Kaze no Stigma

Volume 3, 3 - The person one must protect

Volume 3, Chapter 3 - The person one must protect

Part 1


Inside the train, Ren was frozen solid.He sat in such a way that if someone poked him, he would roll on the floor while in sitting position.

The reason for that was the existence of the girl sitting earnestly on his left side, Ayumi. She was clinging to Ren\'s left arm in order for their bodies to be glued as close as possible.

At the beginning of her teens, wearing a coat over the still immature body, although the sensation wasn\'t supposed to be very fresh, it\'s still impossible to be composed about it.

Contrastive to Ayumi, who yielded herself to Ren with a peaceful appearance, his brain has been frozen for the last 10 minutes.

- It happened approximately 10 minutes before.

At the time they waited for the train on the platform of Tokyo Station, staring at Ren shivering from the coldness of the wind, Ayumi asked in a worried manner:

"Are you cold?"

"No, I\'m fine."

Ren showed a smile meant to give her a piece of mind but the next moment that smile became frozen.

"a... a... a... Ayumi-chan?"

"If we are like this it\'s warm, right?"

Feeling guilty for borrowing his coat and trying to transfer her own body temperature, she clung to Ren\'s arm.

"D-don\'t do that -"

Ren\'s brain, trying to separate his body, was pierced by Ayumi\'s expression, looking at him with upturned eyes.


"Eh, ah, no, that sort of..."

A stuttering Ren. He was unbelievably ashamed, he also thought this sort of thing is wrong, but before the girl\'s gaze, looking at him sadly, he couldn\'t shake his head.

What to do.....

The warm sense of touch transmitted by his left arm thoroughly snatched Ren\'s presence of mind. After that, when, how did they get into the train, he didn\'t remember any of it.

"I\'m sorry."


Receiving such an abrupt apology, Ren\'s consciousness recovered after a long time. Ayumi\'s turned away expression, full of guilt was reflected in his eyes.

"About what?"

"For making such an odd request."

Ren replied while laughing.

"It\'s not a big deal, this much."

Actually the girl\'s wish was simple. What it required were traveling expenses and a little bit of time. Just those will suffice.

Take me to the sea.

That\'s what Ayumi spoke in the park. It was just one wish. Naturally, Ren had no objection.

Investigating those contents for a while, he asked only one thing.

"Is a harbor-like place acceptable? Or a sandy beach?"

Without wavering, Ayumi chose the latter. Therefore, together they boarded the Tokaido Line. That route was aimed at Chigasaki.

If that was the nearest swimming beach, Ren doesn\'t know. But that was the only place he could lead her to. Because of his family\'s line of work he is a boy unrelated to family vacations et cetera. He had hardly any experience of swimming in the sea. Ren was deeply grateful to the girl who took him by force sea bathing last year\'s summer.

While chasing the flowing scenery, Ayumi murmured:

"In the end, I wanted to see something beautiful with my own eyes."

"In the end, you say?"

"When I do so, I\'m going back. To the Tsuwabuki."

"No!", Ren promptly shouted.

"No! They don\'t treat you like a fellow human. Only like a tool. If you return to those people you\'ll never be happy. If you have no place to go, you can come to my house. The Kannagi Clan will, without exception -"

"Ren, you see-"

Ayumi quietly interrupted Ren\'s desperate pleading words.

"Have you heard about the Tsuwabuki\'s Grand Festival?"

"The Grand Festival - about that ceremony to appease the volcanic activity of Mt. Fuji? I\'m not very familiar with it but the practitioner always lost his life... "

Going that far, Ren turned a terrified glance towards Ayumi.


What was reflected in those eyes was Ayumi\'s excessively tranquil smiling face. It was unbelievable. Ren completely denied that expression. There shouldn\'t be something like that. Such a thing cannot be allowed. Something like that- something like that-

"I have no family name, nor a family register, naming myself is not permitted, but-"

No way.

I don\'t want to hear.

Despite this - the body doesn\'t move. Even blocking his ears, he can\'t do it. Without waiting for agreement or disagreement, pouring into his ears, that tone calm as the surface of the lake. Admitting everything, allowing it, accepting it.

"I am called Tsuwabuki. According to the lineage, something like a direct descendant."

I don\'t want to hear it.

"The ceremony is tomorrow night. Therefore, I must get back until then. Because I- because I am the priest of the ritual."

Because I am the priest of the ceremony.

From Ren\'s body, with a water-like sound, blood flew backwards.

The Yamatsumino Grand Festival - the origin of it goes back roughly 300 years.

The year is 1707 - during the Houei era was the last volcanic eruption of Mt. Fuji and the greatest since the dawn of history. The violent eruption reaching 15 days, it was said that the volcanic ash fell as far as the distant town of Edo. It was not only Kantō but a life or death crisis for Japan itself. No matter how many times Mt. Fuji erupted, it didn\'t show any signs of quieting down.

That raging finally resulted in the embodiment of one demon beast. The impersonation of Fuji\'s. It is certain that was the largest, strongest devilishness that materialized in this country. If one tried to rank it among other demon beasts, the only reference it had would be the legendary monsters, like the eight tail serpent that couldn\'t be defeated without the help of god\'s power.

The beast\'s roar beckoned eruptions and its stepping feet invoked eruptions. Mowing down everything it touched, it exhausted the limits of tyranny. The ones who sealed it were the yet unknown Tsuwabuki family. A young girl leading the family offered prayers to the King of the Earth Spirits for seven days and seven nights and finally attained that divine protection.

And then, by that divine protection, the girl managed to seal that demon beast. Thus Mt. Fuji calmed down and Japan\'s peace was protected. And they all lived happily ever after.

-But that story has sequel.

First, that girl was not able to endure the release of such an over-sized power and lost her life with the seal. And then, even after applying such a powerful seal, the demon beast\'s lock couldn\'t continue forever. Being the personification of an active volcano, it\'s possible to say that was the unavoidable outcome.

Approximately 30 years - that was the limit of the seal. For the sake of continuing the sealing of a raging demon beast seeking release, Tsuwabuki family had no choice but to conduct the ceremony at fixed intervals for the sake of suppressing Mt. Fuji\'s.

Because of the divine protection of the Spirit King that dwelt in their blood - the strongest unmarried woman was elected as the priest of the ceremony.

