Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

Chapter 338 - Side Story: Angelina and Stephen

Chapter 338 - Side Story: Angelina and Stephen

Stephen had managed all sorts of celebrity scandals and fought with paparazzi and reporters to get his agenda to the crowd. He had even jumped off buildings and planes in his quest to find the greatest rush on the planet. But right at that time, he was scared out of his mind.

He had no choice, though. He had put off the plan for as long as it was humanly possible. If he didn\'t do it this weekend, he would bang his head against a rock until he had brain damage. Thank God Cage had lied through his teeth to convince Angelina to go with Stephen. The help was all he needed to shake from head to toe in fright.

After all the years of service, he had provided Cage, that was the least he could do.

Angelina\'s parents weren\'t interested in her life particularly, so he didn\'t need to take their permission to marry their daughter. He had considered doing it, but Angelina would be pissed. She would also face trouble from her parents, so Stephen chucked that idea out.

It was really sad that Angelina\'s parents didn\'t want to be part of her life. Didn\'t they know what an amazing and talented daughter they had?

And what was so bad about marrying him? Most families would stumble over their feet to make a connection to him. His mother was a respectable woman who ran her own business. He was well respected in the industry and had a clean reputation. He also earned a good amount of money every month. Just because he was in the entertainment industry, Angelina\'s parents would give her a hard time.

All being said, he needed Cage\'s help so that he could propose the next day. He could do this.

- - -

"This is the stupidest idea ever," Cage grumbled as he dragged sacks of sand from Stephen\'s truck.

"Don\'t hate on my idea. It\'s not stupid. You used your hospitalization to soften Katherine\'s heart. I don\'t have that luxury, so I need to do something amazing that no one could ever think about. It\'s the novelty that will make her say yes." Stephen glared at Cage.

Cage had a goofy smile on his face every time someone mentioned his life and their proposal. For single people, it was hell. They showed off to their near and dear people too much.

The plan was to bring two cars over so that they had enough bags to spell out the \'Marry Me, Angel\' on the field. Post that, Stephen had pled with his friend to take his plan to a ride and drop Stephen and Angelina over the designated spot. She would see the words when she looked down and the experience would never be replicated by anyone ever again.

"Have you considered that she would say yes if you asked her in a normal fashion?" Cage argued. "Because she loves you?" He rolled his eyes.

"What\'s the fun in that? Katherine got the s.e.xiest man alive, Lily got her dream of a normal person but Angelina didn\'t get to show off! I\'ll fulfill this wish for her." Stephen puffed up his face.

"But why do I have to put in physical labor for this?" Cage whined.

"Because I helped plan your whole wedding, you asshole. Stop protesting or I will send a picture of your n.a.k.e.d butt to the media." The threat seemed to work.

"I didn\'t put in any physical labor in mine." And now he was regretting.

"Your loss that you had drips connected to you. You couldn\'t even enjoy some post-proposal s.e.x." Way to rub it in, Stephen.

"Help me finish so we can go back home to our girls, asshole."

That got Cage working faster than before. Threats to expose him were less effective than this. Stephen grunted something about using that trick from the beginning.

When they were done, they slumped against their cars. "Good luck for your proposal tomorrow. We\'ll be waiting for the call to come."

"You would require a bodyguard when Angelina realizes you duped her into sky diving," Stephen laughed.

"You\'d be responsible because I did it for you. If you do it right, Angelina won\'t remember the lie. If your proposal sucks, I\'ll hire someone." Smug bastard.

"Attacking me will be the first thing on her mind." Stephen wiggled his brows lewdly.

"Didn\'t want to know that! Just get engaged."

Stephen couldn\'t wait. His Angel would be officially his soon. Angelina Luther. That had a nice ring to it.

- - -

Stephen finally realized the meaning of fear when he was sitting across from Angelina in the little plane. She was glaring at him. Maybe he shouldn\'t have exposed Cage\'s lie so early into the game and waited for the revelations until she said yes to his proposal. Like a few decades later. While he was on his deathbed.

"It\'s going to be fun!" he promised, trying to muster up some enthusiasm in his voice.

