Demons Beside You

Chapter 91 - Ethan’s Ex-wife

“When can you leave?”

“Not today I’m afraid. I still have three more plays at night,” Yafen said helplessly.

It was very painful to film at night. If possible, she also hoped that she could return to the hotel everyday according to the time on the contract.

But it was not possible; she was not that powerful. Even if it was past the time on the contract, she still had to smile and willingly accept the overtime.

Chen Zhao also did not plan to continue staying here as it was already quite late. “Alright. Tell me when you’re free then.”

“Of course.” Yafen gave him another hot kiss.

Yafen sent Chen Zhao all the way to the exit. Chen Zhao said, “Help me say goodbye to Steven.”

“Sure. See you.”

Vincent had long returned to the car with Beelzebub and the other demons to wait for Chen Zhao. Watching Chen Zhao return with his face lit with joy, Vincent’s face was filled with envy.

“Chen, that woman’s really beautiful.”

“You might also have such a chance in the future.”


“Seize this opportunity well.”

“I will. Definitely.” Vincent clenched his fists tightly.

“So can you give me a discount for future rides?”

“No way.”

“Damn. I’ll call Steven now and ask him to fire you.”

“...” Vincent was speechless. “Where do we go now? Home?”

“Let’s go to Ethan’s place for free dinner.”

“Sure.” This was probably Chen Zhao’s only opinion so far which Vincent agreed.

Ethan was extremely unhappy with this. He did not even welcome Chen Zhao and Vincent into his motel.

However, he was alone and powerless. Walter had already run towards Sasha.

Ethan was distressed at the sight, as if his own daughter had been slept by a pig.

“Chen, this is too much. You keep coming here for free food, and now your dog even wants to mount my daughter!”

“This is freedom of love. Nobody can stop true love.”

“Quickly finish your food and scram with your dog. And you, Vincent, don’t you need to drive?”

“Even though I drive, I still need to eat.”

“That’s why you drove here for free food?”

“Fine. I’ll leave after I finish. You happy now?”

“Vincent, aren’t you going to drive me back?”

“How can you be so thick-skinned?”

“Forget it then. I’ll stay tonight. Ethan, do you the charger for this model? My phone’s flat.”

“Nope. Some of your stuff is still in that room. Go and find it yourself. Also, ten dollars per night.”

After Vincent left, Ethan and Chen Zhao sat before the counter of the motel.

“Chen... How long have we known each other for?”

“F**k, don’t talk to me as if we’ve known each other for tens of years. It’s like not even three months.”


They fell silent again and nobody spoke.

For a few times, Ethan looked like he had something to say but stopped eventually. Chen Zhao could not take it any longer.

“Just speak! If not I’ll go upstairs now.”

“Chen, I heard that something bad has happened to the gang leader in the eastern region.”


Chen Zhao was confused by Ethan’s abrupt conversation.

“Have you forgotten? He was your client. You even said that his man had pointed a gun at your head.”

“Oh, is it? I don’t think this has anything to do with me. I don’t even know the name of that gang leader. How I wish these bastards can just all die outside,” Chen Zhao said calmly. He did not want to leak anything, even if it was Ethan.

“I heard that it’s due to internal conflict.”

“I’m not interested in this. Do you know any rumors about women instead?”

“I only want to warn you to stay away from those people should they come and find you.”

“Why would they find me?” Chen Zhao said, smiling.

“I hope not too. They’re in deep trouble this time. The best outcome will be for them to die in some unknown corner.”

Chen Zhao did not ask for the details. It had nothing to do with him anyway.

Furthermore, if he asked more, Ethan might start to suspect him.

Although Chen Zhao did not like Morgery and the rest, he did not want to betray them either.

He also did not know which side Ethan was on.

“Oh, pass me some tissue. Some butter has dripped on my shirt.”

“Here you go. Twenty cents.”


“God, you’re still the same.”

Chen Zhao heard a voice from his back. It was a woman in her fifties.

At that moment Chen Zhao saw the woman, he could not help but avoid her stare.

Similarly, Ethan also looked away at once.

The woman was wearing a white shirt and an unzipped black job wear on top, a simple below-the-knee dress, and a pair of high-heeled shoes. Her hair was tied into a bun and she had a pair of framed glasses on, but no other makeup.

Her domineering attitude almost made Chen Zhao suffocate.

“Err... Hi Madam, you are...?”

“You look scared. Are you scared of me? Yes, you’re scared of me, just like most men when they see me for the first time.”


“Caprice, Chen is my friend.”

“Ethan, did you grow fat again? With your current age and body size, I believe you have high blood pressure. Oh yeah, when we divorced, you already needed medicine to maintain it. How are you now? Can you still get hard?”

“Oh... Sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned it in front of your friend.” Caprice’s face was filled with apology. “You must be Chen. Just pretend you didn’t hear me just now. Nevertheless, because you’re Ethan’s friend, I will subconsciously think that you’re the same kind of person as him.”

“Actually... I’m not very close to him either.”

“...” Ethan was speechless.

She was Ethan’s ex-wife, a harsh woman.

Chen Zhao understood at once why Ethan would divorce with her.

There was certainly no man in the world who could tolerate her.

“What kind of business are you doing with Ethan? Thief and robbery? Blackmailing? Drugs? Or forcing Eastern European women to sell their bodies?”

“Err... Ethan, do you do these?”

“Chen, don’t listen to her nonsense, and also don’t be tricked by her. She’s always trying to put me in jail.”

“I’ve never wanted you to go to jail,” Caprice said with a serious face.

“Do you think I’ll believe your words?” Ethan sneered.

“No, I want to send you to the gallows. Jail isn’t sufficient to stop your genes from being passed on!” Caprice’s face suddenly turned ferocious. “My son is gay because of your genes! You damned jerk! You shouldn’t have existed in this world! You should only be rotting away in some dirty sewers!”

“Your blood also flows in Robio’s body. You’re his mother. Why are you so certain that he’s gay because of me?”

“You’re his father, so you’re the responsible one.”

“He came out through your womb, so you’re the real culprit.”

“The real culprit is you and your dirty, obscene thoughts! You’re the sinner! I declare you guilty! Go to Hell!”

“According to genetics, a child actually inherits genes from his or her father and mother with the same probability...” Chen Zhao explained to them some knowledge on genetics at the most inappropriate time.

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