New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 850 - Take Responsibility

Chapter 850 - Take Responsibility

Gareth sat in his hotel room, drumming his fingers on the table.

Things were not good.

Not good indeed.

He thought it was just a passing fancy.

Something that caught his interest for the day.

That, he would soon forget all about that handsome, charismatic young man the other day.

He was just good eye-candy.

That he had fun with.

Gareth started rubbing his head vigorously, totally messing up his normally immaculately styled hair.

This could *not* be happening.

He liked girls, damnit.


Though he did find certain type of guys interesting … but it was just that!

Simple interest.

You know, like buddy-buddy, comrade, drinking friend - that sort of thing.

Gareth gritted his teeth and started gnashing them.

But why did it feel like this Lance person was more than that? More than just a simple interest?

Why hasn\'t he been able to get this Lance person out of his system yet?

Why …

Why did he often think of him?

Dream of him?

Gareth got up agitatedly and started pacing in his hotel room.

Maybe it was because Lance looked so alone? That it tugged at his heartstrings? That he, Gareth, was just a softie and started imagining such a sad story behind Lance that he just couldn\'t let go?

Maybe it was all in his imagination?

Maybe he needs to meet up with Lance just one more time to make sure?

See what is it about the guy that made him feel so … so protective?

Garethe felt his heart ache each time he thought of those eyes. How his face smiled but his eyes held such deep sadness that Gareth couldn\'t help but want to take him into his arms and hold him tight.

Like, he wanted to protect him from all the pain in the world and take care of him, never let him have that sort of expression again …


Gareth shook his head.

He was like this just because he hadn\'t had a woman for so long.

Ever since his break-up with his childhood sweetheart a few years ago, Gareth found that his heart seemed to have died in some way.

It wasn\'t that he was so hung-up over her, but he just found that no woman had ever sparked any interest in him whatsoever. He went on many dates, he had seen many women and he even had some great one-night stands.

But, that\'s all it was.

Nothing moved him.

No one attracted him.

And the first person that stirred his heart, was a guy???

It wasn\'t that he was homophobic but … it was just that … he never thought he would be attracted to a guy.

Gareth clenched his fists.

Perhaps, he really DID need to meet up with Lance one final time before he went back. In fact, he should have been back days ago but for some reason, he just lingered about.

The fact that he would drop by the cafe often was not because he was hoping to bump into Lance again - it was just that he liked the cakes there. The coffee was good, too.

But Lance never did stop by again.

Gareth didn\'t even have his number.

He didn\'t take it because it would have been strange for him to ask and Gareth honestly thought he wouldn\'t be interested in actually keeping in touch.

Oh, how wrong he was.

He regretted it.

He regretted it so much.

Taking a deep breath and leaning his forehead on the window, Gareth looked dejectedly at the people walking below. They looked so small, like ants, bustling about.


He\'ll go to the cafe again tomorrow.

If they don\'t bump into each other again, then it wasn\'t meant to be. He\'ll give up and go home.

All of this nonsense in his head was just him being someone who couldn\'t stand seeing another person in pain.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Gareth stared at his cup of coffee, which had long gone cold, his heart heavy.

He looked outside the large bay windows and sighed for the umpteenth time.

He then looked around in the cafe, putting it into his memory. He was sitting at the same table where he had met Lance for the first time, on the same seat Lance had been sitting.

Right now, Gareth felt he couldn\'t deny what he was feeling any longer.

The thought of never seeing Lance again gave him such a sense of loss that it finally made him open his eyes to what he was truly feeling.

He, the great Gareth Hades, had fallen in love with a complete stranger.

Love at first sight.

What utter nonsense.

Love at first sight with a guy.

Even more nonsense.

Gareth gripped the cup tightly, his throat constricting and his heart breaking.

Having a heartbreak over a guy that he wasn\'t even in a relationship with.

The most ridiculous nonsense of all.

Gareth got up abruptly, nearly causing the chair he was on to fall. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He smoothened his suit, pushed the chair back into position, placed several bills under the coffee cup, and resolutely walked out.

\'Goodbye, Lance\' Gareth thought to himself.

The moment he passed through the door, he froze.

It was Lance.

Without thinking, Gareth grabbed Lance\'s hand and pulled him along with him.

Lance, who was still in a state of shock, allowed himself to be pulled by Gareth. They had gone quite a distance before Lance finally pulled himself together and stopped. But Gareth didn\'t stop and continued pulling, his pace getting quicker.

"Gareth!" Lance shouted out in exasperation, his feet stumbling as he tried to keep up. What was wrong with this dude?!

Gareth finally stopped, but he didn\'t look at Lance, his body facing forward.

Lance tried to get his hand out of Gareth\'s grip but Gareth only held him tighter.

"Gareth, what the hell is going on?!" Lance shouted, getting angry at this point.

Lance was utterly confused over what was going on. He had had a good impression of Gareth the first time they met but right now, he was acting like some lunatic.

Yet, he had not been angry at first when Gareth started pulling him because he had seen that look of surprise, followed by happiness then quickly by confusion?

Lance felt Gareth had some sort of issue and wanted to talk somewhere private, so even though this was the second time they met, Lance didn\'t feel any danger.

But now, he was getting rather annoyed.

Just pulling him along like he was some dog? Without a word? Without a hi? What?

What was wrong with him?

However, the further words of rebuke died in his throat when Gareth turned to face him. There was this sort of anguish in his eyes and some sort of internal struggle in his tense body.

Immediately, Lance got worried.

"Gareth, what\'s wrong?" he asked, his voice softer.

"Lance, I\'m sorry," Gareth said as he got closer.

"For what?" Lance asked, perplexed.

"For this," Gareth said.

He pulled Lance closer, and grabbed the back of his neck, placing his lips on his.

Once again, Lance froze.



What was happening?!

Lance\'s eyes were wide open as Gareth was kissing him, and he just stood there, dumbfoundedly as his gaze landed on Gareth\'s face.

Or rather, just his eyes. That was closed. He had such thick, long eyelashes ..

Lance felt Gareth giving him some light kisses at first, as if he was scared. Or testing him. First, it was just a peck then more light kisses. Soon, it became much more firmer but still gentle as Gareth moved his lips gingerly over Lance\'s.

Lance found himself softening … and melting …

Even though Gareth held his head tightly so that he couldn\'t move (not that he was really trying to escape), he was gentle. Kind.

Lance slowly closed his eyes and found himself returning the kisses, which made Gareth bolder. He s.u.c.k.e.d, licked, and bit on Lance\'s lips, and Lance did the same. Their kisses became more heated and Lance leaned closer to Gareth\'s firm c.h.e.s.t.

Gareth found that he couldn\'t get enough of these lips.

Seeing Lance right after he realised his feelings, made him lose his mind. He had wanted to take Lance away with him, to a more secluded spot, so that they could talk. But he couldn\'t see a spot.

Then he decided to take him back to the hotel room.

Just to talk.

But when he turned to look at Lance, he just lost it.

He needed to know.

And now, he knew.

This felt right.

Gareth slipped his tongue in and soon forgot about everything else and anyone else. All that mattered was that this man, in his arms, was what he wanted.

When they finally broke the kiss, Gareth leaned his forehead on Lance, both breathing hard.

He said, "Now take responsibility for making me fall in love with you."

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