Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 710 - Sharper Mind

It was 13:21 at this moment.

Looking at the injectors on both of his hands, Roland was quite speechless.

A nurse had been seated next to the bed. Seeing that he woke up, she pressed a yellow button on the wall without hesitation.

By the way, there was also a red button and a white one on the wall.

Roland was briefly stunned by the nurse’s move. Some ten seconds later, an old doctor with white hair came in with two assistants.

The old doctor took Roland’s pulse. One of his assistants listened to his heart with a stethoscope, while the other looked into Roland’s eyes with a flashlight and asked him to stick his tongue out.

Very soon, all three of them finished

The old doctor said, “Remove the injectors. Your health may be affected if you have the intravenous drip for too long. Well, you’re mostly fine now, except for your kidney deficiency.”

Almost everybody on the spot looked at Roland with a subtle expression.

The old doctor continued, “Young man, go easy on yourself. As the saying on the Internet goes, if you don’t contain yourself when you’re young, you’ll only shed tears even if you have beautiful girls in your arms when you’re old.”

Everybody tried to hold back their laughter.

“The latter half of the saying shouldn’t be so elegant, should it?” Roland heaved a sigh and sat up after the nurse took off the injectors on his hands. “Doctor, there’s a reason for my kidney deficiency. I’ll explain it soon. After all, the state government must be interested in finding out why I can use magic, right?”

“You have a sense of devotion as a young man. Not bad.” The old doctor finally smiled, as if he was thinking more highly of Roland.

Roland looked at the nurse and asked, “IS there any food in this base?”

“Yes, there are several chefs on duty 24 hours a day. You can have anything you want.” The nurse looked at Roland with her beautiful eyes that seemed to be talking. “What food do you want?”

Roland thought for a moment and said, “Give me some meat, like beef and pork.”

“No problem.” The nurse turned around and left the ward.

Roland turned around and looked at the old doctor. “Sir, you must be a traditional Chinese doctor, right. Can you write me a dietary prescription that can strengthen the kidney and build up the essence, preferably one that doesn’t hurt the body?”

“Is your ability related to your kidney?” asked the doctor curiously.

“It is, in an indirect way,” replied Roland.

He had transformed his semen into magic power, but the magic power alone couldn’t have allowed him to cast spells.

The key was his exceptionally high mental power and the modified spell models.

If it were anyone else, they couldn’t have cast spells even though they were surrounded by abundant magic power due to the lack of mental power, like the ordinary people in the game world.

The old doctor didn’t ask further. All he needed to know was that Roland was doing things for a reason.

He thought for a moment and said, “It’s pointless if I just give the prescription to you. I’ll give it to the supply department. The chefs there all know a thing or two about dietary therapy. It’ll be much better than you making the food on your own. More importantly, while you can get some of the herbs from outside, they might not be as effective. You can take the herbs from us and make food with them later.”

The old doctor did have a point. Roland thought for a moment and said, “Okay, thank you for your trouble.”

“I’m just doing my job. It’s nothing.” The old doctor waved his hand and left the ward with his assistants. Roland connected to the safe network in the secret base with his phone and browsed through the game forum.

Very soon, the nurse came back with two dishes and a bowl of soup.

Roland was hungry in the first place. He had a huge appetite when he smelled the food and quickly finished it.

After eating the food, he was considering what to do next, when the director came in with his hands at his back.

He had carefully calculated the time, so that his visit wouldn’t interrupt Roland’s meal. “Comrade Huang Wenwei, I just asked the doctor. He said that you’re not well yet. So I came here to ask if and when you will have other experiments in the next couple of days. We’ll do anything to work with you.” “We can start right now.” Roland felt that there was still magic power in his body although he was still weak. He only passed out because his mind was greatly shocked when he suffered the AOE attack from his blue fireball even though the magic shield blocked all the damage. “Also, there’s something I’d like to tell the researchers. Can you summon them for a short meeting?”

“Okay, no problem at all.” The director was rather happy.

He thought that Roland was a responsible man and not that kind of person who was cocky because of their special abilities.

“You take another rest while I inform others,” said the director with a smile. “I’ll let the nurse inform you when they’re all gathered.”

The director left after saying that.

Roland lay on the bed for about another fifteen minutes. Then the nurse came and said, “Comrade, the boss asked me to take you to the meeting room.”

Following the nurse, Roland took multiple turns in the base and entered a meeting room about seven minutes later. Everybody was already seated, including the director just now. They were all at the auditorium.

The older ones were all holding pens and notebooks.

The younger researchers were either using voice recorders or had turned on the transcription function of their phones.

They had been talking in low voices. When Roland showed up at the door, everybody turned their heads and looked at him.

Roland was briefly stunned.

The director who was at the auditorium waved his hand at Roland and pointed at the only seat on the podium.

Fine... It seemed that he was the absolute star of the show today.

Roland had no stage fright at all. He quickly sat down at the podium and readjusted the microphone.

The researchers were actually slightly surprised.

Generally speaking, the young people who behaved so calmly in such a serious meeting were either born bold or frequent speakers at meetings.

They didn’t know which category this young man belonged to.

Actually, Roland had seen a lot of scenes with more grandeur.

Stephanie’s enthronement ceremony, for example, was much more magnificent than this one.

While the thirty participants all looked at him, Roland said, “Hello, everyone. You must already know who I am and how I got my abilities, so I won’t waste your time. I’ve boldly convened this meeting because I’d like to tell you my problem and seek your help. After all, you are all top elites in this country, and much better researchers than myself, who only has a bachelor’s degree.”