Until today, the sealing ceremony known under the bombastic name of "Grand Festival" took place 8 times. And there were 8 casualties. The fatality ratio was 100%. This is the reason the ceremony practitioner was named sacrifice.

With no other option, the 9th ceremony approached. The girl called Ayumi was a lamb led to slaughter.

How long was he in blank amazement, I wonder. When Ren came to his senses, Ayumi was smiling gently, looking at him.

Unable to meet that extremely pitiful smile, Ren muttered, while looking down.



"Why do you have to do such a...."

After examining for a short while Ren\'s expression, Ayumi replied:

"Because someone has to do it."

"But it doesn\'t have to be you-"

Ayumi softly touched Ren\'s lips with her fingers. The boy who unintentionally couldn\'t keep his mouth shut, she rebuked him gently.

"It\'s not good saying these kind of things. If you speak filthy words your heart will become filthy too."

"........I\'m sorry.........."

Ayumi shook her head.

"No. It\'s alright. Truthfully I was a little happy. Because I was never regarded as something valuable."

From the moment she was born, it was decided that Ayumi will be a sacrifice. She wasn\'t regarded as part of the same family, not recognized as a human being. For this girl with no family register, with no choice but being a tool for the ceremony, so far there wasn\'t a single person to hold her life dear.

Pointlessly, Ren made sure of her acknowledgement.

"Even so, you\'ll do it? For the sake of those who think of you as a tool?"

"It\'s different", Ayumi flatly shook her head.

"It has nothing to do with the Tsuwabuki family\'s expectations. Because it must be done no matter what, I\'ll do it. It\'s bad if Mt. Fuji erupts, right?"

"That is true..."

"If I am able to suppress it, my life, my death is not worthless.Even if the physical me dies, my prayers will fuse with the mountain and I will continue to watch over this country eternally. That\'s a very beautiful thing, don\'t you agree?"


Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong, Ren thought so.

-Don\'t try to glorify death with words of self-sacrifice -

Kazuma\'s words, once intended for him were recalled to his mind. Doesn\'t Ayumi make the same mistake he did at the same time? But Ren had no persuasion words for the girl. He could not think of a path that doesn\'t result in Ayumi\'s death.

Only to let Mt. Fuji erupt-

To replace Ayumi as a sacrifice.

She would accept neither. There is no mistake about it, the girl known as Ayumi was the type that would sacrifice herself for others.

"That\'s why I\'m not afraid of death. It\'s because I was born for this purpose. And yet, I desired memories before the time comes. Memories of my own, born from my own experience."

In that peaceful pupil, that accepted everything dwelt the light of a faint longing.

Memories of her own?

It\'s only natural to display a strong attachment for one\'s dying wish. But even so, that was a strange expression. Memories are neither true nor false.

To the bewildered Ren, Ayumi threw another bomb.

"You see, I don\'t have my own memories."


"I haven\'t lost my memories. It\'s not like I have something to remember and I don\'t, it\'s more like I have nothing to remember."


Without saying anything, Ren starred at Ayumi dumbfounded.

"If it would be just like that, even speaking and moving my body would have been impossible. But the me right now is something ignorant of the ways of the world but I can communicate with other people. Do you know why?"

"Wasn\'t it because you kept studying it?"

Toward such an unbelievable circumstance, Ren said so, including a ray of hope.

But, as feared, Ayumi shook her head.

"In my head there are transcripts of another\'s memories. I don\'t know how it\'s been done, though."

Almost like it was somebody else\'s problem, Ayumi indifferently recited those grand circumstances. Ren finally had the feeling he understood the reason why Ayumi had no attachment to her life. She had nothing to be particular about.

Not even recognized as a person, her existence valued as nothing but a tool, day after day. Planted forged memories. Without beginning, Ayumi\'s life ended.

With no room to harbor hope, she has no attachment except despair. Together with that gentle resignation, Ayumi accepted everything.

"That\'s why I wanted to see the world through my eyes even if it\'s just once. I wished for something that\'s not faked, real memories."

Like telling an unfulfilled dream, Ayumi whispered with a distant look. Toward the ordinary everyone was given as a natural privilege - no, the privilege they took for granted she felt endless longing and envy.

"The moment I saw the sky when I first left the residence, I was very surprised. How vast was the sky windows don\'t limit, Mt. Fuji was so big..."


"The sky, the stars, the moon were so much more beautiful than what I remembered. Surely, the sea must be very beautiful, right?"

The silhouette of the innocent girl in high spirits was reflected in Ren\'s eyes as overbearingly pitiful.

-She wanted to see beautiful things-

What sort of feelings did she include when she said those words? The words of a girl dreaming, escaping from reality, now that he knew everything, they were unbelievably heavy.

"-This is hopeless."

With a strong determination, Ren muttered in his heart.

Such a thing cannot be. It cannot be forgiven.



His immature sense of justice aroused, Red declared strongly.

"I will protect Ayumi-chan."

" - Ren?"

"So please, don\'t give up. Don\'t say it\'s OK to die. Because I\'ll protect you. I\'ll protect you for sure."


Making a somewhat troubled face, she looked at the boy making a vow.

Joy and sadness and the kindness of a mother watching over her child were mixed in that complex gaze.

Without noticing that gaze, Ren continued.

"I\'m sure it exists. A way in which Ayumi-chan doesn\'t have to die. I\'ll do whatever it\'s in my power. My own ability may be very small but if it\'s big brother, surely- "

"Your older brother?"


Ayumi unintentionally asked in return and Ren reaffirmed with force those entrusting words.


In those cornered eyes hope was shining.

"That\'s right! I have my older brother! If it\'s big brother, he will definitely save you!"

Without a fragment of anxiety, with absolute faith in his voice, Ren clearly declared.

For a short while, Ayumi opened her eyes wide, staring at the smile of the boy, delighted as if the problem was already settled.

"Do you have such an amazing brother?"

"Yeah", Ren answered without a moment\'s hesitation.

"Big brother is stronger than anyone. There is nothing he can\'t do. I\'m sure."

"............Is that so........."

"So please don\'t say such lonesome things like last memories and let\'s do many more together. I want to show you many other things. That is...."

Embarrassed and blushing Ren invited the girl screwing up his courage.

"Because - I\'ll take you no matter where."


Receiving Ren\'s invitation, for one instant, Ayumi seemed to burst into tears. However, in just one moment she erased that bitter expression and replied with a calm and somewhat sad smile.

