Nine Sun God King

Chapter 961

He looked at Ye Yaoxue and the Inscription Masters from Hundred Pagoda Sect and said : “Great Master Jin He crafted 5 low grade flame Dao talismans in an incense stick of time. Do all of you accept this result?”

Ye Yaoxue looked at Qin Yun only to see the lion head nod and hear voice coming out : “I accept. Now it’s turn to test my talismans.”

Qin Yun pointed at his talismans stacked on the furnace.

Long Fangyu said with sneer : “Great Master Jin is older than you, his cultivation is far above you, he crafted 5 low grade flame Dao talismans in an incense stick time, yet you crafted 15! There is no way they will meet the standard!”

Qin Yun said : “Whether or not they will meet the standard is not for you to decide, it is for that device in your hands to decide!”

Long Fangyu took at talisman, placed it into the basin, covered it with lid and then activated the talisman. Jin He is watching with disdainful expression, he is very certain that Qin Yun’s talisman will be disqualified. Ye Yaoxue’s expression is filled with anxiousness. Those old Inscription Masters of Hundred Pagoda Sect also turned their heads away. They also believe that Qin Yun’s 15 talismans will not pass the test because it is basically impossible to craft 15 low grade flame Dao talismans within an incense stick time.


A muffled noise came out of the testing tool in Long Fangyu’s hands. Flames overflowing out of the tiny gape between the lid and the basin. This caused a large group of people to lightly cry out in shock.

Long Fangyu yelled : “Impossible...”

Everyone saw that the sound Qin Yun’s talisman produced is bigger than Jin He’s talisman, moreover, the flame spilled by it is even more powerful. Ye Yaoxue lightly exhaled a mouthful of air, she simultaneously felt relieved and amazed. She again experienced how awesome this immoral Great Master is!

Qin Yun performed a hand gesture and said : “Please continue.”

Jin He is stunned speechless, he doesn’t understand how his opponent achieve such degree. This level completely outclasses him. Long Fangyu is completely bewildered as he continued testing. With a series of muffled noises, test continued and it has been proven that Qin Yun’s talismans meet the standard.

After Long Fangyu tested 6 talismans, Qin Yun took the rest away and said with smile : “6 is enough to prove my victory, don’t waste the others!”

Qin Yun stored all the remaining talismans and talisman papers. After being stunned for a moment, Hundred Pagoda Sect Inscription Masters thought of taking away the remaining King grade Dao tier talisman papers, after all they are very expensive. But Qin Yun doesn’t even have slightest intentions to return them. So they don’t dare to ask for them because if Qin Yun becomes unhappy, they would have to suffer the consequences. Ye Yaoxue looked at these Inscription Master, now she deeply doubts their capability because all of them were doubting Qin Yun’s capability earlier. The old Inscription Masters only lowered their heads, they indeed greatly underestimated Qin Yun’s capability.

Long Fangyu groaned : “Don’t be proud of yourself! There are still 4 more rounds you need to win, let’s see if you can win or not!”

Qin Yun said with smile : “I will definitely win!”

Jin He coldly said : “Brat, you can defeat me twice, you indeed have a bit of skill! But don’t look down on me because of that, just wait and see! Next, we will be testing tool crafting!”

Qin Yun calmly smiled and said : “So be it, tool crafting it is! So long it doesn’t require me to craft King tier tools, I am not afraid of you!”

“Truly an arrogant guy!” Jin He said : “We will have 2 hours to craft a tool! Your Hundred Pagoda Sect is the defending party, so you will make a defensive tool. And I will make a weapon! After we are done crafting, your defensive equipment will have to withstand 10 attacks from our weapon. If you succeed, it will be your victory. Otherwise, it is our win!”

Qin Yun said : “Alright but I can not be the one to use the tool to defend. I am only late stage Martial King, I would surely suffer defeat!”

Ye Yaoxue said : “I will defend and Long Fangyu will attack!”

“Ok.” Long Fangyu also agreed.

Long Fangyu took out an hourglass, flipped it over and yelled : “Begin!”

This time Qin Yun did not ask Hundred Pagoda Sect Inscription Masters for materials, instead he took out some beast bones. He doesn’t have many beast bones remaining, majority of them have been used while refining Devil Star Overlord Dragon. The beast bones he took out now are all from some formidable beasts. And Jin He took out many Dao Yuan Crystal Steel, they are of very high quality. When Jin He saw Qin Yun take out beast bones, he secretly felt fear. Because he truly did not expect that Qin Yun actually use beast bones to refine tools, he really thought that Qin Yun was just bluffing. There are only a very few Inscription Masters who use beast bones to craft tools because the method to perfectly integrate runes into beast bones is very hard to master. Hundred Pagoda Sect Inscription Masters don’t dare to say anything, they are only standing beside Ye Yaoxue calmly and watching.

