The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 86: Wedding Planning

Chapter 86: Wedding Planning

Translated by XianPiete

Doreen was helping to brush out Madelin\'s hair when Madelin asked, "Doreen, have you ever wanted children?"

Doreen thought for a long time before she answered, "No. I really have never considered having any children. After helping Alicia with Charles, I did have a little urge to have one of my own though, just for a while, but then, no. not really. They are so much work and then I think about what people become as they grow older and I just, I don\'t know I guess I just am not mother material. I can\'t imagine sacrificing so much of my life to raise someone. Are you asking me because you realized you didn\'t want a child?"

Madeline frowned and said, "I love Guy and I want to be with him, but I want to fly, I don\'t want to wait at home each day for him to come home serving the child. Do you think that makes me sound selfish?"

Doreen shook her head, "I think it just makes you sound honest. I have seen how you act around Alicia and Charles, I think you are more afraid of having children than even I am."

Madeline looked worried, "If I marry Guy, won\'t I have to have children once we, you know do as Alicia and Claude did?"

Doreen raised an eyebrow at Madeline and laughed, "You can have sex with men and not have a baby. I have never had a baby, did you think Olivier was broken that way?"

Madeline\'s eyes got big, "Wait you did that with Olivier?"

Doreen dropped the hairbrush, "Did you seriously not know that this whole time?" She picked it up again and shook her head, "Just ask Diggory for some potions, or if you are too embarrassed just buy them at the Inn near the academy. That\'s what we all did, wait, don\'t tell me all this time you thought everyone here was like you? Alicia and Claude were never married. Remember?"

Madeline blushed bright red and covered her mouth, "Well, Guy asked me a couple of times, but I told him we should wait until we were married. I just thought he wouldn\'t want me anymore if I wasn\'t pure."

Doreen put her hands on her hips and gave Madeline a look that clearly indicated she didn\'t approve, "Madeline, you know that Guy de Montfort is no virgin. That man had the reputation of a wild dog in his home territory and that was before he was even sixteen years old."

"But maybe Aoi.." Madeline tried to jump to his defense.

Doreen looked at Madeline and scolded, "Madeline, Ito Aoi was a twenty-six-year-old man by his own account." She sighed and then sat down next to Madeline, "Are you planning to just keep postponing your own wedding to avoid having children with the man you love hoping that him not being with you will keep him connected by an invisible string forever?"

Madeline looked down guiltily, "It\'s not like that, I\'m just scared. I am scared I don\'t know how to do things and I\'ll be not as good as the women from his memories. I am scared that after we spend a night together, he\'ll not love me the same and start really looking at other women. I am afraid I can\'t be as good. My mother and father both had lovers on the side, I don\'t want my marriage to be like that. I don\'t want to live separate lives the way they did so much of my life."

Doreen nodded and said, "Those are very real fears, but you aren\'t describing Guy de Montfort. The Guy de Montfort I know is loyal to you, to his own detriment. He would rather suffer in silence than pressure you to marry him. He would rather push away willing beautiful women and wait for the one he loves."

Madeline nodded and sighed, "You\'re right. I have just been using what happened to me with Prince Andre as an excuse to avoid facing my fears. I\'ll do it."

Doreen nodded and said, "Make sure you talk to him about children, he isn\'t the man who would force you to have one just for him."

Madeline laughed and teared up, "You\'re right, he said as much to me himself. I just needed an excuse."


Guy looked serious as he paced around the room, "Gentlemen, I know you aren\'t used to producing things in this short of a time table. I am asking the impossible. I don\'t care how many men you have to employ, I don\'t care if you have to work everyone sixteen hour days. I just need this done by Saturday. I can\'t stress to you enough just what rides on this one. If we don\'t complete this project on time, well, I promise you the consequences are dire."

Olivier placed a hand on Guy\'s shoulder. He also had a very serious expression, "Don\'t worry Guy, let me handle the oversight on this project. It\'s all hands on deck. No effort will be spared. I\'ll grab my own team and help out."

Guy nodded and said, "Old friend, at a time like this, I can\'t afford a single error in judgment. If we have another delay like the last one, I am not sure I can hold out." He sighed and said, "That goes for all of you here. No matter what, this has to happen this Saturday. We absolutely can not miss this deadline."

Olivier nodded and said, "I promise you, Guy, I will see you to that stage on Saturday and we will hold this wedding even if I have to drag that woman in chains to make her attend her own wedding."

Guy put his hand on Olivier\'s shoulder, "My brother." Olivier did the same. They looked into each other\'s eyes and nodded.


Gorou and Yuuki walked up to her house and Gorou said, "M\'lady, it was a pleasure, shall I meet you here again in the morning?" He gave his usual gentlemanly bow.

Yuuki chuckled and asked, "Why don\'t you come inside, I can make some tea?"

Gorou chuckled and said, "Thank you, but I have to study tonight and I was planning to catch an anime, I mean, practice my Kendo a bit so, I shouldn\'t take up any more of your time today."

Yuuki shook her head and then said, "My dad won\'t be home for five hours, are you sure you don\'t want to come inside?"

Gorou laughed and said, "I understand, you must be afraid of being alone, well, I\'ll have my phone on, just text me if you get lonely."

Yuuki shook her head and laughed, "Do you not like me or something? I mean, I see you looking at my chest and trying to walk close together with me, but here I am inviting in and you are turning me down? I don\'t get you."

Gorou swallowed and asked, "Wait you mean, your father won\'t be home?"

Yuuki nodded slowly, "Right. It will be just the two of us. Together. In the whole house."


Guy was in his lab looking over some drawings when he suddenly felt an intense pain in his head. For some reason, he blurted out, "Claude you son of a *****!" He shook his head and thought, \'That was a random crazy thought. Why would I picture that guy with my sister? I really need to get this marriage on track. It\'s making me crazy.\'

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