"Right.....If we could do that, it would be very nice....."

Part 2

"I wonder where did big brother go....."

Descending on the platform of the Chiwasaki Station, the shore on the other side of it, Ren muttered to himself with a worried face.

He can\'t get in touch with Kazuma.

He called Kazuma\'s cellphone from the station\'s public telephone but what came back was the dull announcement of the answering machine.

Because his own cellphone broke, he can\'t wait for Kazuma to get in touch with him. In the end, leaving the message "I\'ll call again" Ren hanged the receiver.

"I\'m beaten."

As soon as he complained, Ayumi\'s hand, holding his left arm, tightly hugged him. Flustered, Ren showed a bright smile meant to give her peace of mind.

"Oh, it\'s fine. Because we\'ll get in touch shortly."

" -yeah", Ayumi nodded a little.

For a little while they didn\'t speak. Both of them walked the road to the beach in silence.


A sound resembling noise making her eardrums vibrate, Ayumi strained her ears. The term sea roar came to her mind.

"The sound of waves......?"

"Yeah. We\'ll be there shortly."

Nodding, Ren increased his pace to not fall behind Ayumi, who unconsciously did so.

And now -

"Ah -!"

At the magnificent view at last reflected in her eyes Ayumi raised her voice in delight. Ren looked in the came direction. It was the sea. The great deep stretching endlessly. The utmost blue sea surface sparkling in the downpour of sunshine - naturally, it wasn\'t.

The winter sea is cold and hollow. It doesn\'t have a particle of the heat and energy the summer sea is full of, instead it\'s pushing out a cold surface, almost like rejecting humans. Staring at the utmost black sea, the same color as the night sky, Ayumi muttered:

"Is this... The sea...........?"

Perceiving the sound of a clear disappointment, Ren became impatient.

"W-what to do......."

Thinking now about it, it was a problem he should have noticed earlier. The winter sea - at night. Seen by girl his age it can\'t be a pleasing spectacle. Anyway, there was definitely not enough light. But there are at least seven, eight hours until dawn breaks.

If I had light....light -?

The idea that reflexively occurred to him was suppressed at an almost instinctive level. His family admonished sternly such conduct. But, even so-

Do it!

After just 3 seconds of hesitation, Ren decided to dismiss good sense. For his peace of mind, turning around, he searched for indications of human presence, surveying the surroundings.

From what he roughly saw, there was none except them.

- It must be done now.

Summoning fire spirits, he shortly informed:


" - Eh? What?"

Before Ayumi finished her second question - the sky exploded.


The golden light shines out far and white pressing down the darkness. The brightness spreading out on the entire surface of the sky dyed the world golden and the jet black sea surface glittered dazzlingly.

"This - this is....Ren?"

To the Ayumi starring up in succession to both the sky and Ren with a surprised gaze, somewhat embarrassed but at the same time very proud, Ren\'s nostrils twitched.

"It\'s impossible to replicate the midsummer sea, but it\'s better than the pitch black gloomy sea, right? How is it? Do you like it?"

"Ren- "

Calling out Ren\'s name with a voice trembling with delight, Ayumi gave Ren a bear-like hug.

"Amazing! It\'s amazing! It is the most beautiful thing I\'ve seen!"

"R-really? I\'m glad"

Although confused by Ayumi\'s bold conduct, the relaxation of Ren\'s cheeks was irrepressible. Ayumi\'s large smile - even if he tried to express it, it\'s magnificence was beyond words.

Underneath the gold radiance, they innocently smiled at each other and looked up at the sky. Just like a golden aurora borealis the movement of the dancing fire spirits combined and the canopy covering the entire sky changed the same way a kaleidoscope would.

"Beautiful...but won\'t it cause an uproar?"

Ren shrugged his shoulders in silence. Without even thinking, it was an obvious matter. This was not a solitary island in the southern sea. Approachable by walking from the train station it was an empty swimming area.

Although there was a shelter-belt and a fence obstructing the field of vision, a highway was running less than 10 meters away. The houses were close. Without having to wait, it\'s likely spectators with burning curiosity would arrive in great numbers. There\'s no mistake that it will appear in tomorrow\'s newspaper.

But even so, Ren didn\'t care.

To make Ayumi happy - right now, for Ren it was all that mattered. Seeing Ayumi\'s wet eyes, Ren asked her casually, as if inquiring about the dinner\'s menu.

"Do you want to keep it up just a little bit more? Before long it could cause trouble but if they get in the way I\'ll drive them away."

"....No, it\'s enough."

After considering for a short while, Ayumi shook her head.

"It\'s enough. Because I\'ll never forget it."

" -Alright"

With a light nod, Ren called out the fire spirits. Promptly answering to the Enjutsushi\'s will, the fire spirits came together in a boisterous dance of light. And then -


The light shining in the sky rained like drops of water above ground. Like snow, lightly flickering in the wind, the golden drops descended in a dance.

Holding no temperature, the clusters of pure light, upon touching the sandy beach and the surface of the sea, burst open and disappeared like in a dream.

"Ah- "

The last descending drop, Ayumi caught it extending both her hands. The moment it touched her hand, the light fleetingly disappeared but the girl softly closed her hands and touched her chest. That irreplaceable something stored in her hands was tucked away inside her chest.

Dropping the curtain on the light\'s dance performance, affecting acting, Ren made a bow.

"Did it please you?"

"Yes - yes...."

Her eyes full of tears, Ayumi bowed many, many times over.

"I... I am glad that I am alive. Meeting Ren.... Seeing something so beautiful, I...I...from the bottom of my heart...."

Unable to bear it in the end, her tears escaped. Shed for the first time in her life, tears of happiness.

In order to wipe the sobbing girl\'s tears, handkerchief in hand, he touched her face. Both their shadows brought forth by the moonlight, slowly became one.

But - this moment was the concluding moment of their honeymoon. On their cuddled silhouettes a violent, intense light shined.

" -!?"

Turning around holding hands, an eternally domineering voice pierced their ears.

"That\'s right! I\'m so happy for you! That means you have no more regrets in this world, right?"

In front of both of them, watching over in a daze, the woman with the light on her back laughed.

Part 3

The pursuer from the Tsuwabuki!

In an instant Ren saw through the shadow\'s true character. Or perhaps I should say, as far as Ren knew, it was the only opponent pursuing them.

