Medical Sovereign

Chapter 58 Suspended Animation

Han Xi did not care about the comas of the two suspects. He thought that they were stunned by the members of Sharp Sword, so he did not care. The order he received was to send Monkey to the hospital.

On the contrary, Monkey’s situation made him frown. Lan Yang saw his dignified expression. He deliberately tried to test if Ding Ning told the truth. He whispered, "What is wrong with him, Dr. Han?"

"I am not sure without doing a detailed physical examination on Monkey. His heartbeat slowed down and his muscles were slack. I think he may be poisoned. And his vital signs are unstable and life-threatening. Please send him to the hospital for detailed examination immediately!"

Han Xi said grimly and guided people to put Monkey on the stretcher and sent to the helicopter. No one noticed that Ding Ning and Xiao Nuo were very enthusiastic to help carry the stretcher and got into the helicopter.

Lan Yang secretly sighed. The symptoms Han Xi said were similar to what Ding Ning said, but Ding Ning was able to immediately judge what poisons they were through these superficial symptoms from Monkey. Ding Ning even had worked out a solution, but Han Xi did not know what poison it was. The medical skills of the two men had been ranked.

Unfortunately, Ding Ning’s judgment was accurate, but the superior did not believe him at all. Even the only chance for Monkey to survive had been deprived, which made Lan Yang feel unacceptable.

"Captain Lan, the patient’s condition calls for immediate rescue. I’m leaving now."

After saying goodbye to Lan Yang, Han Xi went to the helicopter.

Lan Yang saluted. He still had to stay to detain the two suspects, waiting for the superior to take over.

Looking at the helicopter vacate, Zhang Yang suddenly ran over with a loud voice, "Captain, the Fierce and the captain Xiao were on the helicopter, and they didn’t get off."

"What? What are they doing on the helicopter?"

Lan Yang’s eyes widened, watching the helicopter fly away, and a possibility suddenly occurred to him. He felt a little frozen. The two people could not be that crazy, could they?

With perturbed, Lan Yang quickly became calm again and coughed, "It is not a strange thing for them to get a free ride. Don’t worry about it. Watch out the two suspects."

Zhang Yang scratched the back of his head and asked looking rather puzzled, "Yeah, it’s no surprise to take a free ride back. But do they know Dr. Han? Why people didn’t drive them out?"

"Probably Dr. Fierce can help Dr. Han. Well, cut the crap. Do our own thing."

Lan Yang answered impatiently, but he felt more and more uneasy. "Xiao Nuo, Xiao Nuo, don’t do anything stupid. If you hijack the military aircraft, you will be sent to military courts."

However, on the helicopter, a scene, which Lan Yang was unwilling to face was acting.

The two security special forces and two care workers were knocked out one after one by Ding Ning and Xiao Nuo. Han Xi, who was pointed by Ding Ning with a dagger to the throat and raising his hands honestly, got on the plane last.

Xiao Nuo tied up the pilot and aviated the helicopter to the south of Yunnan.

Ding Ning smiled apologetically to Han Xi, "Dr. Han, we are not bad people. We have to do this. Please be cooperative."

Han Xi calmly pointed at the comatose Monkey and said, "Who are you? What do you want to do? Why do you hijack the helicopter? Don’t you know that this person is in danger, and he needs rescue in time?"

"My name is Ding Ning, a doctor. And her name is Xiao Nuo, the captain of Ninghai Special Police Force. We did this just to save people."

Ding Ning looked at him sincerely, and put the dagger away. He said with helplessness, "Dr. Han, I can see that you are an upright doctor. So I will tell you the story. If you think we are doing something wrong, or you can guarantee that he can survive, we can turn around and fly back now."

Han Xi was stunned. "You are a doctor? She is a special police captain? And you hijacked the military helicopter to save people? I have not heard it wrong, have I?"

"Dr. Han, you heard me right. Here is my certificate. We can do nothing except this. I hope that you can cooperate with us."

Xiao Nuo turned her head and submit her own certificate to let Han Xi check.

Han Xi was relieved after confirming the certificate was real and said calmly, "I can cooperate with you, but I need a reason."

"The reason is that this person named Monkey was poisoned by antiaris. He can only hang on at most for two hours. He can’t be saved in hospitals of Ninghai, so we must rush to southern Yunnan to find an antidote."

Ding Ning said the matter briefly and succinctly.

Han Xi’s surprised expression showed that he had accepted this reason. His first action was to kneel down and checked Monkey’s physical condition. His voice trembled.

"Yes, what you said is right. This is indeed the poisoning symptom of antiaris. I only saw it in medical books before, but I have never seen this kind of case, so I cannot remember it. I didn’t expect that Dr. Ding could accurately judge the poison of antiaris at a so young age. I will cooperate with you to help you cure this poisoned person."

Han Xi looked at Ding Ning admirably, but then he frowned again. He said with confusion, "But I remember that people who get the poison of antiratis can hang on up to two hours, and it will take us at least six or seven hours to go to the south of Yunnan, coupled with the time to find the antidote. It’s too late"

Ding Ning grinned, "This is good that Dr. Han could understand. Frankly speaking, I am a traditional Chinese physician. There is a way that I can put Monkey to suspended animation, and stop his vital signs in a state of quiescence. It can delay the onset of toxicity for 48 hours. This is the reason that we have to hijack the helicopter to drive to the south of Yunnan."

