The City of Terror

Chapter 184 - Bai Ta Hill

“Who is it! Show yourself!”

“Bang bang!” Two gunshots were fired.

“Ah! Help! .....” Old Wang’s call for help came, but in the next moment, the call for help completely disappeared.

Xiao Li was startled and quickly moved his position. He dropped his phone on the ground and pulled out his gun while hiding close to the police car.

When the team quickly came over, Old Wang had already become a corpse.

All traces of the attacker had completely disappeared.

These were the only things Wei Xiao Bei found out from his classmate’s mouth.

After all, he was only a traffic police and not the chief of the criminal police. Knowing this was already good enough. Naturally, some parts of the plot came from his imagination.

However, 80% of the information should be correct.

After acquiring the imformation, Wei Xiao Bei became even more confused. Without a doubt, the thing that appeared on top of the van was the one that attacked Old Wang, because of this, he believed that there should have been clues left behind by the attacker. However, he could not go look at the moment. Even if he did go, he would not be able to see anything.

At the very least, Wei Xiao Bei now understood where he should go.

Nothing unfortunate happened until the reunion ended. After all, the main reason he joined the reunion was because his relationship with his classmates was not bad.

When he was still a student, the amount of people he had bad relationships with were a minority.

There really was a huge difference between novels and reality as there were not that many dishonest people among them.

They all exchanged contacts and agreed on another reunion once they would have another chance to.

Having such relationships with his classmates was not a bad thing in this society.

As long as a person had enough common sense, they would not harm their classmates.

It was said that you couldn’t judge a person by their appearance.

Wei Xiao Bei’s generation of classmates were people who had the biggest chance of rising up. Who knew if someone would suddenly become the boss of a company, or become rich to the point of being famous.

However, a few male classmates definitely felt jealous of Wei Xiao Bei, someone who had nothing special, obtaining such a beautiful girlfriend. In the end, they still asked Wei Xiao Bei to let his girlfriend introduce a few people to them.

After leaving the restaurant, they said their goodbyes and left their own way.

Wei Xiao Bei brought Zhu Xin Yi along but he did not call the police, chatting while walking towards the police station.

After circling the police station twice, the both of them returned home.

Zhu Xin Yi had also heard of his classmate’s story. Thus she did not object to Wei Xiao Bei bringing her to circle around the police station.

On their way back, Wei Xiao Bei had a discussion with Zhu Xin Yi.

As a result, Zhu Xin Yi took a bath early and pulled Wei Xiao Yun into her room.

Wei Xiao Bei, on the other hand, accompanied his parents in watching television and used the excuse of being tired to go to sleep.

What his parents did not know was that when he returned to the room, he locked it and directly jumped out the window. He did not use the minivan and jumped over the wall behind the school, running towards the police station.

Naturally, it was still very early, around 8 PM. Wei Xiao Bei sat on a side stand and ordered barbecue and beer. He took his time as he ate and drunk.

Time slowly passed to 11 PM. Wei Xiao Bei got up and moved to the back of the police station. He wore a black mask and entered by climbing up the wall.

When he finally found the police chief’s office, he frowned.

Perhaps because of Old Wang’s death, the office was still brightly lit even though it was 11PM.

It seemed that the police chief intended to work well into the night.

If this situation continued on, it would be hard for Wei Xiao Bei to infiltrate and obtain more information.

No matter how awesome he was, he could not turn invisible.

The amount of people monitoring the place was also not few. Since he was not invisible, there was a high chance that he would be exposed.

After pondering a bit, he decided to hide behind the office first and walked there slowly.

Maybe because the office was old or for security purposes, the back side of the building had no windows.

After climbing onto the rooftop, Wei Xiao Bei hid there until 3 AM, only then did the lights were turned off. The police rubbed their blurred eyes and yawned as they eventually all left the place.

However, there were still people who hadn’t left yet. At this time, Wei Xiao Bei did not care about this meager amount of people. He carefully infiltrated the building and hid from the guards. In the end, he found information from the case file on the office desk.

In normal cases, these files should have been placed into the paper shredder.

However, this time, they might have neglected these things due to an officer also dying.

