New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 218 - Goodbye (III)

They even wished they had popcorn as it looked like the best part was coming.

The boy, Kyle, did not look happy at all.

?? ??

The Detective in charge of the case was simply sitting in a rather obscure place, was keeping quiet watching silently. The rest of the police officers were basically following his lead.

Detective Chance studied the three people who were the lead \'actors\' in the drama that was unfolding. He was known to be one that liked to take chances, just like his name. He went by gut instinct, by acting on things that didn\'t make sense and most of the time, it paid off.

Right now, there was something that bothered him but he couldn\'t quite put his finger on it. Nothing seemed out of place, and even the death appeared like a normal heart-attack. Though the victim was relatively young, heart attacks were not uncommon anymore.

Even elite athletes like professional footballers were not spared. People as young as 30 were also known to have suffered cardiac arrest. So it was not strange for a man like Richard, who was known to be a workaholic, to have succumbed to it despite there not be any signs beforehand.

The room that Richard was in was also in \'pristine\' condition - there were no signs of any break-ins. The forensic officers that swept the area didn\'t find anything suspicious. There were a lot of fingerprints, but it\'s a bedroom. Until the results came out, everything was ordinary.

A workaholic man having a heart attack and dying in his sleep.

So why did Chance feel agitated?

When he questioned the staff around, the only thing that seemed out of place was this Kyle Smith.

What he could gather from the hour of questioning was that Richard was a fearful existence that no one wanted to talk about, Samantha was a spoilt princess that went through men like butter ... until the young actor Kyle Smith came into the picture.

Every staff member loved him. They would gush about how nice he was, how polite he was, how he made the spoilt princess smile now ... all sorts of things.

When a guy was too good to be true, it meant that he was too good to be true.

That is what his instinct was screaming at him. That there was something more to \'Kyle Smith\' than meet the eye.

As Chance watched the young man in question, that feeling intensified but what made it frustrating was the fact that what he was seeing did not match what he was feeling. All he saw was a very strikingly handsome and caring young man, being all agitated and such seeing - who Chance presumed was his loved one - crying yet unable to help comfort her.

Chance could see the conflicting emotions going through that young man\'s face and from the body language that he was emitting. It was raw emotion there. All legitimate expressions, as expected from one in that position.

So why did he feel it was all wrong?

Chance clenched his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows in fierce concentration. He continued to observe intently.

?? ??

Under Derek\'s stern gaze and harsh tone, Samantha snapped out of it. She covered her face with her handkerchief, taking several deep breaths and got her crying under control. Finally putting down her hands, she gave a weak smile and nodded.

"Yes, I am sorry Uncle Derek," she said, while straightening her back and trying to look much more dignified, "It won\'t happen again."

She turned to look at Kyle in apology.

"I\'m sorry that I\'m such a mess," she said when Kyle sidestepped Derek and went in front of her again.

"You\'re not a mess," Kyle replied, "You\'re always beautiful. Even with snot coming out of your nose and your eyes are as red and puffy like

Samantha laughed weakly, hitting Kyle on the shoulder.

"Silly," she said under her breath, her heart in pain again as she thought of what she had to do later. However, seeing him now, so pure and so caring, only strengthened her resolve further. Unknowingly, before she could stop herself, her hand reached out and cupped his cheek. He closed his eyes for a second, and put his hand over hers, then opened his eyes as he smiled lovingly at her.

"I really do love you, Kyle," she whispered, only for his ears.

Kyle\'s face softened up at that, and his eyes radiated with tenderness and love as he replied equally softly, "Me too, Samantha."

Someone cleared their throat behind Kyle and the two broke apart, seemingly a bit embarrassed for only realising that they had an audience to their public display of affection. Kyle got up, and turned to face the person who had intruded on their moment.

"Detective Chance," the guy introduced himself, flashing his badge, "I understand that you\'re Ms. Greene\'s boyfriend?"

Kyle hesitated and turned to look at Samantha. She looked surprised as well, so he surmised that she had not told the detective.

