The City of Terror

Chapter 190 - This is not rational!

The big withered tree would be at least a 2-Star Elite Creature, in other words, it was as strong as a Tree Spirit. The only difference would be the color of the leaves.

Moreover, Wei Xiao Bei could not guarantee that the trees would not go berserk if he continued his massacre.

Although the warning coming from his intuition was very weak, he felt that there was no need to explore anymore at the moment and that leaving the place was better.

While carrying the branches which uses he still had not determined, he continued to walk along the river.

The scene in front of him became even more familiar.

In the end, he reached a bend of the river and stopped. This was the place Zhu Yi Duo disappeared from reality!

The reason was simple, the withered reeds could only be found there.

Naturally, the most direct proof was the bloody smell in the air that Wei Xiao Bei could still smell.

Zhu Yi Duo entered the Dust World and washed off the blood in the river.

However, the smell of blood in the air was impossible to get rid of!

The wind in the place was so weak to the point that there was almost none. This made the blood stick in the air for a long time.

Even if that was so, if Wei Xiao Bei had not hurried in, the smell might have completely dispersed.

He tried to inhale the smell a few times while taking deep breaths, taking in the scent of blood.

This way!

Wei Xiao Bei used his keen smell to search for the direction Zhu Yi Duo left, but he frowned when he saw where it was.

If he did not remember wrong, it was in the direction of the Bai Ta Hill!

However, he did not know if it was still the same in the Dust World. Perhaps Bai Ta Hill did not event exist in the Dust World.

No matter what was said, it was impossible for him to give up since he already made it there.

He stopped hesitating and followed the scent of blood that had not yet disappeared.

After walking a few steps, Wei Xiao Bei pushed away the tall reeds and saw the far away Bai Ta Hill!

In truth, the place where Wei Xiao Bei interrogated Zhu Yi Duo was not far from the base of the mountain. It was only about two kilometers.

However, its distance in the Dust World had been stretched longer.

In the real world, he could see that hill touch the sky and was as tall as two palms, but in the Dust World, the Hill that he could see from his position had shrunk to the size of half a palm.

This was rational in the Dust World. Wei Xiao Bei muttered this before increasing his speed.

He chased Zhu Yi Duo’s tracks, but the further he advanced the more amazed he was.

When Wei Xiao Bei entered the Dust World, everything he saw was covered in dust. Even the water in the river was no longer clear.

However, Wei Xiao Bei noticed that the closer he got to the hill, the lesser the dust, and by the time he reached the end the dust had completely disappeared, becoming a green grassfield. Occasionally, there were even blooming colorful flowers.. There was also a small brook flowing from afar with carps jumping up to catch their prey. This scene had completely amazed Wei Xiao Bei.

Wei Xiao Bei tried to catch one fish and noticed that it was not a monster at all. It was the same as a normal fish from the real world and struggled in his hands, slipping from his grasp.

How can this be?

This was the first time Wei Xiao Bei had encountered such a beautiful scenery in the Dust World.

This place is simply paradise!

Wei Xiao Bei lied beside the brook to stuff himself with water. Although his special ability was capable of storing water, but this water would be immediately used up during battle.

The more he advanced towards the hill, the closer the scenery was to the real world, and was even a bit more beautiful than reality.

Wei Xiao Bei was almost completely captivated by his surroundings.

There were even butterflies and dragonflies flying around in the air.

The only unfortunate thing was that the sun in the sky was still murky. It was like the sun had contacted a cold. All of its light was dim and cold.

In the end, Wei Xiao Bei could not help but stop his footsteps.

For a few seconds he had his mouth opened wide in complete silence. Then he closed his mouth and said, “Blurry eyes?”

Indeed, the scene in front of Wei Xiao Bei would be easily mistaken by anyone as just having a blurry eyes.

At this time, he could already see the entire hill’s scenery.

Fuck! This is not rational!

Is this even Bai Ta Hill?

Compared to the Bai Ta Hill in the real world, the Bai Ta Hill here could be called the true Bai Ta Hill.

