The City of Terror

Chapter 188 - Pursuit in the Dust World!

In at most 20 minutes, the search parties would make it to his location.

Thinking up to here, Wei Xiao Bei could no longer wait for the enemy to return back from the Dust World. He gritted his teeth as he left the place.

Although Wei Xiao Bei could not be considered arrogant, he had already experienced the Dust World and grew stronger, resulting in a more inflated self-confidence.

But today, he had actually let a sheep that was ready to be slaughtered in his hands escape. He felt that this was a slap to his face!

Luckily, Zhu Yi Duo did not see his face. Otherwise, he would even be worried for his family’s safety.

However, Wei Xiao Bei was not willing to let things go like this. He had a premonition that Zhu Yi Duo would not fear going back to the Dust World anymore in the near future.

Life and death was terrifying, but it was also a good way to temper oneself.

If Wei Xiao Bei did not kill Zhu Yi Duo now, he would definitely become a problem in the future!

It was easy to imagine that Zhu Yi Duo would hold a grudge after almost being killed. Once he had enough power, taking revenge would not be strange.

After taking a huge detour to hide from the search parties and the militia, Wei Xiao Bei ran back to the rural tourism building.

At this time, Wei Xiao Bei did not hope to pass by a public van.

The police should have tightened their security after Zhu Yi Duo escaped. With stricter inspections, wouldn’t he just be entering a net if he gets on a public van?

Wei Xiao Bei’s speed was already incomparable to the first time he entered the Dust World. When running at full speed, he was not that slow compared to cars and could even exceed small cars.

The only problem was that he could not maintain the speed for a long time, even if his endurance was at 20 points. However, even then, he could last for 2 hours of continuous running and still traverse for 100 kilometers.

Naturally, this was enough for him to go back to the rural tourism building.

At this time, the building had not yet closed their doors, but a commonly seen famous Chinese rural dog was guarding the door.

Wei Xiao Bei did not have any plans to alarm the owners of the rural tourism building. He circled around and entered from the back of the courtyard.

After returning to his own room, Wei Xiao Bei thought for a bit and immediately took a bath to get rid of the bloodstains and sweat that may have been left behind. He also applied thick perfume to hide the stench of blood.

Afterwards, he opened the door and asked the proprietor to prepare a few agricultural dishes.

As for the taste of the dishes, it needed not be said.

The dishes were made from vegetables in a nearby field and animals that were raised by them. The taste was much more fresh compared to those from the city.

Wei Xiao Bei asked for a lot of self-made rural fold earthen wine. He slowly drank while remembering to control the amount.

The proprietor was born as a farmer. However, when he was young, he had travelled to open up his world. After returning home, he opened a rural tourism shop. He did not ask to earn a lot of money, but he wanted to leave some property for his son.

The proprietor originally thought that Wei Xiao Bei would not be able to finish the food and even tried to persuade him. However, when he saw Wei Xiao Bei wolf down the food and drink a lot of wine, he could not say anything more, especially after seeing that all the food had disappeared into his stomach.

After filling himself up, he instructed the proprietor to not disturb his sleep, then returned to his room with a jar of wine.

Rural wine should not be looked down upon. The concentration was not low. Wei Xiao Bei knew that it was not less 40% alcohol content after drinking it. Although it could not be compared to some brand name alcohol, it was rich and mellow with a slight turbidity in color.

After closing the door, he inspected the room, before sitting on the bedside and taking large gulps of the delicious wine.



Wei Xiao Bei woke up from his sleep.

The faint smell of dust made him remember that he had entered the Dust World.

He opened his eyes and surveyed the surroundings with surprise.

Although he had entered from the rural tourism building, he did not appear inside the rural tourism building in the Dust World.

The grass below his body was completely dry with layers of dust covering it. The field extended towards a run down village that was similar to the village behind the rural tourism building.

A tall worn-out memorial arch was erected at the entrance of the village. Wei Xiao Bei quickly got up and tried to identify the writing on top of the arch. He saw that there were red letters spelling ‘Cao Village’.

I’m in the right place.

Wei Xiao Bei remembered that the proprietor was surnamed Cao. It was said that his ancestors were ranked top in the civil exams during the Ming Dynasty. As a result, the authorities had created this arch.

Behind him was a field of gray colored grass that seemed to extend infinitely. Three hundred meters to his left was a flowing river and to his right was a destroyed road.