Drawing Ayumi back and stepping forward with a sleepwalking like gait, Ren probed into the other party\'s attitude. Overlooking them for a brief period from a higher place, the woman descended the stairs and continued walking towards the beach in a composed manner.

One man, like a servant, followed her, leaving between them several steps.

Because of the back lighting he saw only outlines but even from those shadows it was impossible not to recognize the proud atmosphere drifting around the woman. The glance overlooking them was more suited for stray dogs than humans.

Leaving a distance of five meters between them, the woman faced Ren and Ayumi.

As one would expect, approaching so much, it was now possible to discriminate her looks. Closing his eyes partly, Ren observed the woman - and several seconds afterwards he opened his eyes wide in shock.

"Eh -?"

The woman was younger than he thought. Probably not yet of age, in the second half of her teens. But that wasn\'t what Ren was surprised about.

-They looked alike.

Ren thought so, watching intently, in succession, Ayumi and the woman. No, they didn\'t resemble each other. If the age difference could be removed, their facial features would be perfectly the same.

Twins separated by age - those sort of contradicting words passed through Ren\'s head.

"Mayumi-sama........" Ayumi murmured, looking at that woman with a glance mixed with panic.

Unintentionally, Ren asked:

"Your elder sister?"

If that is the case, she too can...

The thought that instantly came to his mind, Ren denied it confused. Ayumi does not wish for such a thing.

-If you speak filthy words, your heart will become filthy too -

Good grief, I need to be more careful.

Agreeing to Ayumi\'s words reverberating in his head, he grasped her hand tenderly. Ayumi\'s face stiff from fear, still displayed a gallant smile.

"Elder sister?"

On the other hand, for the boy and the girl happy by themselves, the woman - Mayumi matched it with the height of displeasure.

"Elder sister, you said?"

Glaring at Ren as if he was her archenemy, she squeezed out a stifled to death voice from the gap between her clenched teeth. Her well regulated, elegant features, changed into the face of a demonic warrior.

"Don\'t mess around with me."

Mayumi\'s angry roar shrunk Ayumi\'s body with a start. After staring with much discord at the frightened girl, she turned an identical glance at Ren.

"It was enough taking Ayumi and running away without understanding the circumstance and this already foolish show, I believed you were someone lacking prudence but, never to this extent. Me and that thing sisters? It\'s the first time I was insulted so."


It seems Ayumi didn\'t receive human treatment even from her relatives. Holding down the rising anger, Ren searched for presence in the surroundings. It was unpleasant when Ayumi was called "that" again but Mayumi\'s words implied an imminent crisis.

Other people didn\'t come. Because what Mayumi evaluated as a foolish exhibition was already over, if such a flashy, abnormal phenomenon happened, it\'s impossible for none to approach. Normally, about now, a crowd would have gathered on the beach and the police and fire department would have surrounded the place.

None of it happened.

It\'s very likely that right now this area was blocked.

By the subordinates of the Tsuwabuki.

Can we escape?

Without thinking of handing Ayumi over, Ren investigated the possibility of escape. The fact that the girl in question accepted her own faith was totally forgotten.

"Why are you so cautious, young Kannagi prince?"

Seeing through Ren\'s decision promptly, Mayumi laughed, smiling sweetly.

"Everything is already over. There is nothing left for you to try."

Although using honorifics, speaking in a clearly despising tone, Mayumi focused on Ayumi.


Without even using words, Mayumi carelessly beckoned her as if calling her pet dog or something.

Ayumi started walking obediently.


"It\'s fine."

Ren\'s words, trying to call her to a halt, Ayumi interrupted them shortly and with a decisive voice.

"It\'s fine already. Thank you for everything until now. - It was very fun."

"Ayu- "

In order to shake of his extended hand, Ayumi turned her back on Ren. And with that, she never turned around.

Standing in front of Mayumi, Ayumi\'s body became stiff as if she turned to stone. Her glance swayed insecurely nearly Mayumi\'s feet. Suddenly Mayumi stretched her fingers to Ayumi\'s chin and forcefully pointed upwards her face hanged in shame. Coercively looking down on the startled girl, she said in a voice full of smiles:

"If you wanted to run away, you should at least have crossed the ocean. Instead of that, seducing a man and flirting with him in this kind of place, - do you look down on us?"

The Chijutsushi manipulating the spirits of the earth can make searches on fairly long distances as long it\'s adjoining land. It goes without saying that if you know the target well that searching ability is further improved.

For the sake of running from Chijutsushi, by sea or by air - anyway the most important thing is to separate from the ground.

"I had...no intention...."

Staring at Ayumi, protesting in a trembling voice, with the look a carnivorous animal has before its feed, Mayumi let go of her jaw.

And then - she pulled her hand backwards and swung with all her strength.

" -Uh!"

It wasn\'t something as lovely as a slap. The punch made by hardening her wrist at the moment of the impact was a blow that made her bones resound.

Instantly Ayumi\'s legs separated from the ground and from the beginning exhausted body sunk into the sandy beach. Appearing to have completely fainted, her face half buried in the sand, she was completely still.


Overcome with surprise at the sudden violence, Ren shouted white as a ghost.

"What have you done?"

But Mayumi didn\'t even look at Ren. As she already stated "your turn is already over" she disregarded his existence itself.

Instead, the man who followed behind her moved. With body movement that had no openings he stepped forward and got on his knee before Ayumi.

Decidedly, he did not attempt to nurse her. Grabbing hold of Ayumi by the hair, casually the man lifted her head as if he would uproot a radish.


"What are you doing?"

Coldly looking down on Ayumi\'s feeble struggle, the man said in a monotonous tone.

"Do you think you can be lying down in front of the young lady, do you?"



The man - Yuuji - abruptly became enraged.

"With that face, through that mouth, don\'t call out my name! How disgusting!"

Raising his hand, pulling her hair even more, he made Ayumi stand on her knees. And then - this time from the front, he slapped her face onto the sand. Forcibly making Ayumi take a prostrating position, Yuuji shouted.

"Apologize! Until your voice becomes hoarse, until your throat tears apologize! Did you understand in how much danger did you put the young lady? If we didn\'t find you in time what would have happened! Did you intend for the young lady to be a sacrifice in your place? You puppet doll!!"

That was the limit.

He thought he himself endured it really well. Surely, big brother would praise him for it. Or - he\'ll get angry for letting it get that far.

