New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 103 - Meeting The Team

"Ah," Kyle grimaced, "That ... is not possible. The daily training, that is."

Cole looked at him with a frown, "And why not? What\'s the problem?"

"I don\'t have the time," Kyle said frankly, "And honestly, I don\'t really need that much training."

Cole face clearly showed his displeasure at that. He was beginning to regret this for he now viewed Kyle to be too arrogant. Yes, he had the skills but one could never be overconfident.

"There\'s no such thing as not needing training," Cole said firmly.

"I never said I don\'t need training. I just said I don\'t need that much. Twice a week, tops and that is all the time I can spare, really."

"How about this? I compete in all the three types of the competition for the qualifying round against any of your team members. Speed climbing, bouldering, and lead climbing, right? If I win, you let me train as I want without complaints. If you win, I do it your way. Deal?" Kyle asked.

Cole grinned. Over confident and cocky indeed.

"All three?" Cole repeated, just to make sure, "You lose just one, and it\'s my way."

Kyle shrugged, "No problem."

It took Cole about 30 minutes to get all of the team members together. After they heard Cole\'s explanation, they quickly came. Some had laughed, some had scoffed but overall, they were rather miffed at this young upstart. They were really looking forward to crushing that ego.

They had been training for this competition since the beginning of the year. The frequency of training just went up two weeks ago since the date of the competition was getting nearer. Now this youngster, who had never rock climbed in a competition before, think he was better than them? Just because he managed to save the baby?

Sure, they acknowledged that Kyle had the skill but nothing beats experience and practice.

Kyle used the time to warm up and stretch. Kay helped, by holding on to Kyle\'s ankle while he did some sit-ups. Cathy, of course, was hidden nearby and was filming the entire exercise routine. She jumped, effectively shaking the camera and losing her shot, when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

It turned out to be Ken, one of the team members.

"You\'re drooling, Cathy," he teased her.

Cathy glared at him but still wiped the side of her mouth.

He studied Kyle as he did the last stretch, and said, "So that\'s the guy, huh? The one who thinks he\'s all that?"

Cathy snorted, "He IS all that. Dad was just too angry about his ego being bruised to realise that."

Ken looked at Cathy in surprise, "You sure rate him high. Is he really that great?"

"Better than great," she replied.

"Or is it just because he\'s handsome and ripped?" Ken teased.

"That\'s just the bonus," Cathy stated, "You didn\'t see him climb that day. It was pure poetry. The rescue wasn\'t a fluke either."

"Yeah, yeah," Ken said, dismissing her evaluation, "You\'re just blinded by that pretty face of his. Let me show you how it\'s done. Anyway, it\'s obvious you have no chance with him. Look at his girlfriend ... and look at you."

He walked off, determined to prove to Cathy that he was better than Kyle. He had been trying to woo her for the past few months but had not been successful. Now comes this pretty boy and he steals all of her attention. She had never looked at him like that!

He flexed his muscles. No way was he going to lose.

Cathy, in the meantime, had an ugly look on her face.

<Stupid Ken>, she thought to herself. She had no designs on Kyle at all. She was simply an appreciator of beauty and grace. Her computer and phone were filled with pictures of guys she considered hot. Ken used to be one of them until he started with all his nonsense.

She didn\'t know what was wrong with him. When he found out about her album, he acted weird. Since then, he would give her all these jibes. She knew she could not match up to that girl with Kyle but what has that got to do with anything?

Cathy concentrated on Kyle instead, started feeling happy, then wiped the side of her mouth again.


Once everyone was gathered, Cole called Kyle over and introduced them. There were five of them, including Cole. There were the twins, Rylen and Rxel who were specialised in speed climbing (junior and senior category), Ken, for bouldering (junior category) and lastly, Cole was in lead climbing (senior category).

"Why is the minimum requirement five members?" Kyle asked curiously. From the looks of it, didn\'t they have enough people to participate?

"There\'s the individual competition and the team competition," Cole explained, "Each team must participate in each category for each competition: the junior category and the senior category. The two that left were supposed to be the senior for bouldering and junior for lead climbing."

Kyle nodded in understanding. So he was to expected compete in two categories, replacing the two that had left.

"Actually, I should do the senior category for bouldering," Ken spoke up.

"Ken, we\'ve talked about this already," Cole said but Ken was unconvinced.

"Look, I\'ve been training for years while this guy?" Ken said with a scoff, "We\'ve seen him save that kid so we know he can do it but I don\'t believe he\'s good enough for the senior category. If I win, then I take the senior category spot."

"Fine by me," Kyle replied with a shrug.

"Great," Ken said with a huge grin.

"We will start off with the speed climbing. Rylen and Rxel, you guys decide who will compete with Kyle", directed Cole. The twins nodded and without a word, Rylen stepped forward.

Cole led them to the special wall that had already been set up for speed climbing. For this part of the competition, the height and handholds are already pre-determined and set. In other words, there is a specific route and layout of the wall. Any reputable gym would have it already set up in their place so that one could train.

Since the focus was on speed rather than technique, it only made sense that there was no \'surprise\' to the route itself. The twins had been training here quite often and is very familiar with the routes that are to be used.

Kyle took a step back and looked at the wall and studied it thoroughly.

There were two lanes, side by side, which would mean that both he and Rylen would be fighting against each other at the same time. He took note of the holds and right at the top, he could see a black panel in the middle of each lane and a timer at the top side of each lane.

It was a top roping climb, which meant that the climber is securely attached to a rope which is vertical to the wall all the way to the top. The rope is anchored at the top whereas there is a belayer at the bottom of the wall, that controls the slack in the rope throughout the climb.

This means that the belayer will ensure that the rope is not too taut that it restricts the climber\'s movements yet if the climber falls, the said climber would only fall for a little while before the anchor takes hold.

[Kay, have you got the data yet?]

[New one this year, brother. It\'s 5.48 seconds. It was 5.6 seconds the last three years before that.]

[Thanks, Kay]

"Do you mind if I ask what\'s your record, Rylen?" Kyle asked with a smile.

"6 seconds," Rylen answered.

"Not bad," Kyle praised. It really wasn\'t, especially when one considered that the record was 5.6 seconds before this. That meant that Rylen was above average.

[I just need to beat Rylen for this round. Count the seconds and half seconds, Kay, so that I am not too fast]

[Got it]

Kyle took the climbing harness to wear. There were two parts to the harness: a waistbelt and the leg loops. Kyle slipped each leg into the loop and adjusted it accordingly. It basically fit right under each butt cheek, which meant that the shape of his butt became much more pronounced.

Cathy was grinning stupidly as she continuously took close-up pictures of that rounded perfection.

Kyle then clipped the waistbelt over his hips and made sure that it fitted snugly. Cole, who was Kyle\'s belayer, made sure that the harness was buckled properly before threading the rope into it. After making sure everything was fine, Cole stepped back.

"We don\'t have the green light to indicate start, but Ken will blow the whistle to start and at the same time, begin the timer on the wall. The objective is to reach the top in the fastest time possible and you need to tap the panel at the top of your lane," explained Cole.

"You\'re okay to start?" asked Rylen. He didn\'t mind if Kyle took longer to study the wall and decide on his footholds. After all, Kyle had not gone through this climb before and Rylen had an advantage.

Kyle smiled at him, cricked his neck and flicked his wrists a few times to loosen up the last few joints, then said, "Sure. Anytime."

Rylen took the left while Kyle took the right and they got into position. Each placed two hands on the first hold, one leg on one hold and the other on the ground.

Then they waited for the signal.

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