Although the rural tourism building did not appear, everything in the surroundings was not too different. Their positions were different but they were still linked to the real world, so Wei Xiao Bei relaxed.

The thing Wei Xiao Bei feared the most when entering the Dust World was the different changes to his surroundings, since his familiarity with them in the real world was useless.

This would result in a higher danger.

Just like how he entered the desert and almost lost his life.

If he wanted to search for Zhu Yi Duo in the Dust World, he could only go to the location he had entered at in the Dust World.

He guessed that following the river upstream should be correct direction.

When he was about to move towards the river, he suddenly heard a voice coming from the Cao Village.

He did not directly go towards the origin of the voice. On the contrary, he sped up and ran towards the river.

Naturally, curiosity was part of human nature. It was impossible for Wei Xiao Bei to not have any. When he reached the river, he slowed down his steps and looked towards the village.

He noticed that there was a group of people standing under the arch. Although the distance between him and them was slightly far and slightly blurry to see, Wei Xiao Bei could clearly see their clothes.

The leader was a person wearing a green government uniform from ancient times that had a beautiful design that formed birds and beasts. As for the rank of the uniform, he did not know about it. The leader was also wearing a government hat that had a leaf on the right and left.

There were five people that wore black uniforms following behind him. Their sleeves were embroidered with gold strings and Podaos, a sword-like weapon, hung on their waist.

Shouldn’t those be uniforms worn by bailiffs in ancient times? It should be right?

At this time, Wei Xiao Bei felt that his knowledge was still not complete.

Naturally, even a top grade student would never imagine having to identify ancient clothes and hats.

When Wei Xiao Bei looked again, the leader also looked towards him. When their eyes locked on each other, Wei Xiao Bei felt a mysterious force from the other party’s gaze, causing him to retreat a few steps in alarm.

When Wei Xiao Bei took a look again, the leader and his five subordinates had disappeared without a trace.

Wei Xiao Bei felt a chill on his back. There was only a few seconds difference but the people had disappeared without a single trace. Even if they could fly, there should at least be a bit of traces.

After taking a deep breath, Wei Xiao Bei hesitated and took a look at the battlelog in his status panel.



Encountered 3-Star Elite Creature Shing Wong’s Border Patroller and 2-Star Elite Creature Border Patroller’s Messengers


You have been attacked by [Overwhelming Righteousness].

[Iron Will] successfully blocked the attack!


Escaped from battle!

When Wei Xiao Bei looked at the battlelog, he sucked in a breath of cold air.

Shing Wong’s Border Patroller?

Wei Xiao Bei was not an expert in literature, but he was able to understand what was written in the battlelog.

In ancient Chinese legends, Shing Wong was what the people called the Protector Gods of various cities! It is said that every city had a Shing Wong and were divided into ranks, namely; land god, county god, prefecture god, capital god. These gods are said to manage over the souls of the deceased for the town. This was also divided into ranks of county, prefectural, and general.

And this Shing Wong’s Border Patroller should be one of the Shing Wong’s subordinate, and roughly around the county level.

The green clothed man was actually a Shing Wong’s Border Patroller? The five people following behind him who looked like bailiffs were actually Border Patroller’s Messengers?

Isn’t this place the Dust World?

How could an earth god exist here?

Wei Xiao Bei felt that staying there was dangerous. It must be known that the Shing Wong’s Border Patroller was a 3-Star Elite Creature. Adding the five 2-Star Elite Creatures would make it even more impossible to face them.

Luckily the Shing Wong’s Border Patroller did not seem to have any malicious intent on him. Otherwise a few hundred meters distance would be nothing to them.

Wei Xiao Bei walked along the river for more than ten meters and frowned due what he saw in front of him..

In front, there was a giant wild boar that was currently drinking from the river.

The size of the wild boar was so big to the point that Wei Xiao Bei had never seen one of that size in his entire life. The hair on its entire body was stood erect like iron needles and it had a pair of tusks that happened to graze on a boulder, deeply leaving a mark on the boulder.

Without even needing to appraise its status, Wei Xiao Bei could already feel a huge threat coming from it. He guessed that it was at the very least a 2-Star Terror Creature or even a 3-Star Creature.

Wei Xiao Bei had two choices, to fight or to go on a detour. Taking a detour might not even be a good choice. There was forest on both sides of the river where all the trees in them were withered. Just looking at them was enough to tell that something bad might be in the forest.

It’s possible that I might not be weaker than this Giant Boar!

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