Quietly he held out his right hand and pointed his index finger at Yuuji. And then - without a moment of hesitation he released his power.

The thin, refined heat ray grazed Yuuji\'s cheek sticking into the concrete wall. The red hot concrete melted and the wall followed it, crashing.

"..........What kind of behavior.." Yuuji questioned with a voice stiffed to death. However, like Mayumi did before, Ren completely disregarded that utterance.

It wasn\'t a provocation or something like that. It\'s just that in Ren\'s field of vision no one else but Ayumi was reflected. It was just that.


For the girl weakly getting up, hearing that cracked voice, Ren painfully shook his head.

"As I thought, it\'s useless."

I can\'t control it.

I can\'t endure it. Anymore than this - I can\'t stand it.

"What is the right thing to do, I don\'t even know. However, to hand you over to these guys it\'s absolutely impossible."

Whether it\'s right or not, that\'s long past. His feelings denied that option.

"Fall back!"

Struck by that sharp voice, Ayumi reflexively kicked the ground. Slightly further away from Yuuji. In that gap Ren threw a fireball brought forth from the sky.


Visibly agitated by the blast, Yuuji and Mayumi jumped. The distance widened even more. Well in advance Ren wedged himself in the space separating the two "enemies" and Ayumi.

"Humph - in the end brute force, huh?"

Staring at Ren blocking his way to Ayumi, Yuuji laughed fearless.

"Ah, well. Just as planed."

"Shall I back you up?"

"It\'s not necessary."

Politely rejecting Mayumi\'s proposal, he casually took one step forward. With an attitude full of composure he looked down on Ren taking a battle stance.

"Publicly- "

Without particularly preparing in advance, just standing, Yuuji began to speak in a relaxed manner.

"Publicly, it seems there are many idiots who believe Enjutsushi the strongest but do you think so too?"


Not understanding Yuuji\'s plan, Ren was perplexed. There is nothing to believe. The fact that Enjutsushi are the strongest is a with no room for argument.

It\'s not about whether an Enjutsushi never lost to another kind of practitioner, of course there is no such thing. That is the power of one individual. It\'s about whether the ability difference can undermine the advantages and disadvantages of a technique style.

As for what technique system is the strongest - there is only one answer to that question. Without room for argument, with no chance for objection, the grave doesn\'t change.

That is what Yuuji downright negated.

"What a foolish thing. All of you understand nothing about battle. The greatest offensive ability? When killing people do you think that is necessary?"

"What exactly?"

Including the confidence of certain victory in front of the perplexed Ren, Yuuji fired the question.

"You, where on earth do you plan to place your feet on?"

Unintentionally Ren stared at his own feet.There was nothing there but the ordinary sandy beach. There was no sign of set traps. There was no sense of discomfort when stepping on it, nothing but the feeling of soft sand-



The sign of something wriggling, underneath his feet. Jumping by reflex, Ren\'s face became stiff with surprise and shivers.

Underground, and in addition to that, directly under his footprints a spear covered in sand was pushed up.

If his evasion would have been delayed by one second the spear would have stopped his foot by sewing it. It may be true he avoided the first attack but he had no room for relief. Visibly lying in wait at the spot Ren would come down, several spears sprung up.

"Kuu- "

Releasing fire and pointing it directly below, a countless number of spears burned to nothing. Coincident with his landing above the red hot sand, Ren rolled on the ground. Pursuing the rolling Ren from inside the sand, one after another, spears stick out.

While narrowly avoiding those, the boy cursed his overly optimistic thinking.

Shit, Chijutsushi - so that\'s the reason!

The spears hidden inside the sand were not something prepared in advance. Hardening the sand itself and changing its shape, Yuuji made those sharp spears.

Chijutsushi possess the force of the Earth Spirits. Sand, soil, ground stone and all materials affiliated with those, for them, are similar with extensions of their own hands. There was no need to expressly set traps.

The battleground itself was the Chijutsushi\'s weapon because that was for them the absolute most advantageous arrangement.

What to do?

Starting to see gaps one way or another, running in zig-zag to dodge the underground attacks, Ren looked for a breach. At any rate, as long as he is staying on the ground, his disadvantage can\'t be overcome.

Continuing to receive one-sided attacks without grasping a counter-attack clue, sooner or later he will receive a fatal blow.

On the other hand, Ren doesn\'t know such a jutsu that would allow him to gain a foothold on something else other than the ground.

If it were an Fuujutsushi, he could fly into the air.

A Suijutsushi could maybe stand on top of water.

However, Ren being an Enjutsushi - it may be possible for Jugo or Genma - he had no skill to stand on top of flames. As long as gravity comes into play, he had no choice but to place his feet on the ground.

What should I do?

Looking over his surroundings, he searched for a turn-around plan. The sandy beach was the worst as a battle ground but concrete and asphalt must be similar. What remains -

Inside the sea?

It was out of the question. Ren being an Enjutsushi water was nothing more but a thing to be avoided. There was no point for Ren\'s power to be weakened beyond what Yuuji could accomplish.

To Ren, stuck in a defensive battle, Yuuji turned words of ridicule.

"What\'s the matter? Are you just going to run? I don\'t care how far you run but if you go to far I\'ll take Ayumi and go back home."

"Kuu- "

Because of Yuuji\'s carelessness, recognizing he became long separated from Ayumi, Ren grinds his teeth. If it goes like this, Ayumi will really be taken away.

What should I do? What should I -

The problem was that he had no technique to defend against the blows. He can use flames to cover the surroundings but the bottom of his feet are perfectly defenseless. When fighting against Chijutsushi, that became a lethal weakness. A foothold was necessary. Separated from Yuuji\'s control, a scaffold made of he cannot control.

He cannot fly into the sky. Water is also excluded. There\'s no wood near. He cannot stand on top of fire. On top of fire -


Suddenly Ren remembered the scene of a volcanic eruption he saw on TV. From craters, forcefully spitting out the red hot-

Shall I give it a try?

There was no time to spare. Making his resolve, Ren stopped and concentrated his consciousness.


From Ren\'s whole body golden flames erupted. The dazzling glimmer blurred even the contours of his body and the boy shined, transformed into a small sun.

"Ua.......unh, it\'s useless."

To encourage himself overpowered by the tremendous quantity of heat, Yuuji intentionally raised his voice.

"No matter how hot a flame you clad yourself in, you cannot defend against attacks from below."

