Profane Prince of Domination

Chapter 498 Removing Hidden Dangers

Her groggy eyes soon regained their vigor, and as she recalled the past day and night’s events, a self-deprecating expression appeared on her face.

"Ultimately, I erred. What a terrible mistake..."

Rati sighed, but strangely, the words didn’t ring true in her mind. Though her better judgment convinced her that last night was the worst mistake of her life, her mind and body wholly disagreed. The numbing pleasure kept her lying on her side, while she could still feel the aftermath of all Konrad released in her holes, alongside all the hickeys on her neck and breasts.

Even as she lay there, her body craved more of Konrad’s touch, filling her mind with the images of him possessing her body and soul. Alas, as she rose from the bed and donned a magenta and gold dress, Rati was still determined to put an end to this uncontrollable relationship. Or well, at least give it a good try.

But in an unsurprising turn of event, by the time she reached Konrad to say the five words "Last night was a mistake," Rati found herself pressed against a wall, bent over while Konrad hammered her cunt from behind. With the game thoroughly lost, she could only repeat the mistake throughout another two hours of fiery lovemaking.

Afterward, Rati completed the arrangements for Daksha’s seclusion and announced a series of shocking changes to the entirety of the Sea Dream Temple. One of them being Konrad’s promotion to elder rank under his pseudonym of Rudra.


Meanwhile, within the Infernal Realm’s Northern Domain, Yvonne, Else, Gulistan and Krann sat across a jet-black table carved of infernal wood with the three State Protectors standing guard nearby. But while Krann kept his eyes shut close, the remaining three’s flickered with gravity.

"Gulistan, isn’t this too hasty?"

Yvonne inquired with a tone that spoke gravity. However, it was with firm determination that Gulistan faced her.

"Not one bit. Talroth must die. The sooner, the better."

Gulistan declared, speaking words that caused Yvonne’s spellbinding face to contort into a frown. Following Konrad’s epic battle with Heaven and Hell’s strongest, and the confrontation with Blood Nether, Gulistan gathered the four of them to speak those three words:

"Talroth must die."

It would be a lie to say Yvonne didn’t question her motives. But having now been together for more than two centuries, she could read in Gulistan’s eyes and tone an unprecedented urgency. In the meantime, just like Krann, Else remained silent.

"I know what you’re thinking. Coming from me, those words seem laced in personal hatred. And truth be told, the old goat’s death would not bring a tear from me. However, I have long since let go of my past resentment. Today, it is inconsequential."

Gulistan began, and indeed, Konrad’s rod and touch had wholly erased any spark of Talroth within her mind. If she now requested the Demon King’s execution, it was for Konrad’s sake.

"Although Konrad primarily sent us to wreak havoc within Hell and pit its ruling houses against one another, another reason for our presence was to gather more information and map out a flawless strategy for his absorption of Hell’s Will. Thanks to Krann’s Truth projection, the three of us witnessed the entirety of the battle, but more than that, we observed the various Demon Primogens and their reactions.

When even Dolgron and Ashara quivered, Talroth remained undisturbed. As if none of this stands beyond his expectations. Worse, he appeared satisfied. This got me thinking that perhaps, all along, I’ve been questioning the old goat’s motives in the wrong way. That maybe, we’ve been following his script from the very beginning."

Gulistan stressed that last part with profound gravity. And before she could carry on, Else chimed in.

"Before Konrad was born, Talroth wanted half-human children. Why?

For him, he prepared tools that could open the road to becoming an artificial Nephilim. Why?

For him, he imposed a contract that would force the Serkars into making Konrad a World God. And according to Konrad, he did the same to his other half-human scions. Why? What is the connection?

Half-humans are not true demons. Hell’s will cannot fully control them. Nephilims stand beyond all Realm Wills’ jurisdiction, and World Gods hold the potential to lord over an entire Realm. Though Konrad went far beyond all Talroth could imagine, I believe it is safe to say that on that road, he also accomplished all Talorth wanted. We now stand at the last chapter of his script which most likely targets...Hell’s Will.

Talroth wants to be free of Hell’s Will, and can only accomplish that feat through Konrad’s hands."

Else reasoned, pulling an approving nod from Gulistan.

"Now, there is nothing wrong with that. For an expert of Talroth’s caliber to want freedom from Hell’s control is something anyone can understand. With his talent, without Hell’s Will’s suppression, he would have long since become an Overgod. How can he accept remaining suppressed in such an absolute manner?

Using his progeny to free himself also seems reasonable. However, what happens after that? Would trade Hell’s control for Konrad’s? I don’t believe it."

Gulistan followed while both Yvonne and Else closed their eyes in deep thoughts.

"If he’s willing to see Konrad reach that altitude, then he must have the means or confidence to regain control once freed of Hell’s Will. That is unavoidable. Talroth will not live within anyone’s yoke. But we have no idea of what his hidden card is. Now that Konrad’s strength has risen to this level, the destruction of Hell’s Will nears.

To prevent hidden dangers, we must kill Talroth before that. Either crush him in body and soul or force him to reveal his hidden cards."

Gulistan declared while clenching her hand with determination. Right afterward, Else nodded in approval.

"I agree. We cannot wait for him to show his hand or we might not be able to counter it. Now is the time to strike."

Else approved. Yvonne, however, remained silent. And when her eyes open, they locked on Krann who didn’t speak a word throughout.

"You may speak true, but we cannot make a move without Konrad’s blessing. Krann, what do you think?"

Yvonne inquired. At the end of the day, the one with the best understanding of Konrad’s will was none other than Krann, his soul twin. Now that they weren’t by his side, only Krann could speak for him.

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