Her eyes were shooting flames at him. Stephen considered himself a perverse man because he was terribly aroused. That shout of hers was what had attracted him in the first place.

Angelina had already pulled out her cellphone.

"What are you doing?" He was visibly nervous.

"Typing an email sending my condolences to your mother and Bella for the death of their son and husband respectively."

Stephen took the phone away from her and tossed it into her bag. She could use it later to send excited messages to everyone. Maybe when she was not so pissed.

The words that followed were dirty. She was cursing him for all he was worth and if not for his friend who was flying the plane, Stephen would have pulled her in for a kiss. And it could only lead to other things.

Which couldn\'t happen. His friend wasn\'t getting the privilege of watching Angelina ride him. And his proposal couldn\'t wait.

"Well, if you do kill me, remember to wear only black for the next five years."

Angelina scoffed. "That\'s the best of my years. I am a model. No way in hell I am mourning you for that long. I\'ll give it a couple of months tops."

"I\'m not dying, so you don\'t need to worry about that."

She took it as a challenge.

"We\'re almost there!" his friend called.

"Ready?" He was so excited. He wanted to put a ring on her finger midair but his mom and Cage had warned him about the ring dropping. That wouldn\'t do. He had even offered to put a mini parachute on it but again, his idea was protested again.

Losing an expensive ring would be too much.

She stood up and sighed. She was adjusting her pack when Stephen started to go over the plan again. Angelina batted his hand away. "I know how to do it. I\'m set, okay?"

Stephen chuckled. He\'d see if she wanted to kill him after she saw the proposal.

They got to the drop site and he watched Angelina standing in the doorframe looking like those women in action movies. Seriously, she even made the jumpsuit look s.e.xy.

"Hey, Angelina?" She turned to him with a nonchalant expression. "I love you."

The look in her eyes softened just a bit. "I love you, too." She jumped backward out of the plane without hesitation.

Stephen laughed as he leaped after her, spreading his arms and letting the wind whip him around. It stung just like Angelina. She was right below him and he could see the grin on her face as she fell freely.

Stephen felt a bubble of anxiety take place in his heart as the world below came into focus. She finally pulled the chord and the parachute emerged. He waited until he got even with her before pulling the chord and letting his fall slow. Quickly, he settled to hold her hand.

She took it without hesitation and they fell down together. It was nearly time. His heart pounded in anticipation. She\'d say yes, right?

He could finally see the field and he could sort of see the message but it hadn\'t come into focus yet. Just a few more seconds. When he looked at her, he saw her head tilted upwards, seemingly enjoying herself.

He could finally see it. He tugged on her hand. She glanced his way instinctively. The moment had finally come. He pointed towards the ground and she followed his gaze. Her hand pulled out of his and she pressed it against her mouth.

For a second, he was sure that she was going to get sick. He panicked and shouted her name only to see her nod.

Did that mean yes? Before he could be sure, they were already near the ground. He tried to land on his feet but his momentum had pitched him forward, right into the ground. He didn\'t care. He yanked at the parachute, trying to get it off me, and run to Angelina.

It was taking too long. He got up on his feet and dragged it along with him as he fumbled. Finally, he was free from it. He pulled the ring out of his pocket.

"Did you say yes?"

"Of course I said yes, you douche. This is why you kept begging me to skydive? Why didn\'t you just propose like a normal person?" She shook her head in disbelief.

"Because you\'re not just a normal person to me, Angel." He dropped down on one knee and opened the box in anticipation.

"What happened to not being normal?" she smiled.

He grinned. It was the best day of his life. "You\'re the most beautiful woman on the planet. The only one who can sway my heart. You\'re my family and I want nothing more than to be yours. So, will you marry me?"

"I\'m going to cry!" she whined. "Damn you. Yes, I will marry you."

Complete with name-calling, it was the best proposal she could have.

"I need to call Katherine and rub the proposal in her face. And my parents. Damn, they are going to be so offended." She snickered in glee.

Stephen shook his head. Of course, she would use it to spite everyone. This was the woman he loved. He shrugged and went along with her plan. Time to let the world know Angelina was his fiance.

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