Trying to make the reality that he was currently on offensive known, Yuuji was perplexed by the dull response from the spirits.

The spirits of the earth didn\'t respond to his will - No, something different obstructs the formation of sand spears.

"You....what did you do?"

He turns a glance full of suspicion towards Ren. No matter what an Enjutsushi tries to do, it\'s impossible to exercise a stronger influence towards sand than a Chijutsushi does.

Ren didn\'t answer. Unaffected, abandoning that body to the flames, he only stood rock still above the red ground.

"Red -? I see, you- "

Yuuji stared at Ren\'s feet. What was there didn\'t have the rough characteristics of sand but was reflecting the flame like grass. Sometimes, from the bottom bubbles rose to the surface and burst open with a particular thick sound.

"You brat - you changed the burning sand to magma!"

"I gave it a try."

Receiving Yuuji\'s angry roar, Ren laughed triumphantly. It does not mean he had a positive proof. If a Suijutsushi can stand atop water he tried to stand atop magma, that could also be called fluid flame. He simply tried out that idea.

Although having a fluffy, undependable sense of touch, magma firmly sustained Ren\'s body weight. As there was no fist fight involved, the tenderness of the scaffold didn\'t matter. The radius was about two meters. Although modest,from the underneath Yuuji\'s absolute control, Ren gained that much territory.

"D-don\'t be excited, boy!" barked Yuuji after loosing his advantage.

"Even for magma, it\'s attribute doesn\'t change. The situation is still the same!"

With an angry roar, including a severe determination, Yuuji ordered the ground spirits. Around Ren\'s surroundings magma unnaturally rose, molding red spearheads.

"Die, boy!!"

The spears lengthen trying to pierce Ren\'s body. But just before that - they stopped.


Quietly gazing at the surprised Yuuji, Ren talked indifferent.

"Certainly magma is something that belongs to the. Still, half of it it\'s Enjutsushi possession. I\'m not gonna hand it over so easily!"

The spear on the verge of touching his body, Ren casually flung it off. The hard sharp spear instantly lost her unity and returned with a small splash on the surface of the magma sea.


With a really detestable howl, Yuuji stopped trying to proactively commence the next attack. It\'s understandable.

The control of the material called magma with attributes of both and has been snatched away. That means that in a contest of pure strength he was defeated by Ren. As the opponent of a higher ranked practitioner, he couldn\'t carelessly take the vanguard.

"Next is my turn, huh?" Ren declared with no fighting spirit.

His pushed out right hand accurately aimed at Yuuji. From that palm golden flames gushed out.


Yuuji too, didn\'t gave in. Hoisting the sand beneath his feet, he threw it onto the approaching flame. A surging sea of white sand attacking the golden torrent.

Receiving the aftermath of the struggle between these two powers, the ground grated and the sky trembled.


Through clenched teeth Yuuji let out a pressing moan. He understood that in a contest of strength he was inferior. As it is, he will certainly be pressed down.

While his body burned in humiliation, Yuuji changed his tactics to defense. The sand changed into a bulky bedrock and stood before the fire torrent. Although the bedrock stopped the flames there was no room for relaxation.

"It\'s coming from behind."

Inside the thunderous roar made by the flames burning the rock, for some reason that whisper clearly reached his ears. Uneventfully changed to a quiet oath, Yuuji felt that enormous heat approaching from behind.


The already thin bedrock rose, splitting the sand and stopped a gigantic fire ball. Although withstanding it somehow, the tremendous impact crossed over the bed rock and mercilessly pummeled Yuuji\'s body.

In the space between the two bedrocks Yuuji was in anguish. And there, the last blow came.

"Next is up."

" -!?"

Looking up at the sky, Yuuji\'s eyes peeled in shock. A remarcably big fireball descended upon Yuuji like a meteor. The distance was less than two meters.


It\'s unthinkable of having time to defend and so forth. Overhead the man looking at it dumbfounded, the fireball violently exploded.


There wasn\'t much heat but the shock was hard to describe. The two sheets of bed rock made by him efficiently reverberated, sinking Yuuji\'s body in the sandy beach.


As if gravity was increased a hundred fold, the extremely heavy pressure flattened his body, the air in his lungs was squeezed out without exception and all the bones in his body creaked.

"Not........not yet......yet......"

Putting all his strength in his arms Yuuji seemed to want to push out the heavens. But after lifting it 10 centimeters the elbow joints made a thick sound and bent the other way.

When the broken right arm fell to the ground the shining fireball in the sky also vanished. But even so, Yuuji couldn\'t give up.

The sound of the broken bed rock resounded in vain, like the gong at the end of the match.

Part 4


Taking a small breath, Ren shifted his attention to the remaining two.

Ayumi\'s gaze shaking with anxiety. And, despite having the same face, not showing even the smallest disturbance, expressing a thin smile, Mayumi:

Confronting Mayumi directly, Ren asked with a determined look.

"What will you do? Do you want to give it a try?"

While it may be true her outward appearance was that of a frail young lady, he won\'t act unprepared. Based on Yuuji\'s behavior it was clear Mayumi was the purest descendant. Not an opponent to make light of.

"Oh, the Kannagi young lord would go as far as to raise his hand against a non resisting woman?"

With no place for misunderstanding, Mayumi\'s expression was provocative. Even so, looking puzzled at the girl not showing any indication of battle, Ren retaliated in a low voice:

"-If you want to run away I won\'t pursue you."

"Well, thank you."

Replying to the lenient laugh with a scornful laugh Mayumi shed a fleeting glance.

"That\'s what he said Yuuji. What will you do?"


Looking the same way Mayumi did, Ren unintentionally opened his eyes wide. Over there, Yuuji, beaten down enough to keep him immobilized for three months, was crawling out of sand, drawing near.


It was impossible. From right overhead, from an angle he couldn\'t elude he received a strong bomb blast. He must have ten or twenty bone fractures and his internal organs were supposed to be damaged. Not the kind of injury you could move with because of fighting spirit and will power - that\'s the way it was supposed to be.

Mayumi loudly sneered at Ren in mute amazement.

"It seems you took lightly a Chijutsushi\'s resistance."

The high ranking Chijutsushi, by directly taking the ground\'s inside their body, are endowed with a resistance that exceeds common sense. Ren too, also knew that but seeing it in practice was fairly ominous.


While looking at Yuuji advancing by crawling, as if he was seeing a zombie, Ren shouted.

