The City of Terror

Chapter 52

According to his understanding, other than how strange these creatures were, the creatures formed three types of relationships: competitors, prey, and predators.

For example, lions and hyenas in the African Savannah were predators, while most herbivores and some carnivores were their prey, and the relationship between them was that of competitors.

Strong lions would absolutely not allow hyenas to enter their habitat. Once a hyena appeared close to their habitat, the male lion would kill them.

This meant that the street he was in, was the territory of a stronger creature.

This was a much more reasonable explanation as to why those black beetles could not enter the street. Even the strange Evil Thoughts Possessor received an attack after entering the place.

However, Wei Xiao Bei was only a bit wishful. After all, he had already searched through the few places in the street, and from his observation, there were no signs of any strong creatures.

When he thought about it, if this place truly resided a strong creature then he would probably be its first target.

Naturally, if he added an extra explanation, it would make a lot more sense.

He thought that the strong creature was probably sleeping somewhere, perhaps under the streets.

Alright! Let’s not think about anything else anymore.

Right now he was hungry!

This was the inevitable consequence of releasing electricity. His stomach would receive the side effect of extreme hunger.

Luckily, the hardtacks that he had gathered were not finished yet.

The only problem now was that the remaining hardtack he had with him had been cleanly eaten by him. Other than a few bottles of water, Wei Xiao Bei did not have anymore food.

He was not a god. Even if he was inside this mystical Dust World, he still needed food. After searching through the street, he decided to search the other end of the street, while also finding a place to escape to. If a strong creature was truly sleeping here, then he should try to find a safer place.

Naturally, finding food and water was also a must.

Because nothing strange continued to happen, Wei Xiao Bei did not waste anymore time and went towards the other end of the street.

The other end of the street was no different from the original scheme of The Dust World.

With just one look, he could see the same kind of ruined buildings and the ash colored sky that did not bring any warmth, giving others a sense of being in the aftermath of a nuclear bomb.

Where is this?

Wei Xiao Bei looked at thestreet, that was much more ruined compared to the apartment building’s street. He tried to think about the street’s version in reality.

This place should be the food street, right?

This was Wei Xiao Bei’s first impression.

In the real world, the apartment’s street was actually west of Lake Cui, while the food street was northwest of Lake Cui. The street was parallel to the lake, allowing the diners to enjoy the view of Lake Cui while eating delicious food.

However, it was different in The Dust World.

The food street appeared directly at the other end of the street. This meant that the food street’s position had shifted by about 1000 meters.

Wei Xiao Bei had already adjusted himself for the strangeness of The Dust World, so the shift in position had not really shocked him.

When Wei Xiao Bei stepped in the food street, the dust on the street rose up like mist, as if it had been sitting there, accumulating for years.

The chaotically abandoned tables and benches made the street look like it had gone through war.

Wei Xiao Bei’s body slightly tensed up as he slowly walked through the streets.

The street was incomparably quiet. He had already walked through half of the road and yet there were no movements at all.

However, mist had started to gradually rise in the latter half of the street. The further he walked, the thicker the mist became, blocking his line of sight until he could no longer see what was behind him.

Wei Xiao Bie couldn’t help but tighten his grasp on the pitch fork in his hand. His footsteps slowed down as he honed on his senses; his ears listening carefully to his surroundings.

Only when Wei Xiao Bei kicked an empty tin can, did the silence break. He immediately raised his guard as he retreated backwards just in case. Suddenly, there was a loud screech from what could be heard as a chicken. Soon after, he saw the shadow of a calf shaped creature charging towards him.


Wei Xiao Bei made a horse stance, wielded the pitchfork like a great spear, and charged towards the shadow.

When the sharp pitchfork was about to pierce the shadow’s body, he suddenly saw three bird heads appear from the shadow, pecking the pitchfork.

Ding! Ding! Ding! The sound of the three heads hitting the pitch fork was loud and clear. Wei Xiao Bei felt his hand numb as his attack was diverted and the pitch fork stabbed the ground.

The black shadow took this chance to continue charging towards Wei Xiao Bei. However, Wei Xiao Bei did not panic at all. He only increased the power in his hands and stabbed upwards, hitting the shadow’s lower body causing it to run off.

He took the chance to runaway, and only stopped when there was no more mist. All the while regretting his situation.

How great would it have been if I had a real great spear.

In his last attack, if he had a real great spear, he could have borrowed the pole’s flexibility and injured the enemy.

The pitch fork was not flexible at all. It was so hard that when it poked the enemy’s abdomen, the enemy had borrowed the force from it and ran away.

However, regardless of what had happened, Wei Xiao Bei was now outside the mist, so if the black shadow still wanted to ambush him, it would no longer be an easy thing to do.

After an unsuccessful sneak attack, the black shadow was nowhere to be seen.

Wei Xiao Bei stabbed the pitch fork on the ground and closed his eyes. He listened vigilantly to his surroundings while placing a bit of his attention on the status panel.

It had gone according to his expectation; a new line had indeed appeared in his battlelog.


Encounter with 2-star creature Shangfu.

Shangfu attacks.

Block and counterattack was successful.

Shangfu receives light injures and escapes.


What kind of monster is that?

Wei Xiao Bei thought for a bit and then collected his thoughts.

Although it had already escaped, its light injuries did not mean that it would not dare to attack Wei Xiao Bei again.

What he needed to do now was to further increase his vigilance. That monster was probably hiding inside the mist and looking at him, waiting for another chance to sneak attack.

After standing on the spot for a while, Wei Xiao Bei slowly retreated with his pitchfork. He ran his eyes over his surroundings once again, feeling that if he continued to waste time with this enemy, there would be no end to it. Instead, he decided to slowly return back to the apartment’s street, and maybe lure out the monster.

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