The reason why Qin Yun can carve runes on beast bones is because he has the Beast King Inscription Spirit. The most important aspect of it is that it allows him to bypass the resisting energy inside the beast bones and easily brand them with his Blood Spirit Power. The beast bones Qin Yun took out are almost processed. Now they only need some final rounds of forging to make them into the shape of the tools. Jin He has not said anything to Qin Yun because his Dao Yuan Crystal Steel are also processed items. Generally speaking, it is harder to make tools with beast bones compared to Dao Yuan Crystal Steel. But now, Qin Yun has a bit more headway than Jin He.

“Xiao Yun, Ye Yaoxue possesses rune martial spirit. The energy she will release will surely fuse with your runes perfectly! So you don’t need to think too much about user’s energy usage during rune carving!” Ling Yuner said.

“Mmm.. I will directly carve the totem with most defensive power, as well as Star and Moon runes that possess defensive power!” Qin Yun is also pondering over what kind of rune he must carve.

After he is done thinking, he decided to carve Heavenly Lion totem and a few Star and Moon runes as support. Naturally, Heavenly Lion totem will be completely hidden so that nobody can see it. Since Long Fangyu will be the one attacking and he uses Dragon power, maybe the Heavenly Lion totem can deter his power. He held the Mental Resonance Xuan Pen firmly, released bright rays of light to hide his hand and the shield, then began carving Heavenly Lion totem. Since he possesses both Totem and Beast King Inscription Spirit, not only his carving speed of Heavenly Lion totem is very fast, it also reaches a very high realm. After an hour, he is done carving Heavenly Lion totem. Now, he will begin carving Star and Moon runes, it is a very easy matter for him.

Jin He is profusely perspiring, it is clear that the pressure he is feeling is not small. While refining, he asked Long Fangyu about his energy property. He wants to understand Long Fangyu’s energy state so that the weapon can be tailor made accordingly.

Ye Yaoxue said in low voice : “Lion head, don’t you want to ask me about my situation? The energy of your shield must match with me, that way it will be much better when I use the shield.”

Qin Yun said : “No need to be worried!”

Originally, Ye Yaoxue only thought that Qin Yun was only formidable in the aspect of repairing tools. Now she can see that his Inscription ability level is also extremely high. He is truly worthy of the title Great Master!

Hong Mengshu, Yu Shutian and others are standing at a corner of the Hundred Refining Plaza and watching from the distance.

“Xiao Tian, it seems senior sister Ye knows who the lion head is!” Hong Mengshu said with smile.

“Mmm.. it seems like they have made agreement in secret. This is also good, this way we won’t have to deal with troublesome things!” Yu Shutian nodded and smiled.

While the competition is going on, many people are secretly discussing Star Traveling Pagoda. Star Traveling Pagoda only have dozens of people. Since Qin Yun defeated Precious Dragon Pagoda’s chief disciple, Precious Dragon Pagoda will hand over next 5 years resources to Star Traveling Pagoda. Now, if 1st pagoda also let them obtain resources again, then these dozens of people would enjoy great amount of resources. This caused many people to feel somewhat regretful why they did not join Star Traveling Pagoda in the first place.

Two hours passed by very quickly. Qin Yun has crafted a pure white round shield, it is not too big, only as big as a washbasin. There are no runes can be seen on the surface because all of them have been carved on the inside.

“Take it, pour in your energy into it when defending.” Qin Yun handed over the shield to Ye Yaoxue.

“Is it ok?” Ye Yaoxue said with frown : “It only weighs about a few hundred jins. Our opponent’s axe at the very least will weigh hundred thousand jins!”

“Idiot, the less heavy it is, the better!” Qin Yun said.

Seeing Qin Yun scolding Ye Yaoxue, many people became anxious that she might flip out. But Ye Yaoxue did not say a word, she merely glared at Qin Yun. She is used to being angry at Qin Yun.

The weapon Jin He crafted is a very refined and beautiful axe. It is also very heavy. He handed it over to Long Fangyu with beaming face and said : “I obtained the blueprint of this axe with great difficulty. Since the time is tight, I crafted it very simply, otherwise it would later be able to evolve into a King tool!”

Long Fangyu held the axe and said with pleasant surprise : “So heavy, it makes me feel powerful, it should be hundred thousand jins?”

“130 thousand!” Jin He said with proud smile : “You will be able to smash that broken shield into pieces in 3 moves!”

Long Fangyu held the axe and said with great confidence : “Ye Yaoxue, you should not blame me if you get injured later, you should blame your Inscription Master for refining this kind of trash!”

Ye Yaoxue is uncertain in her heart because the shield in her hand looks rather weak. Not only it is very light, it is also very simple looking. In comparison, on the surface of Long Fangyu’s axe, many delicate runes can be seen, as well as many beautiful arcs that give the axe a feeling of sense of beauty and sophistication. Especially those delicate runes make the axe look like it possesses a formidable mysterious power. And the shield Qin Yun made has nothing on it’s surface, it looks like it was just made from kneading flour.

“Come!” Ye Yaoxue yelled and raised the shield in front of her, allowing Long Fangyu to attack.

“Watch my attack!” Long Fangyu showed evil grin. Then rushed forward in big stride, raised the axe overhead and poured in violent and ferocious Dragon power in it, then hacked down.

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