Demons Beside You

Chapter 304 - I’ll Call You Princess

Chapter 304: I’ll Call You Princess

Chen Zhao went to the Baron Mansion with the mother bear and two kids.

When Zola saw how bloody and dirty Chen Zhao was, as well as the three bears, she was honestly scared. She hadn’t seen such a big bear before and didn’t dare to get close.

“Chen, what happened?”

“I ran into them during a walk. We fought, I won, and they became my pets.”

“Are you sure they won’t hurt anyone?”

“Don’t worry,” Chen Zhao said. “I tamed them already.”

“Are your injuries okay?”

“I’m a doctor.”

Zola thought for a bit. Thinking of Chen Zhao’s shocking medical skills, she stopped asking.

“I’ll take you to wash up.”

She took Chen Zhao straight to the club’s swimming pool. There were many handsome men and pretty women playing in the water. When they saw Chen Zhao and the family of three, they all scattered.

Zola touched her chin, watching Chen Zhao push the mother bear into the pool.

“Chen, do you think they’ll cooperate if I design a set of clothes for those three?”

Chen Zhao was stunned. “What do you mean?”

“I want them to walk down the catwalk too,” Zola said.

Chen Zhao hesitated. After all, these three had just come to him. They weren’t canines or demon incarnates, so he wasn’t entirely sure. However, this was Zola’s request. If he could help Zola, he was definitely willing.

“Okay, but I have to be backstage,” Chen Zhao said.

After washing up in the pool, Chen Zhao felt much livelier.

Zola handed him a towel. “Right, what are their names?”

“Uh...I forgot to name them.” Chen Zhao waved at the mother. “Come here.”

The mother bear ran over to Chen Zhao. On the side, Zola still felt pressured.

Chen Zhao dried the bear with the towel. After getting dried, she became much more spirited too.

“You’ll be Princess from now on,” Chen Zhao said. “Got it?”

Its fur was dark red, so Chen Zhao thought that “Princess” matched her temperament. But what would actual princesses feel if they knew that a bear was named that?

Argh, argh.

“In the future, you’ll make one sound if you agree and two if you don’t. Do you agree with the name Princess or not?”


Zola was honestly floored while watching from the side. Was Princess really from the wild and not stolen from a circus?

A while later, Zola had someone bring over fruits and honey.

“They’re called Briar and Bramble,” Chen Zhao named the two cubs.

They hadn’t drunk the intelligence potion, so they couldn’t be as smart as the mother. However, they were harmless. They would be close to those that their mother was close to.

Bears were also just as intelligent as dogs, if not more.

The honey they ate before couldn’t be compared to the high-class honey that Zola prepared. The family of three licked the plate of honeyed fruit clean.

After drying Princess, Zola led Chen Zhao and Princess’ family into the clubhouse. As long as Princess was there, no one dared to get close.

On the other hand, Chen Zhao only wore his boxers with gauze over his chest.

“Cooper, Trish, Nat, get over here. What are you hiding for?”

The three stood fearfully at the door, not daring to come in.

“Get over here. I need you three to work together and make a dress for Princess before the show starts tonight. You can talk to it with simple words. As long as you don’t attack it, it won’t attack you either. You need to get its permission before measuring it. It’ll make one sound for agreeing and two for disagreeing.”

The three just stood there, not daring to get close.

“Do you want your jobs?” Zola yelled. “I’m not afraid. What are you scared of?”

The three finally moved their shaking legs. Cooper held up measuring tape. “Just to ask, can I measure your waist?”


When Cooper wrapped the tape around Princess’ waist, he could almost feel the heat inside her.

Thankfully, nothing happened. The three designers fearfully finished the measurements. Princess was 3.5 meters tall and 480 kilograms heavy.

This was an incredible weight. It wasn’t that brown bears couldn’t reach this weight, but that mother bears were usually one-third the weight of males.

Chen Zhao stayed with Princess the entire time.

A while later, Zola brought over Chen Zhao’s clothes. His suit was black. Putting it on, he felt like it was tight but not overly so. It was perfect. The material, cuts, and workmanship all showed a perfectionist’s attention to detail.

Zola personally fixed Chen Zhao’s collar and then held his chin as she studied him.

To be honest, sometimes, the person made the clothes look good. Other times, the clothes made the person look good.

Wearing the suit with the blue-and-white striped round-collared shirt inside, Chen Zhao’s entire aura changed. He wasn’t ugly in the first place and had that Asian aura. His figure was also extraordinary. This suit complemented his curves, tactful but not restrained.

Cooper was satisfied with his work. Trish and Nat commented on it from the side.

“Cooper used Croatian soft cotton to fill the suit with elasticity,” Trish said. “This is a good idea, but it also means that you couldn’t grasp the measurements enough. If it were me, I’d use fine cotton. This would enhance Mr. Chen’s curves.”

“The straight collar is a flaw too,” Nat said. “If it were me, I’d use a rounded collar.”

People of the same field were the worst critics. Chen Zhao was satisfied with this suit, but Trish and Nat made it seem valueless and full of flaws.

Of course, every designer had their own temper, style, and insistences. Faced with the two’s criticisms, Cooper refuted them all.

“Oh, when is Fali coming?” Zola asked.

“She’s still at work, but she’ll leave early. Probably in the afternoon.”

Fali’s dress was kept in a delicate box. The dress was completely white. It was strapless with a long dress and detailed patterns that were probably hand-sewn.

This dress was elegant and graceful. Even though Fali wasn’t wearing it, just touching it gave off a refreshing feeling.

Chen Zhao was already imagining how beautiful Fali would look when she put it on.

“Chen, are you satisfied with the dress?”

“It’s up to Fali,” Chen Zhao said, smiling. “But I’m sure she’ll love it.”

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