Bambi And The Duke

Chapter 24 - Dropping The Facade- Part 2

"More than a year."

"Hmm," he nodded his head. So it was after he had started his work and had asked her to not send him letters. If he hadn\'t asked her to do so he would have come to know the number of men trying to woo his Bambi. His jaw ticked in irritation, "And how acquainted are you with him?" Frankly, all these years he had only learnt to direct his anger somewhere while keeping a leash on his emotions. He had meant to behave well with the facade of showing a sweet man but Leonard could hardly hold it together.

Vivian looked at him slightly taken aback by his question. Why was he interested in Mr Jerome?

"Answer my question, Vivian," his voice seemed patient but his eyes told otherwise. It demanded answers and these were the rare instances when she felt intimidated by him.

"He mostly spoke about work and nothing more," she answered him truthfully.

"What else?"


"Yes," he nudged her to speak, "How about receiving treats or gifts from him?" She shook her head, "That\'s good to hear. I don\'t want you chatting with him from here on."

"Why not?" came Vivian\'s question.

"Your job is to look after the mansion and not waste your time in talking to him when there are jobs you need to complete. Not just Jerome but anyone for the fact. I will have a word with Paul later so that he looks after the guests. After all, he is the footman of the mansion. Is that clear?"

"Yes, master Leonard," Vivian frankly didn\'t understand why he was forbidding her from going and greeting any guest who came at the mansion. Did he not trust her in keeping the guests\' company thinking she would tarnish their reputation?

"Good and another thing. Why have you been calling me master Leonard?" he leaned forward this time so that he could have a better look at her.

"Because you\'re the master of the mansion?" Vivian asked unsurely as he tapped his finger on the wooden desk, "No?" she asked meekly.

"Let me rephrase the question. Why have you been calling me master Leonard instead of Leo?" she saw him push himself up from the desk and turned her chair around with not much effort. Bending down in front of her, he tried unbuckling her shoe to which she pulled away quickly.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I need to see something. You haven\'t answered my question yet," he reminded her, stretching his hand to grab one of her feet by her ankle. The lone action had her heart beating in her little chest. Her mind racing for words to speak, to reply but she found none as he unbuckled her shoe. Even during the small visits to the mansion when he was away, he was always like this. A little pushy, overbearing and sometimes irrational with his actions. When she had turned twelve, he had climbed a tree and wanted her to climb the tree too. Her refusal to do it had gained her his silent treatment for the next few visits.

"Last year Mr Cahrmichael reprimanded me as I addressed you as Leo. He told a servant should address the owner rightly," she remembered the day she got scolded and with her even Paul had been scolded for not grooming the servants the way they were expected to be groomed. Mr Carmichael and his brother had done more than scolding that day. The words were spoken by Mr Carmichael\'s brother, Sullivan Carmichael had been hurtful and degrading. It was then she had realized the gap between their status.

"I am sorry you had to hear that. My father grew up with his traditions but I haven\'t, not around you at least," he offered her a smile which was filled with warmth, "Well, he isn\'t here at the moment so I don\'t see why you have to use the honorifics," she felt him remove her sock from her feet. He raised her feet so that he could inspect the sole, running his thumb which tickled her, he placed it down to undo her other shoe.

Vivian having no clue what he was up to, let him do what he pleased so that she would get over with it quickly so that her heart could settle down and not fail due to over functioning.

Leonard\'s hand which was around Vivian\'s ankle felt the warm skin on her dainty legs. Though something deep down clawed at wanting to touch her more under his seeking hands, he let go of her feet once he was done inspecting to see if there was any mark left behind. He reminded himself to wait a little more. A little more until the time was right.

His eyes trailed up to her face which looked innocent and pure. Her black eyes held a question in them which never appeared on her lips. Her strawberry blonde hair was plated which now rested on the side of her shoulder. Standing up, he jammed his hands in his trouser pockets.

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