Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 598 - Roland Slammed His Pen in a Rage

Most of the players who had raided here were killed once, and some up to two or three times.

They dropped by one level on average. An intelligent golem was already enough trouble.

Now there was a woman who was suspected of being a white dragon.

She punched through everything.

Until now, no one, be it a Warrior, Mage, or whatever the hell else, could stand up to her punch.

There were many videos of her fights on the forums, and the woman’s speed was frighteningly fast; only a white blur could be seen at the raw speed of the video. One had to slow it down to 0.1x speed to see her movements.

Even then, it was with a blurred residue.

Players skilled in data flow began analyzing her abilities frame by frame. Not a single scale on her armor was spared.

But even then, not much information was derived.

Nothing more than the fact that this woman was terrifyingly strong physically.

Warriors of full constitution growth were as feeble as children compared to her.

And the scene of Roland being punched away was popularized by countless people who kept watching it on repeat. There were many parody videos made from it. For example, subtitles were added.

Roland: Woman, kneel and lick me!

Then a punch sent him flying and set him into the city wall.


Roland: I have a bald head built into me, woman, do you want to see?

Then a punch sent him flying.

Those who had a grudge against Roland and enjoyed watching him make a fool of himself and had a bit of video editing ability were pushing the parodies as hard as they could. For a while, gifs of Roland getting hammered by a woman were circulating on the internet. Many of the older generations of netizens who weren’t interested in virtual reality games also got to know him in just two or three days.

A conservative estimate was that there were already at least a billion and a half or so netizens around the world who had seen similar gifs.

It even surpassed Margret and Andonara in one fell swoop, becoming the hidden “poster girl” of World of Falan.

Officials took advantage of this popularity by saying that they were going to make poster girl figurines from the three options.

Leaning forward, slightly lifting the hem of her skirt, the little fire dragon princess Margret with a charming smile.

Fully clad in blue and white leather light armor, holding a spear, blue flames blazing at the tip to form a pale blue battle flag, the valiant Queen Andonara.

And... Roland, who was sent flying and stuck in the wall.

Roland, with seventy-seven percent of the vote, edged out the two main poster girls, the mature woman and the lolita. The official announcement was made immediately, and in a month, the poster girl figurine with the highest number of votes would go on sale in the official store.

When Roland exited the game the next day and saw the result, he slammed the mouse down on the table.

“I’m so mad!”

Then he went to the cold drink bar and was ridiculed by his friends.

In the game, after the Spatial Magic Tower’s forces retreated to Tebesia, they stopped going outside.

Only the white-armored woman would come around the base and pummel the players now and then.

No one could take her down. Neither magic nor physical attacks could touch her.

After hammering a couple of hundred players to death, she’d leave.

Then she’d come back the next day.

In just three days, she had forced back the players by about ten kilometers. What was even more troublesome was that the intelligent golem had also finished recharging.

It, too, joined the battle.

This time, the players were faced with a fully charged powerful golem.

The two red rays of light that shot out from its eyes took away the “lives” of countless players.

“It’s time to invite Roland over again.” Looking at the Fine Gold golem in the distance, Fatter Cat’s guild chairman Wright and the other guild chairmen in the command post were quite helpless.

And at this point, Roland was just able to get out of bed.

He had fractures all over his body and his skull was cracked in several places, but this couldn’t be seen on the surface.

After using Moderate Healing, Roland remained in bed for three days, until all his bones realigned. He put on his magic robe. Andonara stood by, armed to the teeth, waiting quietly. The atmosphere was somewhat serious.

Roland dusted off his clothes, turned around, and said, “Anna, it’s dangerous. I don’t want to take you there.”

Andonara pursed her lips, not speaking.

She just looked at her man in silence.

Her timid look carried an unshakable stubbornness.

She knew that if she forced Roland to take her, Roland would be upset and unhappy, so she was a little unsure of herself.

But the thought that Roland had been so miserable before, that her man had had to spend three days in bed before he could stand, even with the help of magic, infuriated her.

She wanted to kill the woman who had dared to harm Roland to such a degree.

She didn’t care whether the woman was a dragon or not.

So she had a conflicted look on her face now.

Scared and tough!

Roland saw that she didn’t say anything and just looked at him. He yielded and couldn’t help but say, “That woman may be a dragon. She’s very strong. I worry that you will be hurt...”

“I’m more worried when you’re hurt.” Andonara stared at her man. “So I’m going to help you.”

“But that could be a white dragon, stronger than you, perhaps.”

“That’s fine. I have the Hero’s blood, and the white dragon is evil; I was born to restrain her.”

Roland scratched his head. “But you have to protect the First Princess Stephanie, right?”

