Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Chapter 64: Malfunctioned Twins

Chapter 64: Malfunctioned Twins

You\'re back!" Miriam and Miria quickly opened the wooden door and allowed everyone to come in.

"Humph… You really are an acquaintance of Satella, huh?" Miria said as she pouted her lips towards Zhang Qin Feng. From her reaction alone, it seems she wasn\'t too happy about it.

"Miria, behave properly. He\'s the boss of this base." Satella gave her head a knock from the back and warned her to mind her attitude.

"Feng, please don\'t get angry at them," said Satella. And based on the way she speaks, it seems that there are still words behind her lips. It was struggling in her mind as she considered bringing them out or not.

"Let\'s get back to the penthouse first. We\'ll talk when we\'re up there." Zhang Qin Feng responded.

Satella following him first. Miriam, Miria, and Marvin then tag along as they climb the stairs to the top floor.

"Is there something to heat our food conveniently inside the kitchen?" asked Zhang Qin Feng. His stomach was growling after all the fighting, shooting, and stairs climbing. And after getting so much done through a morning, he won\'t tolerate it by having a cold food to reward himself.

"Yes. There\'s a Meal-Processor set on one of the kitchen\'s pillar shelves. We can heat up our food and water there." she answered. But again, her facial expression shows a hint of worry behind her reply.

Feeling that there\'s something to talk about between the two, Zhang Qin Feng turned his attention to Marvin.

"Marvin. Take this and get the food ready before we get into the penthouse. I have something to talk about with Satella meantime. Miriam and Miria, go and help." Zhang Qin Feng tossed a few packets of instant noodles and bottled water to Marvin. Holding Satella\'s arm with another hand, he pulled her into one of the much better units and slammed the door shut.

"This guy… I\'m sure he\'s going to do all the bad things to Satella. We should get ready some injuries plaster and blood stopping spray in case Satella crawled out from the room after she was tortured." Miria said.

"Why would the boss torture her? I think you\'re wrong…" Miriam interrupted. In her opinion, Zhang Qin Feng looked like one of the proper guys they met back in the survivor camps they left.

"Do you think there are still good guys in this world? After this guy learned about it, we will be another target for them to vent their lust." Miria sounded very protective as she pointed her gun at Marvin, who had his hand full of food and water.

"EEK! Why are you pointing your gun at me?" Marvin trembled.

"Tell me, what happened? This is not like you." Zhang Qin Feng pulled a bottle of soda out from his bag and gave it to this lady seated beside him. Unexpectedly, they\'re sat on a sofa and not on the bed in the next room.

"There\'s some problem here and there. I might need you to help to solve it because I couldn\'t do much." Satella whispered as her head was lowered to the point all she can see is her own legs.

"Hey… Look up here. I\'m not leaning on your thigh. I\'m seated beside you, so look at me when you speak." Zhang Qin Feng pinched Satella\'s chin gently as he moves her head to face him. Speaking out as sweet and gentle as he could, he convinced her that everything would be fine.

[The system noticed a spike in the Pheremone level for the individual name "Satella." Suggesting that the user prepare your mood to "bed" her if this situation continued]

\'I\'m not blind, Stein. You don\'t need to remind me that she might be horny or something…\' Zhang Qin Feng smiled as he looks at Satella\'s teary eyes.

"I - I went to the nearby Survivor Camp earlier. But they\'re not selling the \'DLC\' Power Pack we needed to recharge our generator…" Satella brought up her first concern.

"Generator… Does that mean without the Power Pack you mentioned, it will be impossible for us to power the building or the penthouse we\'re living in?" Zhang Qin Feng asked. He felt embarrassed as he forgets that energy supply was another issue he has to worry about.

Because he had yet to experience the nightlife here, he appeared clueless, especially how the survivors kept themselves alive after the sun left.

\'Stein, is there a way we can solve this on our own?\' Zhang Qin Feng secretly asked the system while patting Satella\'s hair after listening to what she just said. To hide the possible hint that he seems a little off, Zhang Qin Feng put a smile on his face.

It was a great move.

[The Charge Storage Unit may transfer some of its power supply to the generator. But the system would have to make sure that the connector remained the same]

Stein replied.

"We\'ll take a look at the generator. Perhaps I can do something about it. What else in your mind? Is it about Miriam and Miria?" Zhang Qin Feng responds to her after listening to Stein\'s reply.

"It would be best if you can solve it without us begging for help from the Survivor\'s Camp. Their situation doesn\'t look as good as before." Satella said. Not knowing what made her behaves this way, she hugged Zhang Qin Feng like it was natural between them.

"And about Miriam and Miria, I hope you can forgive them if their words seem to be harsh or weird sometimes… From what they know, the Population Shelter that cloned them ended with a mistake, resulting in that twins was born."

"Due to this malfunction, they ended up in a shorter stick and were thrown before reaching their maturity age. You don\'t have to worry as the two were talented individuals. But Miriam is timider, while Miria is more reckless."

After bringing up this concern, Satella seems to be much more comfortable around Zhang Qin Feng\'s side.

Whether accepting the girls or not, it will be up to Zhang Qin Feng to decide.

"That won\'t be a problem. By the way, you mentioned that they\'re talented individuals… What they\'re good at?" Zhang Qin Feng asked as the two of them slowly undress each other due to the mood.

"Oh… Did I not mention it?"

"They\'re both skillful in creating explosives."

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