"He received so much damage! It\'s impossible to recover so much to try and fight immediately!"

"Is that so?"

As for Mayumi, she was thoroughly composed.

"Yuuji, were you not supposed to protect me at the cost of your own life? Do you plan to crawl out of there cowering to see me getting killed?"

The effect of those words was tremendous.

Enduring the pain, Yuuji stood up and although stumbling, began to walk on his own two feet. Step by step that unsteady manner of walking lost its disorder and by the time he stood up in front of Ren, blocking his way to Ayumi, with the exception of the smashed right arm, he seemed completely recovered.

"..........I,will protect,my lady.............."

With an unsightly smashed but firmly determined voice, Yuuji bravely declared.

"I will absolutely not let her, get killed.........."

"I don\'t want to kill her!" Ren shouted while feeling, without knowing why, overawed by a dying, severely wounded person.

"If she wanted to go back she can go for all I care! I have no business with the lot of you. I just want to protect Ayumi-chan, that\'s all!"

Hearing Ren\'s claim, Yuuji unexpectedly starred in wonder. And then, he suddenly burst into laughter.

"Ku ku ku......Buahahahaha.......ku ku ku ku ku....."

Although throwing up blood, Yuuji still laughed. His blood stained face was warped and extremely happy.

"I see......that\'s the way it is, huh?....."

"Wh-.....what is so funny?...."

Ren suddenly shouted blushing with anger and Yuuji suddenly stopped his sneer.

"You don\'t understand anything. You\'re just a brat playing with the power passed through your body."


"Just shut up already and go back home. Forget everything that happened today."

Those remarks almost like regarding an unreasonable child made Ren childishly exasperated.

"Don\'t joke around with me! I\'m not gonna hand Ayumi-chan over to guys like- "

"So, do you say my lady should be the sacrifice instead?"

With a terribly cold expression, Yuuji retaliated.

Seeing Ren lost for words at the unexpected objection, almost like pressing for an answer, he continued.

"It\'s not like you don\'t know. Ayumi is the ritual sacrifice. It\'s a thing made for the sake of dying instead of my lady. If you protect it, it\'s equivalent with killing my lady."

"That sort of- I- "

"I have no intention of doing that, huh? The meaning of the act called protection is it the affectation of a knight who does not consider the weight of words, just entrusts to his power? That\'s why I said you are a brat who doesn\'t understand anything!!"


Wrong - when trying to say that word, with all his heart Ren was at a loss for words. There was nothing to answer back.

"Listen, kid. The act of protection means obviously getting your hands dirty for something important. For the sake of that one irreplaceable thing to be prepared to cut down everything else! Mere lip service changes nothing - saves nothing!"

A few hours ago, when Ren started speaking about making preparations for a substitute sacrifice, Ayumi gently rebuked him.

-If you speak dirty words, your heart will become dirty too-

They were beautiful words. If anyone heard these words after knowing Ayumi\'s situation, they would have been deeply moved.

But, Ayumi will die. Without leaving anything behind except that deep emotion, she will disappear from this world.

-To die in such a beautiful way or to survive in an ugly way -

Which was correct, Ren was not able to judge. On the other hand, Yuuji did not hesitate.

"For the sake of protecting my lady, I will kill Ayumi. Those that will get in the way, I will kill them all! I will remove all obstacles even at the cost of my life and protect my lady!"


Crossing over the judgement of right and wrong, good and evil, Yuuji selected the protection of that "one thing" that must be protected. To stop him it seems there is no choice but to kill him.

But, right now Ren had no will to go through with it to that extent. No, even if he had that determination, he lost sight to whom it should be pointed to.

What should be done? -What should I do?

Ren was perplexed.

But before the boy found the answer, the situation changed.


Swept by the wind, a disappearing small shriek. But even so, it was impossible for Ren to miss that voice. Because that was no one else\'s but Ayumi\'s voice.


In front of Ren\'s eyes,turning around with a changed expression, were reflected the figures of Ayumi and Mayumi, standing behind her. Embraced closely from behind, Ayumi\'s pale complexion became stiff.

Although not being strangled or press against a dangerous weapon, panic grabbed hold of her heart.

"-My lady..."

When Yuuji called out to her, Mayumi\'s lips became sharp with dissatisfaction.

"What, are you telling me not to get involved? Aren\'t you at fault for being inefficient?"

"No, I\'m sorry for causing you trouble."

" -Humpf! Good grief. I\'ll be troubled if you can\'t be more reliable!"

This time she held her head high, self-important. She seemed to have a pretty simple personality.

"At any rate- "

While embracing Ayumi, Mayumi shifted her focus on Ren.

"Loving such a doll as this, the Kannagi young lord too, must have some unusual hobbies."

"Ayumi-chan is not a doll! She\'s human!"

"-Hey, hey..."

At Ren\'s shout, Mayumi displayed a studied surprise and looked down on Ayumi:

"You said nothing, did you? -What a bad child."

Suddenly thinking of something, Mayumi gently stroked Ayumi\'s cheek and her body tightly shrunk. That face, smiling complacently, gave the impression of a cat considering how to tease the mouse pinned down by its forelimbs.

A cruel smile lifting her lips, Mayumi said:

"Do you listen, Kannagi young lord? The Ayumi-chan you tried so hard to protect is not human."

"W- what are you say-"

"It\'s the truth. Because, you see, this is a clone made by cultivating my cells."

" -!?"

Ren opened his eyes wide with surprise. But simultaneously, he felt somewhere in his heart it was true.

Mayumi and Ayumi - even assuming they were sisters, those two resembled too much.

Thing Doll Sacrifice - completely spoken ill of, a girl whose human dignity was trampled underfoot.

If it was just as Mayumi said, if Ayumi was not human and was created for the sake of dying as a sacrifice, doesn\'t everything makes sense?

"A lie.......It\'s a lie."

Aiming a smile full of spite at the dumbfounded Ren, Mayumi continued.

"Her appearance may seem that of a twelve years old girl but in reality only a month passed since its creation. Even her planted memories have been suitably edited from my own. That kind of crude doll, you tried to protect with your knight affectation. That was fun ♥."

"It.......It\'s a lie......"

"Let me tell you one more thing. Even if she doesn\'t become the sacrifice, just a month from now on, her life span will be cut from inside. Made with no intention to use for an extended period of time, just instant makeshift goods."

"That\'s, a lie...."