"Suspended animation? How is this possible?" Han Xi stared like listening to the Arabian Nights.

"I know that Dr. Han does not believe it, but you will see the miracle immediately."

Ding Ning smiled mysteriously with confidence.

After saying that, Ding Ning ignored Han Xi’s shocked expression. He took out a box of silver needles and pulled out three of them. He took a shot at each of the Monkey’s top of the skull, eyebrows and the heart.

In fact, he used Meridian Severing Hand to put Monkey into a state of suspended animation, but in order to avoid shocking the world, he had to cover it up with needles.

"What! How did you do it? Is this the acupuncture of traditional Chinese medicine? This is amazing! Will he really die?"

After Han Xi saw Ding Ning stop, he could not wait to check Monkey’s carotid artery, heart and even the pulse and found that Monkey’s vital signs had fallen into a static, like a dead person. Han Xi was shocked extremely and asked worriedly.

Ding Ning pretended to wipe the nonexistent sweat on the forehead. His face turned to be pale because of over-consumption and he explained patiently, "We are both doctors, so we should know how the poison attacks the heart. Only the toxicity spreads along the blood vessels to the heart, will it cause heart failure and then result in the patient’s death. The suspended animation what I just talked about is actually an illusion of death. It can slow the patient’s blood flow to the lowest level, and all vital signs will always be kept at the lowest threshold. Thus, we can get the time to rescue the patient. His heartbeat and pulse seem to stop, but they do not actually stop. Just his heartbeat will slow down from dozens per minute to one per hour or half an hour. Dr. Han could pay attention to it, if you have enough patience."

"I will." Han Xi, who was a good doctor, immediately understood the principle of suspended animation.

But the ear hears for false, the eye sees for solid. For the sake of seeking truth and being pragmatic, Han Xi put his hands on Monkey’s skinny chest with interest, closed his eyes and quietly felt the slowing heartbeat that Ding Ning talked about.

Ding Ning leaned on the seat wearily. He had not closed his eyes from yesterday to now, which made his eyelids gradually sink. He fell asleep unconsciously and gave slight snoring.

Han Xi complicatedly looked at Ding Ning, who was asleep. "It seems that he really does not want to hurt me. Otherwise, he would never be undefended."

Han Xi totally relaxed without life threat, and he was more interested in Monkey’s suspended animation.

If this kind of state of suspended death could be universally applied in clinical medicine, it would be a great event in the medical field.

Let us imagine if a patient with a sudden onset was in danger of dying. Putting him into suspended animation would gain valuable time to be rescued. How many patients would escape from the hands of death?

As a doctor, Han Xi knew very well that how this miraculous medical treatment would shock people once it was promoted, which made him faintly envious.

"If I can learn this method, not only can I save more lives, but also my professional technical titles will rapidly rise."

But he soon smiled bitterly, shook his head and sighed that he was whimsical.

"Regardless of whether Ding Ning’s traditional Chinese medicine would spread or not, even if Ding Ning is willing to teach, as a western medicine doctor without any Chinese medicine foundation, it is delusional for me to learn such wonderful skill."

"Look at Ding Ning, he immediately became weak and fell asleep after using this method, which indicates that it is not easy to use this method and the popularity of regularization is obviously not feasible."

This made Han Xi admire Ding Ning and Xiao Nuo, because, for the sake of an irrelevant patient, they hijacked a helicopter at the risk of being sentenced, just in order to save an innocent life.

This kind of respect for life made Han Xi ashamed and sighed at the same time. When he looked back over the first half of his life, he was used to witnessing the part forever in the hospital, and he had lost the awe of life for a long time.

A good doctor was always full of mercy and sympathy. But this basic professional ethics, which was simple to say but difficult to do, had long been lost in this increasingly impetuous society.

Doctors were more concerned about job titles, welfare, power, fame and status. They had long been indifferent to life and became numb and heartless.

It was the doctor’s ability to save lives, but it was the patient’s life if they were not be saved.

Compared with these people, what Ding Ning and Xiao Nuo did for an ordinary life made Han Xi feel ashamed.

Han Xi could foresee that the fate of the poisoned person whose name was Monkey had been destined without the appearance of the two people. Monkey would be sent to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, and then the doctors would analyze the pathology of the virus. It was afraid that he would directly die before the poison had been figured out.

It could be said that the appearance of Ding Ning and Xiao Nuo was the only hope to change his inevitable ending and they were also the noble people in his destiny.

Han Xi was deeply moved. His identity had been destined that he could not do more for Ding Ning and Xiao Nuo, but he made up his mind to help them.

After the stunned soldiers wake up, he would explain to them. If necessary, he would appear in court to testify for them in the future, proving that he was not being held by them, but it was himself that actively cooperated with them to save people.

Perhaps it would influence his future profoundly, but he still insisted on his mind just like what Ding Ning did today—do the impossible to be worthy of a doctor’s conscience.


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