheath was absorbing the power of the national defense line.

The phantom of a golden hunt dog appeared and absorbed the violent power.

The dog soon turned into a giant dragon, magnificent and powerful.

Finally, the dragon turned into a blurred figure of man. Wearing the three-layer golden crown, he raised his golden eyes and looked at Arthur.

Suddenly, the Heaven on Earth shone brightly. The world fell into silence.

The curtain on the stage was drawn open. every creature was waiting for the final show.

A figure as magnificent as a king walked out of the Heaven on Earth. With cheering from the people and the booming of horns, the gates opened one by one. The figure walked up into the sky.

Heavy armors appeared on him, and then, the sword was there in the sheath.

And finally, the strong red dragon-horse galloped out from the void.

The man with the sword rode on the horse. It was as if there were an army following him. The world was shaking.

Upon his arrival, the whole Anglo resonated with him and transmitted power onto him. The phantom of the golden dragon loomed, spraying firebirds like water of the sea.

At last, the figure stopped by Ye Qingxuan\'s side.

He glanced at Ye Qingxuan. It felt so familiar, arrogant yet helpless, like that of a king.

Holding the staff of fate, Ye Qingxuan wiped the blood off his mouth. He raised his head and looked at the figure, and heaved a sigh. "Who is the real Arthur?"

"I don\'t know." The king shook his head, his expression complicated. "Maybe I

am, maybe I once was."

"Let me guess. It\'s because of Ye Lanzhou?"


"All right. We can talk about that later." Ye Qingxuan pointed at the black dragon. "Do you regret it? It turned into such a mass!"

"A little."

Feeling awkward, the king scratched his nose. "Thank you."

"You\'ve been taken care of me for so many years." Ye Qingxuan shook his head. "Next time you want a girlfriend, find someone reliable. It doesn\'t matter even if she was ugly."

The king didn\'t speak and looked elsewhere, apparently not knowing what to say.

"Old Phil?" Ye Qingxuan said.

"What?" He turned back and saw the eyes of the young man. He was serious and solemn.

"Thank you. It has been so long."

The king smiled and patted him on the shoulder, as usual.

"Thank you, too."


The war horse neighed.

The king drew his virtual sword from the sheath. The sword was as it had been before, with seven virtues decorated on it. After so many years, it was as majestic as ever.

"My time is running short…" Looking at the black dragon in front of him, the king was proud and disdainful as usual.

"Let\'s go." He said.

"OK." Ye Qingxuan nodded.

The next moment, he was like waken up from a dream and opened his eyes.

It was as if nothing had happened at all.

The time began to flow again. The cold intention of killing of the dragon was felt even stronger.

In the shadow of the wings of the catastrophe, the dark firebird devoured Ye Qingxuan like flood. Yet, next moment, golden light began to shine in front of him.

The staff of fate boomed. A blade was forged in the golden light and pierced through the air forward. The blade clashed with the catastrophe, and the flood of destruction was cut through from the middle.

In the light, horses neighed and the Pomp and Circumstance (March) was played. The king walked from the light toward Arthur and raised the "Stone Sword" in his hand.

Bright light radiated from the sword like the beams of the raising sun, brightening up the whole world with an ocean of light.

The banner of red dragon was raised high up again.

The war horse neighed. The king held his sword.

"King of Anglo!"

A low voice filled the space between the sea and the sky, and lingered over the seven seas. It reached every inch of the land and transmitted through time, waking up the dead who were sleeping in the silence to pursue their old-

time glory.

"My soldiers! Follow my banner!"

Then, numerous beams of light came from every direction to the red dragon banner. The ghosts rubbed with the sun, generating thundering light.

The aether sea boiled. Countless fluctuations of aether movements surged, yet succumbed to the same melody and the same main theme, playing the Chapter of the Golden Victory together.

Numerous figures emerged from the light and descended onto the world in the form of firebirds.

Then, the heaven and the earth both cheered with a deafening booming sound.

"Victory! Victory! Victory!" The huge army transformed by firebirds followed the banner forward and shouted wildly, "I sacrifice myself to the great emperor!

May the god bless the kingdom and my king bless me!"

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