Ren looked at Ayumi almost like searching for help. She received his glance for just one second and sadly cast her eyes down.

Thus, at last Ayumi - Ayumi told the truth.

"........It\'s true. I am the katashiro doll[1] made for the sake of keeping Mayumi-sama alive. Mayumi-sama\'s impostor."

Where is the genuine Ayumi?

I have no memories - Ayumi told Ren so. That\'s natural. If she had been made just a month before, it\'s impossible for those to exist. Without even trying to steal it, there was nothing there form the beginning. Everything was an imitation. If only her heart was more than a transient object, his own act of protecting Ayumi, his determination, everything would not have been a wasted effort.

"I look, so stupid....."

His body was full with a sense of helplessness. Feebly hanging his head, Ren collapsed on the sandy beach.

"It looks like that was a lot of shock, huh?"

Coldly looking down on the defeated Ren, Mayumi sneered.

"That\'s only natural. It made him realize his own buffoonery can\'t go any higher."

"Well, isn\'t that fine? By understanding reality, the boy becomes an adult."

".........you could say that."

Yuuji replied to Mayumi\'s words, pretending to act like a grown-up, in a quiet voice. Maybe because they were both men, but it was impossible not to feel sympathy for Ren.

"Come now, let\'s go home. We must quickly return and prepare for the ceremony."

On the other hand, Mayumi didn\'t have such a compassionate heart. Already disregarding Ren\'s existence, she starts thinking about tomorrow\'s ceremony.

"....yes", Yuuji respectfully bowed.

Receiving Ayumi, presented to him like luggage, the same way as they came, he followed Mayumi like a servant.

But, at the same time he placed his leg on the stairs connected to the main road-

"Step aside!"

From the vicinity of the main road that command reverberated, and a second later a golden pillar of fire lit the sky.

Involuntarily the three people turned around to Ren. But, he did not seemed to notice the present disturbance and was kneeling on the sandy beach, his head hanged. Hearing footsteps they turned in the direction of the main road once more. Two sets of footsteps. Both of them light. They were probably women.

Around that time, Yuuji made a guess about the opponent\'s identity. Noticing he should be in front, he tried to make Mayumi step back, but- it was slightly late.


On top the stairs, one girl appeared.

Pushing out the darkness, the aura of red and gold shining out far and wide. The enormous amount of fire spirits that followed her in the background were displaying the girl as the human model of the flame itself.

"This is also......"

From Yuuji\'s mouth a mutter of unexpected wonder leaked out. Certainly her age was sixteen. And although childish, the shape of the young lady captivated him.

Overflowing from that small body, the surge of an overwhelming power. That sword was not yet drawn out but even so, it was impossible to misread the girl\'s identity.


He genuinely thought so. That was not in regard for the human, much less the opposite sex but the same deep emotion he felt at the time he looked at Mother Nature\'s magnificent scenery.

Suddenly, he noticed a sharp glance. Calmly looking away and folding her arms, Mayumi\'s half opened glare met his eye.

"This is also..." with a monotonous voice Mayumi repeated Yuuji\'s words.

"What is the meaning of This is also... Yuuji?"

"Ah, no, that is..."

While becoming completely confused, Yuuji desperately searched for explanatory words.

If he cannot talk his way out of it now, it will become fairly difficult afterwards.

"That, didn\'t have any significant meaning. This is also...flashy...?"

"-Humph, that so?"

With that considerably packed expression Mayumi nodded.

"Well, afterwards I\'ll receive a lengthy explanation of that matter. Now it\'s not the time for it."

Mayumi faced the two standing at the top of the stairs.

"Nice meeting you, Kannagi princess. Being able to meet you is an honor."

".......and you are?"

The girl - Ayano, shortly inquired.

"I was slow in saying. I am Tsuwabuki Mayumi. This is my attendant Yuuji. Although belonging to a collateral family, for the time being permit him to call himself with the Tsuwabuki surname."

"If I say I will, I wonder will I have to call you by such an embarrassing name as Tsuwabuki princess?"

"I am at your mercy."

To Ayano\'s provocative response, Mayumi bowed her head with a smiling face.

Irritated, Ayano ended this conversation lacking sincerity and got to the main question.

"I have no particular business with you. Where is Ren?"

Mayumi pointed at the sandy beach in the back.

"Somewhere in that area. Maybe he is crying holding his knees."

"What, have you done to him?"

The atmosphere became noisy. The explosive scarlet aura flickered like a flame.

"Physically, nothing. He did not receive a single wound."


When that report was made, Yuuji looked sullen.

"But it seems his emotional scars are quite deep. We would be troubled if you complained to us about such things. About the details, you can ask that boy. However, I believe not prying into it would be a kindness to him."

Just saying that, with no precaution Mayumi started walking up the stairs. Whipping his wounded body, Yuuji went in front of Mayumi, trying to be a shield as much as possible.

"Well then-"

Greeting her while passing by one another, Mayumi walked near Ayano\'s side. And then, after looking at the retreating figure running down the stairs not returning the favor, she shifted her focus on the other person - a woman standing in a somewhat separated place.

"Good evening. It\'s been a long time, Police Superintendent Tachibana."

"We haven\'t talked in a long time, Mayumi-san."

That perfectly ordinary greeting, the detective in charge of Tokyo MPD\'s Special Investigation Unit, Police Superintended Tachibana returned with an absolutely tranquil tone.

"Because you didn\'t appear together with the that young woman, can we assume you have no intention of opposing the Tsuwabuki regarding the Kannagi matter?"

"Of course. We have no intention of interfering in any kind of dispute. Naturally, if you would accept our mediation, we would fill that position with pleasure."

"That won\'t be necessary."

The faint tension that dwelt in Kirika\'s words, smiling, Mayumi severed it when she replied.

"Everything has been already settled. We have regained the object Kannagi Ren stole and because it\'s something a child did, we have no intention of blaming the Kannagi Clan for that error. If you would be so good as to pass it along to Ayano-san."

"......I will comply."

"Thank you."

Bowing her head to Kirika, Mayumi left accompanied by her attendant and the spoils of war.

No matter how polite her tone was, the girl\'s attitude was that of a victor who obtained everything.

Gazing for a brief period at the retreating figure, never looking back, Kirika started walking towards the defeated boy or maybe the defeated people.

"There\'s no sign this is ending here."

That\'s what she was thinking.

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