The Demon's Soul

Chapter 77 Soul- Part 1

The flooring creaked as I stepped back, one step after another. My suspicion was right, Luke wasn’t the one who had brought me here but it was Alos.

I had no means of communication to reach out for help and I was all alone here. I hoped that Luke would notice me gone. I heard footsteps come from the other side of the house making me aware of the unwanted person in the house.

I took another way as I heard the footsteps heading my way, I had to search for a possible outlet before he could get to me. I walked quickly and heard him speak,

"You figured it out, didn’t you Lillian? Escaping is of no use," I heard him from the hall as I searched for any back door.

For my luck, I found a back door and when I turned the handle to step outside I felt the air knock out of my lungs due to the sight presented before me.

It was as if I was taken back in time like in my dreams but this wasn’t a dream. There were many small houses in front of me but there was no man in sight. The town was deserted as the wind moved with a soft eerie whistle. The pale sky held the color of a reddish orange color that lacked any clouds.

I knew what I was seeing right now wasn’t real yet it felt so real. I wanted to get back inside the house but I doubted if it would go back to how it was before I stepped out from the back door.

I ran to the nearest house in search of anyone but it was empty. It was covered with cobwebs and dust like it was abandoned for centuries.

"Where are you, my lovely daughter? It’s no time to play hide and seek. Papa wants to talk to you," I heard Alos’ gruff voice.

I peeked slowly outside the broken window from the first floor as he walked across the houses searching for me. Talk to me? The man needed mental help but I doubt it would help him. I was stuck in some place where I had no idea where I was and I couldn’t dodge him forever. At one point Alos was going to find me and before that happened I had to do something.

He turned back to look at the window I stood by and I ducked down in reflex.

"I know where you are."

Shit! Run, run run.

I found another window on the other side of the wall that was large enough to let my body through and without a second thought I jumped out of it. When my body hit the ground I groaned in pain without any sound. The pain didn’t matter right now as I limped back with a sprained ankle to the house that Alos had taken me.

I made sure to lock the door before walking up the stairs gritting my teeth as my leg ached with my every movement. My knees were bruised and my body ached. Once I reached up and got into a room I slid down the wall to sit down on the dirt covered floor.

Now that I noticed there were objects and few furnitures that was covered with white cloth that had turned to a cream color due to the accumulated dust. A frame stood next to me and I reached for it with my hand. With the back of my hand, I cleaned the frame to feel my eyes widen and at the same time Alos stepped into the room.

"Finally, I found you," he said while I tried standing up and moving away from him, "You’re really slow for your caliber but still," he murmured taking a step forward.

"Why are you doing this? Killing me won’t bring back your dead wife," I said keeping a close eye on him.

"Who said I was bringing back my dead wife?" He asked me in a whisper and I felt like his voice had changed. Soon I saw his form change as the man grew taller and leaner. He had a sandy blonde hair that reached until his neck while his eyes were red. He wasn’t a younger Alos’ so who was he?

"Who are you and where’s Alos?" I demanded the man standing in the same room and this made the man laugh.

"Ah, I feel like my heart has been pierced with a sword. How sad that you don’t remember me," he commented and with a snap, the door closed as I was trying to inch closer to it.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him feeling my throat dry with the proximity he was standing from me.

"I want you," he said as his eyes blazed brightly, "It’s alright if you don’t remember me, Lillian, I’ll reintroduce myself," he said with a sweet gentle smile and it scared me to no ends.

"I’m Damien Mervyn who was engaged to you, your fiancé in words. Ring any bell honey?" he asked me but continued to speak, "Of course you wouldn’t as you were having an affair behind my back with the one who held your interest. Do you know how angry it made me when I found out about it?"

He walked towards me, cornering me and held my neck in a tight grip, soon I started wheezing for air. Kicking and hitting him was of no use because he was too strong. There was no match for a dead demon entity against me.

I felt him loosen his grip and taking a few steps back when my eyes became hazy. I coughed for air while he sat on a chair. I felt the sides burn as his nails had scratched the skin on my neck.

"There was a tea party held for the higher authorities that day," he spoke to himself like he was remembering it. I had to fight him if I wanted to get back to the real world, that much was clear, "You were helping in the kitchen and were on a break when I first saw you. So beautiful and serene. I had made my uncle speak to your parents for your hand as he was the demon lord at that time. Do you know how happy you made me when I heard you had agreed?" He asked me smiling again.

"In a week we were engaged but the following week I saw you kiss that vampire. How could you betray me, Lillian, I loved you so much. I had come to know later that he was an upper-class vampire and it would be difficult to kill him, therefore, I changed my plans. Plans to kill you," he revealed making my eyes bulge out.

"Do you know my mother’s family carried a dark magic bloodline? It was easy to accomplish though I couldn’t influence the vampire I could influence others," he said smirking at me, "Did you know this was my room?"

The frame I held in my hand was a picture of me sleeping. As seconds passed the man standing in front of me was turning as creepy as possible.

I couldn’t believe I was engaged to this psycho in the past. He claimed that he loved me yet he had planned to kill me. I understood the betrayal he would have felt but he was going too far on the killing part. Influencing others? Did that mean...

"You influenced my father to use my soul," I said feeling my head pound and his smile only confirmed it. Oh, God.

"Your mother fell ill with the voodoo doll I had used for her. What I didn’t realize at that time was that to create a voodoo doll it takes a weeks time and I only had one more left which I used it on your dear father. I couldn’t kill you with my bare hands, therefore, I used him but I didn’t know the vampire would intervene. This time I’ll do the task myself," he said standing up.

"It is pathetic of you to avenge by killing me and turning me into a corpse for your betrayal," I commented as I observed his movements wearily. He shook his head in response.

"It isn’t revenge. Once I’m done killing you I will take your soul with me and make you mine for eternity even after death," he walked towards me with slow steps, "When you brought the crossbreed to the palace and were alone it was easy to trick you as having that vampire around its difficult to get to you."

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