Kyle already knew that there was someone he had to be cautious about, for he noticed that no one came to talk to him since he came. He could easily guess that he was being observed, and watched.

Kyle was sure he didn\'t leave any evidence behind that could lead them to him but he was never one to take things for granted. So he was on high alert.

"Oh come on," Detective Chance said as he watched the two of them giving silent signals to each other, "Anyone could tell from the way you were acting earlier. Please don\'t insult my intelligence."

Kyle slowly nodded, agreeing.

"And I gather that your relationship wasn\'t approved by Samantha\'s father?" he continued asking.

"If it wasn\'t approved, how could I stay in the Mansion all this time?" Kyle asked back.

Detective Chance raised an eyebrow then asked, "So why aren\'t you going out publically? You\'ve been here in the Mansion for quite some time but no one knew that you guys were together."

"Please, Detective," Kyle said with a small smirk, "I\'m 14, she\'s 18. Did you think an over-protective father who is well aware of Samantha\'s reputation with men, would want anyone to know?"

"And you weren\'t angry at that? Having to hide your relationship?" he pressed on.

"Why should I be angry?" Kyle asked back, tilting his head to the side as he looked at Detective Chance in confusion.

"Because you cannot show your affection in public? You have to do it behind closed doors?" Detective Chance pressed on. How could a hot-blooded young man not want to show off his mature and undeniably attractive girlfriend to others?

"What has the public got to do with anything?" Kyle asked back, "I seriously don\'t understand your question, Detective. Why do I need to show my affection in public? Do I need their approval? The only one who I need approval from was her father. So?"

Detective Chance gritted his teeth, unable to counter that. He continued to ask a few more questions, which were all the more mundane and basic things like where he was at the time of the homicide, who he was in contact with while he was here and so forth.

Kyle even took out his phone and tossed it to him, "Here. Go knock yourself out. I expect it back within a day. Your CSI team should be done by then, right?"

Detective Chance gripped the phone, and gave it to his officer.

"So am I now not a suspect?" Kyle asked him.

Now it was Detective Chance\'s turn to be surprised. Kyle noted the look and he rolled his eyes at him, "Please, don\'t insult my intelligence. For you to keep asking me such questions, it\'s quite obvious that you think I\'m involved somehow. Seriously, am flattered you\'d think I am capable of such a feat."

Detective Chance couldn\'t tell if Kyle was serious or not and he simply turned and left while telling the officer who he gave the phone to, "Make sure they go through everything with a fine tooth comb!!"

?? ??

Samatha couldn\'t look at Kyle in the eyes. She held his hands tight, looking at them as she said, "Kyle. Let\'s break up."

"What?! Why?!" Kyle asked in agitation, "Was it something I did? Or not do?"

Samantha and Kyle were alone in the living room now, with all the police in other parts of the house and the help were leaving them alone. Derek had also left, while giving her a look to let her know what she had to do.

They were sitting on the sofa, facing each other. Kyle started to get up to go to her when she put up her hands to stop him.

He sat back down.

"No, you didn\'t do anything wrong," Samantha assured him, as she bit her bottom lips, "It\'s just that ... I am moving. I\'ll be living with my uncle from now on."

"So?" Kyle asked, trying to look at her face.

"I don\'t believe in long-distance relationships," Samantha said clearly, though her voice was shaking a bit, "And you\'re still young, Kyle. You\'ll meet lots of people, lots of girls over here. I\'ll also be meeting lots of guys. It ... it just wouldn\'t work out."

Kyle was quiet and Samantha didn\'t say a word either.

Then, she heard him sigh.

"Fine. I get it," Kyle said, his face grim, "You\'re right."

Though he was merely agreeing to what she, herself, had said, to have him agree so quickly without fighting more made her rather sad inside. Still, she was also relieved that he didn\'t argue.

She was feeling rather upset now, though she knew this was the best outcome.

She mentally scoffed at herself. She was being so contradictory but she couldn\'t help it. Her mind and her heart were not in sync. She said those words to push him away but she wanted him to reject them. She didn\'t want him to argue, yet, she didn\'t like it that he let go so easily.

How could he?!

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