Many of the researchers smiled and thought that Roland was a nice person.

Roland continued, “The spellcasting ability that I’ve taken out of the game is, by my estimation, based on my high mental power. But that’s just a game term. It may be brainwaves or something else in reality. I’m not very sure.”

All the participants recorded what Roland said.

“The explosion in the test just now was an accident. I failed to control the output of energy,” said Roland in embarrassment. “Because I’m much weaker in reality than I am in the game, my control over magic power isn’t very stable, so I’d like to test some other spells that are safer and more convenient.”

The eyes of all the researchers were glowing.

“One of them is Magic Power Transformation, and the other is Language Proficiency.” After a pause, Roland continued, “Let me explain. Magic Power Transformation turns semen into magic power, and Language Proficiency, as the name suggests, allows you to understand most languages.”

All the participants whispered to each other after hearing that.

The old doctor was among them too. At this moment, he finally realized why Roland looked so feeble.

“Transform essence into Qi?” Dr. Huang wrote the phrase in his notebook and underlined it.

Daoists and doctors were the same in ancient times. The Daoist School’s “transform essence into Qi” could be found in traditional Chinese medicine too.

But it was more of a concept than a real method.

At this moment, someone finally raised his hand. “So in other words, Comrade Huang Wenwei, you can turn your semen into energy and unleash it?”

Roland nodded.

“May I ask how much semen you transformed to launch the blue fireball just


“About five days’ worth.”

Everybody looked at each other in shock. They felt that their worldview was shaken.

In the end, the doctor stood up and said, “But that’s unreasonable. Semen is essentially carbohydrate. Even five days’ worth of it can’t be more than two hundred grams. Even if there’s no loss in the transformation, by the conservation of energy, it couldn’t have caused such a huge explosion, could it?”

Roland shrugged. “That’s a research project that you should work on.”

“Okay.” The old doctor sat down.

“Because I have to transform semen to recover my energy, so in principle, I only have limited energy.”

Everybody got it.

Then, a slightly fat doctor stood up and asked, “I have two questions. Firstly, can you transform other people’s semen for your own use? Secondly, if semen works, why doesn’t blood work? Don’t they say that one drop of semen equals ten drops of blood?”

“Theoretically speaking, it’s possible to transform other people’s semen, but I dare not do that yet, because I’m not sure what my mental power will do to others. It might accidentally kill them.” Roland heaved a sigh. “More importantly, the other reason is that I’m naturally and instinctively repulsed by other men’s semen. I hope you can understand and not bring up the matter again. I don’t know why blood can’t be transformed.”


Everybody in the meeting room laughed. They completely sympathized with Roland.

They would’ve done the same if they were in his shoes.

Then, a lot of them asked questions, like what the spell models looked like exactly, and what characteristics the mental power had.

Roland replied to the questions, sometimes even with demonstrations.

For example, he grabbed the small microphone in front of him with mental power.

Naturally, it raised exclamations and excitement among the researchers.

Half an hour quickly passed during the Q&A.

“As for Language Proficiency, I hope we can start the test right after the meeting.” Roland looked around. “I think it’s time to conclude the meeting. Any objections?”.


Those researchers were more eager to run experiments than Roland was.

Then, the meeting was concluded, and Roland went to a laboratory in A2.

It was a small laboratory. Laboratories of different sizes had been built in the underground base to meet Roland’s requirements.

Language Proficiency was tested in a multimedia laboratory.

After casting the spell, Roland comprehended the words that the researchers pointed at or spoke out and offered their meanings without any mistake.

The thirty researchers were all fluent in English and Chinese, and each of them knew a couple of different other languages.

They wouldn’t call themselves fluent in those languages, but they could still read the professional books in those languages.

They tested all the languages they were capable of on Roland, but none of them puzzled Roland.

The researchers couldn’t have been more ecstatic.

During the experiment, at least seventeen different kinds of detectors were aimed at Roland, scanning and recording his heartbeat and brainwaves and the radiation and magnetic field changes caused by his body.

Even the air flow around him was tested.

After the experiment, all the researchers looked at him with awe.

It was because Roland really became an expert of every language with the spell. He even comprehended a certain language from Africa that few people spoke.

“This is completely uncanny.” The director looked at the recorded data. “How did he manage it? What’s the mechanism?”

“His brainwave frequency is 60 Hz higher than that when he’s sleeping. His brain must’ve really mutated.”

“What about other data?”

“The radiation is the same. There are fluctuations, but all within the normal range.”

Everything had radiations. The only difference was that some were huge and some weren’t.

“The magnetic field had obvious changes.” A researcher gave his tablet over. “After he used the spell, the magnetic field in his body expanded by thirty percent, and the epicenter moved up by about thirty centimeters.”

The director frowned. “What about his blood flow and body temperature?”

“No abnormalities. Both fluctuated within the normal range.”

“I don’t understand.” The director looked at his data. “We’ve gathered a lot of data, but it’s utterly disorganized. It’s hard for us to press the study without seizing the sky.”

“Indeed,” said a specialist who was dedicated to the study of brain activities. “His brain should’ve short-circuited when such abundant bio-electricity ran through his neurons, yet he’s still as alive as can be. Without figuring out that mystery, it will be barely possible for us to make progress in our research.”

“Should we apply for state-of-the-art equipment?” asked the director. “Who’s willing to sign a petition with me?” “Me.”


Many people raised his hands.

Roland, on the other hand, sensed whatever was left of the magic power in his body with a weird feeling.

He felt as if his mind were sharper than before!

Was it his imagination?

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