The entire hill was colored red, and this time it was not due to a sleeping Fire Dragon, but it was a true red hill. It was probably made from true red soil.

The lush forest all over the mountain had disappeared, and was substituted by large old trees. At the top of the trees was something like a thick cloud.

A complicated white set stairs circled around the mountain towards the top, connecting to a white tower.

The white tower in the Dust World was more than 10 times taller than the one in the real world. The white tower stood like white jade as a white luster shined all over its surroundings.

Around the white tower were floating hills that exceeded 700 meters tall, or to be more accurate floating islands.

There were nine floating islands in total. The islands were covered densely with pavilions, deep blue pines that twisted and stretched towards the skies, hundreds of blooming flowers, and white cranes that would land on the pines from time to time.

The nine islands circled and slowly rotated around the white tower.

No matter what was said, the scene had greatly exceeded Wei Xiao Bei’s imagination.

This was why Wei Xiao Bei could not help but exclaim in surprise.

In the dusty and deslate Dust World, a paradise like this would confuse anyone.

After stupidly standing there for a long time, Wei Xiao Bei finally came back to his senses.

He finally understood why Zhu Yi Duo entered the Dust World and escaped towards Bai Ta Hill. The reason was very clear.

Who would not want to come to a paradise like this. Moreover, with his cowardly nature, Zhu Yi Duo would feel that this place was the safest.

However, Wei Xiao Bei was still a bit worried when he looked at Bai Ta Hill.

His intuition was telling him to stop advancing towards the hill!

The power there was something that he could not fight against!

Naturally, this was only an intuition. Intuitions would not tell him why it was dangerous, or where it was dangerous. Moreover, he did not know if it was a hidden danger or a danger that had a possibility of appearing.

If he wanted to tell which one, he had to get a bit closer.

However, if he did that, then it was possible he would not be able to escape the danger if it suddenly appeared in front of him.

Additionally, there were differences between the types of danger.

For example, the danger found in a volcano could be the lava boiling inside the crater. It was indeed dangerous, but if he did not meet the condition of approaching the crater and jump into it, then the danger did not matter.

If he only sat at the edge of the crater, then the danger would not exist.

Sometimes, danger could also migrate. On the same mountain, it would be possible to evade the flood, but there was also a possibility of being buried alive in a landslide.

Because the danger had not yet appeared, it was difficult to see how it would affect his life.

It was that simple.

If he did not know about the existence of danger, then death would approach even faster!

However, he would probably regret it if he just gave up right there!

What should I do?

Although he had accumulated 910 evolution points, he did not plan on using any of them at the moment.

Afterall, once he did allocate them, he could at most increase a few of his skills to 20 points, gaining one or two abilities.

THough, Wei Xiao Bei still did not believe that he could overcome the danger of Bai Ta Hill with just one or two more abilities.

Without a doubt, danger and opportunity both existed in the Dust World!

Wei Xiao Bei really wished that he had a few dice and just rely on luck to make a decision for him.

When he sat back down beside the brook, he became slightly hungry.

Although he had eaten a lavish meal before he entered the Dust World, it did not mean that he would not become hungry once he entered it.

Wei Xiao Bei would normally just suppress his hunger if he was in a different situation.

But now, he felt incredible relaxed and decided to just prepare to replenish his energy.

If it was possible, Wei Xiao Bei would not reject the idea of having his stomach stay full all the time.

After collecting a pile of firewood, Wei Xiao Bei jumped down the brook and caught some grass carp.

He frowned at the fact that grass carp’s meat quality was inferior to most fish, but he still had no plans of throwing them back. He pulled out the White Mist Dagger and began cleaning and cutting up the fish.

Compared to before, the White Mist Knife was a lot more sharper. When the knife scraped the fish, all of the scales were instantly removed.

However, Wei Xiao Bei did not dare to fully rely on his White Mist Knife, else the corrosive poison would eventually seep into the meat.

However, if it was just a bit, he was still able to take it.

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