“No more protecting her-Delpon is safe.” Andonara stepped forward, wrapped her arms around her man, and laid her head on his shoulder. “I’ve become so strong to help you, but it breaks my heart when you keep refusing me.”

Sniffing the nice womanly scent and listening to the woman’s soft words of love and sorrow, Roland sighed and yielded. “It’s okay to take you there, but once the situation gets out of hand, you have to retreat immediately, got it?”


She immediately lifted her head, her smile like a blossoming flower, and the hidden bitterness earlier was gone.

Roland sighed inwardly. As expected... even a cute and helpless-looking beauty can lie to people.

Wuji’s mother[1]is a master of human nature.

Taking Andonara with him, he teleported directly near the base, only to find the base in a state of disarray.

Perhaps, the word “ruins” wouldn’t be too much to describe it.

Roland flew into the air and quickly found the players. After all, they hadn’t retreated much farther, and with several thousand people gathered together, the commotion was so great that it was still easy to find.

With Andonara in tow, Roland made his way to the oasis three kilometers away, which he remembered as a temporary resting spot for the werecats three days ago, but was now occupied by the players. The werecats were nowhere to be found.

Roland found the command center in the oasis and walked in.

Wright and a few of the chairmen were discussing their next step, and when they realized that Roland had come, many of them stood up excitedly.

Wright, in particular, pounced on him and hugged his leg, acting all weird and crying, “Almighty, you’re finally here. I thought you’d given up on us-after all, the psychological damage you’ve taken in the last three days is too great.”

Roland was quite speechless, sullen but unable to throw a tantrum.

This guy was mocking him with the figurines. Of course, it was harmless. Many of the other guild chairmen immediately smiled when they heard this. Letting go of Roland and turning his eyes to Andonara, he immediately stood up and smiled. “Welcome the Queen to our ministry for an inspection!”

Andonara: ???

At the same time, she looked at Roland with a puzzled gaze.

Although she had come into contact with Golden Sons other than Roland, those were more proper, or at least they behaved so in her presence.

This man... behaved like a clown, but there was an aura about him that wouldn’t make people think of him as a clown.

Not only did Wright’s expression change greatly at the sight of Andonara, but the other guild chairmen’s eyes glowed with excitement.

It wasn’t just that they were delighted to see beauty.

Though that was a small part of the reason, the real reason was that it was clear to them that Andonara was quite powerful.

She was recognized as a Great Swordsman mentor.

And there were two amongst the chairmen who were Great Swordsmen taught by Andonara.

They could all guess Roland’s intention in bringing Andonara here at this time.

“Since Roland and the Queen are here, we can finally make a reliable battle plan.”

Wright laughed.

Roland suddenly asked, “Where are the werecats who stayed here before?”

“They’re continuing to pull back,” Wright said seriously. “Don’t worry, we have propriety and won’t let the werecats on the frontline of battle.”

Roland sighed in relief.

“Almighty, come over and have a seat. Let’s talk about the current situation.” Wright appeared eagerly attentive.

But just as Roland was about to take a step, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded from outside the temporary command.

It was a signal of an incoming enemy.

“Damn it, here we go again!”

Wright cursed hatefully and immediately rushed out with the others.

A white shadow with a long afterimage was seen outside the oasis, and it instantly swept to the most crowded area.

And again, it halted instantly as if time had stopped, as if it was unaffected by inertia.

A swift wave of air then followed, sweeping along a large amount of sand and dust with a terrifying sonic boom, carrying everything around it.

A large number of players were swept into the air and knocked down.

And as soon as the white figure stopped, it immediately looked in the direction of the command center, revealing a grim smile.

Roland locked eyes with her, magic surging around him.

The opponent had locked onto this place.

A fight was inevitable.

Just as Roland was considering what spell to start with, Andonara suddenly moved. She transformed into a blaze of fire, shooting at the white-armored woman like a laser.

She was incredibly fast. Her opponent reacted extremely quickly and held out her hands when Andonara rushed to her.


The two collided.

The sound of it was like thunder.

Space itself seemed to tremble. It was as if time had stopped for half a second.

Then the white-armored woman flew backward, out of the oasis, just like she had rushed inside, transforming into a white streak.

And where the two sides collided, a circular blast that expanded rapidly outward was created.

It rolled up the sand on the ground like a mini-tsunami.

Andonara stood in the center of the blast as if she were a Valkyrie. She unsheathed the Hero’s sword and held it in her hand.

Her whole body then burned with blue flames.

About half a second later, a giant blue firebird let out a loud, clear cry and flew out of the oasis.

All the players saw this.

They were speechless with awe. Wright touched his bald head. “Damn, it’s celestials fighting.”

(1) reference to the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber by Jin Yong; Wuji’s mother’s dying words: “The prettier the lady, the more lies she will tell”

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