After getting what he needed, he returned home and lied down on his bed while thinking over the situation.

There had not been much difference from what he heard from his classmate, but it was a lot more detailed.

Old Wang’s breastbone had been completely shattered and the skin on his chest was burned open. It was as if he was burned by some high temperature substance. What was left was a hand print that looked close to a paw print.

The old police fired his gun thrice. Three meters away from the officers corpse was a footprint embeded a few millimeters into the road. Although the road was old, it was still made of thick asphalt which was incredibly hard. Being able to leave a footprint made it easy to understand how strong the attacker was.

In short, the information made Wei Xiao Bei feel that it could be a Guo Shu Expert that grabbed onto burning coals and attacked Old Wang.

However, when he made a connection to his special skill Release Electricity, he immediately came to a conclusion.

His previous guess seemed to be a bit more reliable.

The passengers of the van had been sent to the Dust World, then a random passenger returned and attacked the police!

However, there was still something that was a little difficult to explain using this line of logic.

How could a passenger who had just entered the Dust World for the first time kill a robust police? Moreover, they had also grasped a flame special ability.

However, Wei Xiao Bei knew that as long as it was related to the Dust World, anything could happen.

Other than that, Wei Xiao Bei noticed an important piece information.

On the east side of Bai Ta Hill, strange incidents were happening that might be related to the suspect.

A village located on the foot of the hill was raising chickens. However, more than 30 chickens seemed to have been stolen after a night. The one responsible for guarding the chickens even reported that he heard chewing sounds in the night. Because of fear, he did not go out to search so there was not much information.

However, later, the police found a lot of bloodstained chicken feathers 500 meters away from the village.

Now, the police and the militia were all searching around that area of the mountain, yet there was no other information at the moment.

Wei Xiao Bei considered the information while studying on the saved information on his phone.

In reality, doing this would be hard if he did not increase his learning to 15 points. Naturally, even if the difficulty was high, it was not that efficient.

After letting his thoughts run wild, he stood still and made a breathing stance to let himself calm down. Afterwards, he held his phone and devoted himself to studying.

Once his efficiency increased, his interest also rose. He did this until 2 AM of the next day and stopped due to insufficient battery. Only then did he sleep.

He woke up at 6 AM and immediately called Zhu Xin Yi over. The two of them went down the stairs and arrived at the flower garden in the east section of the school.

Wei Xiao Bei gave pointers to Zhu Xin Yi and let her practice by herself while he trained his Qi.

Time quickly passed and when he finished his training, it was already 11 AM.

After training, his Qi was able to flow quicker due to its increase in amount.

Wei Xiao Bei then made Zhu Xin Yi return first to cover up for his future absence. He then started the minivan and left the school. After eating a bowl of sesame wonton outside, he headed towards Bai Ta Hill that was 10 kilometers away.

Bai Ta Hill was the logo of Bai Ta County. It was also the origin of the name.

In the records of the county, during the Tang Dynasty’s rebellion, a great evil appeared in Bai Ta County. This great evil alarmed the populace and killed everywhere. At that time, the county magistrate invited a capable daoist. The daoist ordered the construction of a white tower on a barren hill to protect Fengshui and suppress the evil. In the end, peace returned to the county. Afterwards, the hill where the white tower was name Bai Ta Hill.

Of course, the county record was already more than 1000 year old.

As for what the evil was, no one knew about it.

However, the name of the county was still used until this day.

Wei Xiao Bei was familiar with Bai Ta Hill. Bai Ta County was part of the agricultural sector so its economy was not too developed. There were not many places to play in the county, so most school excursions were to the Bai Ta Hill.

Before the minivan approached the hill, Wei Xiao Bei found a police checkpoint three kilometers away. A few police cars had blocked off half the road and inspected every vehicle that crossed the place.

Wei Xiao Bei did not take the risk and turned the car around and stopped the car in a rural tourism building. He rented a room and rode the van heading towards Huang Long town, safely passing through the checkpoint.

The distance between Bai Ta Hill and the road was not far, only adding up to around 200 meters. As the van passed by, Wei Xiao Bei swept his gaze around the place and saw a lot of military uniformed figures. He could even faintly hear the barks of police dogs.

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