Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Chapter 315: First Part - Battle Royale (3)

Chapter 315: First Part - Battle Royale (3)

"Feng, can you tell me why are we coming here?" Satella couldn\'t help but feel curious about Zhang Qin Feng\'s sudden decision. She had a feeling that Zhang Qin Feng was a little too capable when it came to fighting against mankind.

It was like he had already predicted what would happen next before it turned out, just like in regards to the two smaller bases that were attacked earlier.

"Before we departed, I\'ve purposely checked the geographical map. Based on the police station\'s location and their rough location, I\'m able to guess where they\'re going to come." Zhang Qin Feng answered.

"Furthermore, from what we\'ve seen them doing inside the police station, I\'m sure there are more people on their way here. But I\'m not sure which group of people is supposed to be here."

"If I have to guess, it\'s likely the people related to building a temporary base." Zhang Qin Feng continued with how he came up with the idea of coming over here in a hurry.

"Then… Is this passage is crucial to their plan?" Satella asked as she pointed at this short tunnel that drilled through a mountain chain that acts as a natural barricade. It wasn\'t a long tunnel, but the distance between the two entry points is still about 600-700meters.

"It might not affect their plan too much, but having access through this passageway would hasten their takeover and fortification by at least 50%. This is why I must do something before the Jewel-Heads take advantage of this." Zhang Qin Feng added.

"What are you planning to do, then?" Satella asked.

Her question was unanswered. But that was not because Zhang Qin Feng had no idea how to reply to her.

He\'s currently busy operating the Luna Device\'s sensor to its maximum scanning capacity. After fifteen minutes or so, the reading finally came back. And the number of outsiders coming from the direction of Nephrite City is quite large.

Furthermore, there\'s a hint of distortion amongst the signal. This outcome worries Zhang Qin Feng as such a distortion never happened before.

"I will rig this tunnel with traps and blew it when their vanguards almost make it out from here. And I\'m sure they\'ll be using this tunnel, so let us get to work right now." Zhang Qin Feng waved his hand and took out many explosives manufactured to be added into the Decimator\'s Warhead.

As there\'s no dynamite concept in use here, the warhead\'s explosive pack is the closest one to bring out the effect he wanted. Thinking about this made Zhang Qin Feng drop a note in his mind as a reminder to request this item from Victor and the twins when he got back.

Ignoring what might have contributed to the reading\'s distortion, Zhang Qin Feng quickly set the trap up and waited for their arrival. As he can keep track of their movement using the scanner function from the Luna Device, Zhang Qin Feng and Satella hide in a moderately tall building.

About half an hour later, the explosion chain was triggered by the remote on Zhang Qin Feng\'s hand. But unfortunately, the result he was aiming for did not happen. Although the explosion managed to take down several vehicles and readings, the number of casualties was lesser than his expectation.

It seems that his opponent possessed some technology capable of blocking accurate reading from sensor devices, such as the Luna Sensor on his wrist.

But it still took down quite some enemies from that explosion. Furthermore, the tunnel is now blocked, and their shortest passage to the police station would be close to 90 minutes detour.

And to his surprise, the leading vehicle was actually an Armored Personnel Vehicle.

"Fuck!" Zhang Qin Feng couldn\'t help but cursed when this truck forcefully came out from the tunnel. Although it didn\'t do anything to the blocked tunnel, having close to twenty soldiers coming out from the tunnel still made Zhang Qin Feng nervous.

From the size and plating of this vehicle, a mere weapon like his Thunderbolt Mk-II Rifle won\'t damage it. Even if it did, the people seated inside are likely fully armored personnel.

"Satella! Fire at will." Zhang Qin Feng ordered.

His instruction made Satella pulled the trigger after she had a proper aim at the vehicle.


The deafening shot from the Lunacy Anti-Materiel Rifle went straight to the vehicle and created a hole on both sides. Although this robust vehicle can withstand explosives, it was not durable to the point of resisting a bullet from the Lunacy Rifle.


Satella fired the second and third shots without rest. This time, the vehicle no longer continued to move as bloody screams and dripping blood were noticeable from the bullet\'s entry point.

The soldiers within the APV soon charged out from the four side entrances that opened simultaneously. The moment they scattered, each of them was smart enough to look for a guarding point to lay low and search for the sniper\'s position.

Evidently, they overlook the possibility Satella might have two snipers in her hand. The Raven Sniper Rifle quickly replaced the Lunacy in her hand. She confidently pulled the trigger after aiming at one of the targets.


The shot was softer this time, but it was still deadly enough to blew a soldier\'s brain apart as it instilled fear into their minds. But to his surprise, none of the soldiers panicked and tried to escape.

Instead, they were trying to search for the sniper\'s position using the way their teammate died.

Their professionalism made Zhang Qin Feng feel that these people were more like professional soldiers than those positioned inside the police station.

"Wait…" Zhang Qin Feng\'s good impression of their professionalism made him realized something wrong.

\'If those people in the police station are incomparable to the soldiers here, then how come those crack soldiers could destroy two of my squadrons so quickly?\' Zhang Qin Feng felt that there was something fishy going on right here.

"Alex! Shaun! Queenie! Answer me!" Zhang Qin Feng immediately connected his Luna Device to the three leading commanders.

"Yes, Boss." Shaun and Queenie immediately replied, but not Alex.

"Fuck!" Zhang Qin Feng cursed again.

"Satella, quickly get rid of these guys! I\'m afraid that something happened to Alex\'s side!" Zhang Qin Feng immediately climbs down using the stairs, leaving the remaining soldiers to Satella.

"Alex! Reply me, God-damn-it!" Zhang Qin Feng continued to try and get in touch with Alex.

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