The God Virus

Volume 1 - 11 CONQUER!

Here’s my phone number : XXXXXXXXXXX

and this is my address: XXX , XXXXX , XXXXX , XX

P.S : I’ll wait for you call."

After reading it Virus checked the whole city and saw that she was in a taxi going towards her university.

After that he went to eat the breakfast which the golden beauty had already made for him as she was waiting for Virus to wake up.

As the golden beauty saw him enter she said with a smile on her face. "Good morning master, how did you sleep your first night yesterday? and did you complete your first goal?"

Looking at her Virus said with a mesmerizing smile on his face "Good morning lil beauty, well, last night was wonderful, and the first goal... ofcourse I completed it. What else would you expect of me?"

Hearing this she smiled bitterly inside but didn’t show it as she said "That’s good then... ."

"what do you wanna do next master?" she asked.

"About that, Call those four uglies over." Virus said.

"Ok master." and thirty minutes later after Virus had ate his first breakfast the four uglies were present in front of him as ordered.

"So how is everything going?" Virus said looking at the Island buying ugly. Even though Virus could know everything he wanted with just connecting to the whole world and other means in a second, he didn’t do that as he wanted to live like a normal person for now, as doing things this way would be much less boring than doing everything in less than a second and be done with it.

"It’s almost done, I’m buying The Aldabra atoll of Seychelles."The ugly in charge of buying an Island said.

"That’s good, after that build a facility there with an airport so commuting there would be easy, after that in the meantime don’t sit idle and start making the blueprints and tech guides I sent you, employ however much workers you need and more and use the material gathering workers too to gather the materials needed. Finish them all as quickly as possible in at most 2 months, it is possible to finish them in that amount of time if the workers are enough and you make use of the blueprints and the material I tell you to make and use, so don’t worry about the job being impossible as it’s not, just be discreet and careful like we do here so no one would be able to tell what we’re doing, also give the job of the security on island to one of the other four uglies, I’ll send you a blueprint for scanning too, which will tell you if anyone not allowed to enter, enters the Island or if anyone does anything other than what they’re supposed to it’ll tell immediately." Virus said explaining all the orders.

"Yes Master, I’ll try my best to complete everything in two months." the Island buying ugly said without any change in expression but inside he was thinking angrily. ’two monthsss? why don’t you let me finish it in two days or ... even.. two hours! as the time you’re giving me is TOOO much LONG don’t you think so master???’

Then looking at another one of the uglies Virus said "How is the job of making worker robots progressing?"

"It’s progressing great master, we’re using those worker robots to make even more worker robots and right now we have built around 80 worker robots but from now on the speed of making them will increase exponentialy every second as those worker robots increase and help in making more." one of the three uglies in charge of making the worker robots said.

"that’s great then, Remember to send those robots to the island later when you’ve made enough of them to help build the blueprints I want be built there, Also one of you should stop making those robots and instead turn this place into a company, name the company [Virus] and make my ID Aizen Vee the 100 percent and sole shareholder of the company, Let’s make me the richest man alive so everyone would move with just a word of mine." Virus said.

’Eventhough I’m not going to need money as I can gain access to more whenever I want, but as I’m starting to get interested in dominating and conquering the economic world I’ll do this, as it sounds kinda interesting, so let’s start the plan, I’m going the most filthy rich person in the world.’ Virus thought to himself.

It was then that one of the uglies who was selected among themselves came forward and said "Understood master, but what are we going to be selling at the company?"

"Are you going to be in charge of this matter?"Virus asked as that ugly said "Yes master."

"Great, Then you’re the CEO of the company in charge of everything" Virus said, and it was at this time the other two uglies regreted their decision deeply while the CEO ugly thought ’YESSS!’

’Let’s start with cellphones, as things like 1100 Nokia exists right now, let’s not go too much to the future as these monkeys won’t know it’s true worth if the ultimate thing came out suddenly, I’ll go forward step by step... so people truly feel the rapid progress and the true worth of this company as the future and authority of this planet.’ Virus thought.

’So first let’s just start with the near future’s phones first like Apple iPhone 4, Samsung Galaxy S II, Motorola Droid Bionic on Verizon, HTC EVO 3D, HTC ThunderBolt, and Sony Ericsson Xperia Play.’

’And then I’ll start giving out new series’ and progress it further as this monkeys’ surprise diminishes, just to surprise and shock them again.’

After thinking these things he said to THE now CEO ugly which asked the question of selling what. "We will start by selling Phones and then slowly go to other markets as well, I’ll send you some blueprints of more advanced than right now’s phones on the market their names are going to be Virus iPhone 1, Virus Galaxy S I, Virus Droid Bionic on Verizon, Virus EVO 3D, Virus ThunderBolt, and Virus Xperia Play."

"I’ll do as I’m ordered master." said that ugly in charge of the company.

"And the last free ugly among the remaining two uglies whose not going to be in charge of the security on the island should be in charge of the legal stuff for everything including the company’s matters or the island’s matters, everything. Hire the most powerful people in the legal branch, other than that, also continue to watch over the matter of making more worker robots." Virus continued.

"Yes master." one of the two uglies in charge said.

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